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Fantasy Zorro's Heroes: OOC



✧"a wondering mind."✧
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Feel free to ask questions, plan for already established connections with each other's OC, or just chat it up here.

Role-Play Information
Open Date: Monday, Dec 30th
CS Due Date: Sunday, Dec 29th
Last edited:
Notice: The lore page will be up momentarily, I'm just putting on final touches, etc. . .
I'll be editing "Avel" a bit before posting! I have a question though, am I still allowed to do that whole thing with the Myera House? Asking just in case since there are multiple of each type of human this time around. 🤔
I'll be editing "Avel" a bit before posting! I have a question though, am I still allowed to do that whole thing with the Myera House? Asking just in case since there are multiple of each type of human this time around. 🤔
Im sorry, im on my phone at the moment so its hard to read his chracter sheet. Sum up the Myera House concept for me again. But from the sounds of it if I recall, thats just a high noble house correct? Thats fine.
Im sorry, im on my phone at the moment so its hard to read his chracter sheet. Sum up the Myera House concept for me again. But from the sounds of it if I recall, thats just a high noble house correct? Thats fine.
Ahahaha...yeah, I'll be updating it with something that's easier to read on mobile ^ ^;;
Anyway yep, a high noble house whose members are almost always blessed by Myera. The gdocs version of his CS is here.
Ahahaha...yeah, I'll be updating it with something that's easier to read on mobile ^ ^;;
Anyway yep, a high noble house whose members are almost always blessed by Myera. The gdocs version of his CS is here.
My Angel character: Wait, I was also touched by Myera. I think I might be your long lost, uhhh, sister. Yes! So, brother, can you lend me a few hundred gold?

I think she's going to be some sort of a swindler.
Ahahaha...yeah, I'll be updating it with something that's easier to read on mobile ^ ^;;
Anyway yep, a high noble house whose members are almost always blessed by Myera. The gdocs version of his CS is here.
Perfectly fine and acceptable. Its similar to my OC, I love your character.
Perfectly fine and acceptable. Its similar to my OC, I love your character.
Last time the twins knew Kito back during their childhood days due to some alliance between the Myera House and Barren House? Iirc anyway. Will this be a thing in the reboot as well?

My Angel character: Wait, I was also touched by Myera. I think I might be your long lost, uhhh, sister. Yes! So, brother, can you lend me a few hundred gold?

I think she's going to be some sort of a swindler.
Bold of you to assume he gets a salary 👀
kidding kidding...or am I?
Last time the twins knew Kito back during their childhood days due to some alliance between the Myera House and Barren House? Iirc anyway. Will this be a thing in the reboot as well?

Bold of you to assume he gets a salary 👀
kidding kidding...or am I?
That'd be nice, they know each other from noble gatherings and what not? An alliance between the two houses for supplies and support?
That'd be nice, they know each other from noble gatherings and what not? An alliance between the two houses for supplies and support?
Yep. Most likely a cycle of lending manpower and supplies, perhaps even political support should the need arise. Though with Kito going off to the army then being busy building up her rep as a Slayer and the whole thing with Avel collecting evidence against Kayne and getting him disowned in order to claim the seat of head of the house, they likely haven't met in quite a long time. Unless you prefer otherwise?
Yep. Most likely a cycle of lending manpower and supplies, perhaps even political support should the need arise. Though with Kito going off to the army then being busy building up her rep as a Slayer and the whole thing with Avel collecting evidence against Kayne and getting him disowned in order to claim the seat of head of the house, they likely haven't met in quite a long time. Unless you prefer otherwise?
Nope, that connection sounds perfect~. I assume they'll possess no ill will towards one another? Would it be alright if Kito admired Kayne's power? Like, she's heard of his mastery of the Angel's light ability?
Will there be a lore section? I'm hoping for a better image of the setting before detailing my character. Mainly curious about the Gods themselves and the territories/regions!
Will there be a lore section? I'm hoping for a better image of the setting before detailing my character. Mainly curious about the Gods themselves and the territories/regions!
I'm making it right now. I can give you a quick sum up though.
The Gods are 100% real, they, for the most part, don't interfere with the actions of mortals, they simply bestow gifts onto them if they deem them, "worthy". The Gods are actually the embodiments of forms of energy. *more detail later*
In terms of territories/regions, I'm creating a simple map to show where things are laid. There are multiple kingdoms. Zorro "The Melting Pot", Gaia "The Green Land", " Iya "The Moutain Kingdom", Pesten the "Ten Island Kingdom" and Dessero the "Desolate Kingdom". Zorro is where the RP will dominantly take place. It's different from the other kingdoms in the sense that it has a variety of terrain, some dessert patches, plains, waterfalls, rivers, plenty of forests and woods, along with rocky and hilly sides. In addition, the kingdom of Zorro doesn't truly have a monarchy but rather a council. The council possesses five people called "Supremes", a person for each other kingdom. Zorro is called the "Melting Pot" for a reason. In addition, Zorro doesn't have a major deity to worship, in reality, all the Gods are worshipped. Hmm, the titles hint at what deity it worships ad the terrain. Gaia is abundant in forests, woods, lakes, and rivers. Let's see, it is home to primarily fae. Iya is the kingdom of angels, it's built on and around a gigantic mountain. Pesten is home to the Mers, etc. . .
Sorry LOL. Yes it did! While more information about the world is still coming, I can fill the rest in myself. Also I'm going to take the liberty to assume how the gods manifest varies between people and tales. Heavenchi Heavenchi
Nope, that connection sounds perfect~. I assume they'll possess no ill will towards one another? Would it be alright if Kito admired Kayne's power? Like, she's heard of his mastery of the Angel's light ability?
No ill will, granted that there's no reason to. And sure that's completely fine! Even without his birthright, Kayne was the top candidate for the successor due to his power and talent, and both Avel and Sette acknowledged this. They just didn't quite agree with his methods. "Avel" might get salty if Kito praises Kayne outright, but in the end it's just facts, so he won't comment much on it.
Sorry LOL. Yes it did! While more information about the world is still coming, I can fill the rest in myself. Also I'm going to take the liberty to assume how the gods manifest varies between people and tales. Heavenchi Heavenchi
Yup. Can't wait to see your character! Don't be afraid to ask more questions about Lore, I'm alllmmoosst finished~.
Actually can I be Sasori?
Using telekinesis to control a puppet? That'd be cool to see. Remember the material the puppets would be made out of and what not. So if a fireball hits one, and its made out of wood. . . Etc etc. ANYHOW, I'd love to see what you create.
Last time the twins knew Kito back during their childhood days due to some alliance between the Myera House and Barren House? Iirc anyway. Will this be a thing in the reboot as well?

Bold of you to assume he gets a salary 👀
kidding kidding...or am I?
You're poor here too? Smh
. D O V E . D O V E Nano Nano You Know Rebel You Know Rebel Ayama Ayama Yonsisac Yonsisac SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Hey guys! Does anyone have the intention of making their OC a High Noble? I know I am, as well as Nano Nano
Anyone else? If not I'll be finalizing the (seven) Houses of Zorro now. Of course, that doesn't include the (four) Tribal Heads of Dessero, The Divine Duo of Iya, the (three) Houses of Gaia, or the (four) noble houses within Pesten. This means, if you'd like your OC to originate from one of the other kingdoms and be from nobility, you're free to do so.

Background on High Nobles:
High Noble Families have been given the okay by the Supreme Council to create guilds. Those who join these guilds work and answer to the Head of each Family. Each guild is required to specialize in something. For example, the Eirwen House, owners of the Myera Guild specialize in merchants, military scouts, and informants. Due to this, the Eirwen family has a vast amount of political power within their grasp. Belonging to a family that owns a guild will allow your OC to have access to certain kinds of info, status, and possess powerful connections. In addition, I'll be integrating your OC's background into the lore. Though, if your OC is popular I'll still do so. For instance, Yonsisac Yonsisac 's OC inspired Adaki, the religious town in the North of Zorro which predominantly worships Ada. (I was thinking of putting a High Noble Estate within that town that owns a guild of Healers and Priests? Perhaps this is an organization Alum could belong to?) Anyhow, that's the sum-up of what a high noble is. OH, your OC's can be bastards of High Nobles, if you're planning on doing so, inform me. I'd like to make their Father/Mother canon. <3 Okay, phew, I think that's it. Good-morning by the way~.

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