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Fantasy Zorro's Heroes: OOC

Just to keep everyone informed, core lore is complete, all thats left is fluff and editing. I already have the starter for the RP finished as well~.

Role-Play Information
Open Date: Monday, Dec 30th
CS Due Date: Sunday, Dec 29th
Yonsisac Yonsisac
Blessed cloak of concord's complete attack nullification effect's cooldown was changed from 14 minutes to 4? Was this on purpose, or is it a typo made while editing?
Yonsisac Yonsisac
Blessed cloak of concord's complete attack nullification effect's cooldown was changed from 14 minutes to 4? Was this on purpose, or is it a typo made while editing?
It was a Typo forgot to mention it :/ It was to be 4 after some changes that happen that talked with Heavi. With my Character taking a less aggressive and more supportive role as seeing she cant fight alone in many parts the 4 minute cool-down would have been a nice change to save her hide if she gets targeted for a good amount of time unless the GM tells me to change it. This ONLY helps when the user WOULD be killed, this dose not happen any other time. Maybe 4 minutes is a bit to short?
I'll likely have my sheet up sunday.busybusybusy :ghostxnx:
It was a Typo forgot to mention it :/ It was to be 4 after some changes that happen that talked with Heavi. With my Character taking a less aggressive and more supportive role as seeing she cant fight alone in many parts the 4 minute cool-down would have been a nice change to save her hide if she gets targeted for a good amount of time unless the GM tells me to change it. This ONLY helps when the user WOULD be killed, this dose not happen any other time. Maybe 4 minutes is a bit to short?
I'm going on a limb, maybe not, but I think a life saving artifact should be one-use rather than rechargeable at all. Life is precious and I feel the cloak trivializes the job of slayers who are in threat of death every mission.
I'll likely have my sheet up sunday.busybusybusy :ghostxnx:

I'm going on a limb, maybe not, but I think a life saving artifact should be one-use rather than rechargeable at all. Life is precious and I feel the cloak trivializes the job of slayers who are in threat of death every mission.
Hmmmm....Yea yea actually good point. Maybe make it that she would need to do a rather long ritual to recharge it MEANING its impossible to have a second use while hunting unless she somehow is capable of buying 30 minutes of time. So while in a fight its one use and one use only until she gets enough time to get to bless it again

Actually yea i like that....brb
Edit: The deed is done, now its one time use while in fights :3
Hmmmm....Yea yea actually good point. Maybe make it that she would need to do a rather long ritual to recharge it MEANING its impossible to have a second use while hunting unless she somehow is capable of buying 30 minutes of time. So while in a fight its one use and one use only until she gets enough time to get to bless it again
That's an alright compromise. I'm expecting a way longer time than the 30 minutes that you would normally see on your typical rpg game. Try a day long, if not longer, ritual, including all the rare and hard to acquire materials to conduct it. If you want to save a life, you have to give one.

Edit: On the otherhand, you do have a decently rechargeable life-saving artifact, so much better than your cloak: us, your allies! :captaincat:
during rp: is too slow and lets you die.
That's an alright compromise. I'm expecting a way longer time than the 30 minutes that you would normally see on your typical rpg game. Try a day long, if not longer, ritual, including all the rare and hard to acquire materials to conduct it. If you want to save a life, you have to give one.
....Hmmmm....Actually hold up i got even a better reason and one as of why she hunts monsters alot....
Ones used, a Monster would need to be slayed and she would do the usual purification and left behind would be the ashes of what burn, that being one component needed to charge the cloak once again with the essence of a dead Monster ONLY, DEPENDING on the strength of the monster before dying and having his ash would either make the ritual last longer or shorter.. After that she would need to use atleast 2 of her gems she carries with her and preform a long ritual that could last around 24-72 hours needing both her to communicate goddess and ask her blessing once more using the monster essence to imbue it to the robe and the gems vanish as a cost and once all done and time passes it would be charged again :0
....Hmmmm....Actually hold up i got even a better reason and one as of why she hunts monsters alot....
Ones used, a Monster would need to be slayed and she would do the usual purification and left behind would be the ashes of what burn, that being one component needed to charge the cloak once again with the essence of a dead Monster ONLY, DEPENDING on the strength of the monster before dying and having his ash would either make the ritual last longer or shorter.. After that she would need to use atleast 2 of her gems she carries with her and preform a long ritual that could last around 24-72 hours needing both her to communicate goddess and ask her blessing once more using the monster essence to imbue it to the robe and the gems vanish as a cost and once all done and time passes it would be charged again :0

Sounds like a good and fitting plan.
I don't think I can make that deadline sorry! Feel free to give up my spot to someone else, good luck with the roleplay ^^
If you still wanna join the RP, you can later on. Just let me know and I'll have my OC request back up. That backup being your OC, anywho have fun ♡
Ah it's not that bad. It's just a group messaging platform. For a simple discord server (which is all we need for our purpose), it's more or less intuitive.
Eh, I don't mind just @ whomever I'm referring to.
Nano Nano You Know Rebel You Know Rebel Ayama Ayama Yonsisac Yonsisac . D O V E . D O V E

I'll be opening up the RP at 12AM Central Standard Time. I've noticed you all are up around 1-2 am my time. I don't typically do this, but I want everyone to have an understanding . . . Once the RP starts, active is considered 3-5 posts a week. That can be boiled down to, about a post every 2 days? I prefer a post to have 4+ sentences. Also, you can do your 3-5 posts in bulk i.e five posts in two days. Another thing, I know we all either have jobs or school but a heads up is courteous. With this said, not everything that happens in life can be accounted for, so always try to avoid holding up people's OC. By that I mean, don't go MIA for five days in the middle of a battle with someone's OC or something like that. Okay, that's pretty much it. I'm excited to RP with you all, I'm looking forward to it. <3

AH, one more thing. You're all free to run ideas by me in terms of future arcs, or where you'd like the RP to go. Later tonight I'll write in the lore thread the arcs I have planned for the RP. Feel free to critique or suggest ideas if you'd like. Okay, now I'm done. <3 Hope you're all are excited about the start-up of "Zorro's Heroes".
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