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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Her mind slowly drifts to conquest more and more, conquest affects her subcouncous decisions until finally she takes over. It's not another personality but simply bottled up aggression

Max furrowed her brow, in anger and in good humor. "That wasn't funny!!" She snickered. "For fucks sake, don't do that again you prick." Max nudged his face with a fist and pushed him back. "I won't hit you...at least not yet." She slouched back in her chair and covered her face with her hands. "I hate you." She exclaimed sarcastically. She rubbed the bruise on her nose from when a bandit had hit her at the bar. It still hadn't healed yet, but it did match the shape of her large scar going from her right eyebrow to the left corner of her lip. That wouldn't heal, but the bruise would eventually.

Threat used his knife to pick the lock since he threw the keys under the door. He looked around and saw Harmony leave, odd. Threat decides to follow from a distants, his bat in hand as he followed her.


Johnny got bored, turned to his friend and whispered: "Now, I can't understand what people doing in a church. I mean, just look at them. How the hell even they survive?" Norman smiled and talked a little loudly: "You better meet with people in here boy, don't be shy." Johnny stared in Norman's eyes, a look like dagger. "You gotta be more social." Johnny kept staring. "With who? I don't want to get attraction, I'm much better with less people around."
Mira thought about it for a moment and shrugged some. "I'm sure I'd be fine Avery." She kissed him and smiled some. "As long as we aren't running or anything I'd be fine." She giggled and started to walk twoards the door, holding his hand to pull him along. "Come on! Let's go take a walk in the woods." She giggled and lead them to a nice pathway.


My warm grin goes into a cruel smile as my walking pattern changes. It's almost a lifeless shamble, I start to kill zombies one after another. Even ones that weren't in my way. Until I approach a bandit camp that is.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Grigory decided it wasn't the best idea to stay in the church with the two cannibal lovers, so when he decided it was the right time, he walked back to the entrance and grabbed his dirt bike that was leaning against the wall. 'Blyat, those two cannibal fucks might just kill me any second' He thought as he opened the door, walked outside with his motorcycle. "Eh, looks too empty to be real" He said to himself as he hop on the motorcycle, standing still for some minutes, looking distracted, but in reality he was observing his surroundings, something that he was taught to do.

@pripyatranger (If you're outside the church)
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I call out in the city "Miya!!!" I yell. My voice echoing across the city, it attracts many zombies but I kill them with ease

@Scatman John


I look at the two through the window, they pay no attention to me so I walk off. I see a small boy around my age in a coat, i follow him.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"Fine I'll pick someone to meet." said Johnny before poking Norman. "Look at the motorcycle guy, he seemed a tough guy to me." Norman gave a nod. Both of them stood up from chair, and walked to door of the church. Norman opened the door, looked outside, then he spotted the motorcycle guy. "Hello, my friend."

@Scatman John
Threat stared "Where are you going Har." He whispered to himself, still following her. He sees something in the distance but ignores it, a nervous smile on his face.

When he heard a voice his head snapped to where it came from. "Who are you?" He called out, raising his bandana as he asked the unknown person the question. 'Ergh, hope they are good people or I am fucking screwed!' He thought, leaving his right hand right next to the MK23 holster and the other hand close to his neck.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
I look up "RUN! LOCK ME AWAY!" Saying this Hyde finally takes over. "Hello love," I say hitting her as hard as I could. Taking out my sword cane, I look down "I AM HYDE!" I yell to scare her.


~*Kimberley Varkas*~

Kimberley fell back onto the floor when she was hit, wincing a little because of the pain. Looking up at him she frowned and fixed her googles on her head, not looking that scared at all. "Mean" she huffed. "I'm sorry, I couldn't quite make that out, you might have to yell a little louder so I can hear you" she said as she scrambled to her feet, grabbing a chair leg that was laying on the workbench.

Norman saw the guy slowly taking his hand to rifle, tried to talk with a friendly voice: "Easy my friend. I'm Norman, and this is my friend Johnny."

@Scatman John
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MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira thought about it for a moment and shrugged some. "I'm sure I'd be fine Avery." She kissed him and smiled some. "As long as we aren't running or anything I'd be fine." She giggled and started to walk twoards the door, holding his hand to pull him along. "Come on! Let's go take a walk in the woods." She giggled and lead them to a nice pathway.

"I just don't want you getting hurt..." Avery said, with a trace of concern in his voice. "You sure you'll be good..?" He questioned,a s they neared the door.

(Sorry, in a rush >-<)​
"Aha! Friendly people! I knew they weren't extinct!" Grigory raised his right hand that was right next to the holster. "My name is Grigory, what the heck are you two doing in here? Only living thing 'round here is the two cannibal lovers inside and me." He asked, once again looking like he was high on caffeine.

It feels nice to be back, I stumble to the front of a

Bandit camp. They of course they do the regular but Harmonys smile is unchanging. She briefly shoves a knife into a bandits stomach and the others charge. By the end 2 bandits have been brutally killed and bits and pieces eaten while the others stabbed to death. The smile never faltering.

@Shammy the Shamrock


I see the zombie, I look at it my had shaking. I shink my knife into its head before falling to my knees. A insane smile and my eye twitching.

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