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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Mira giggles and nodded at him, she was still a little weak from the blood loss but was fine. "I'll be okay Avery I promise." She giggles some and continues to try and pull him. "Plus... I wanna spend time with you, I love you Avery please! Please can we go Avery." She was practically begging for them to go out.

[QUOTE="Scatman John]"Aha! Friendly people! I knew they weren't extinct!" Grigory raised his right hand that was right next to the holster. "My name is Grigory, what the heck are you two doing in here? Only living thing 'round here is the two cannibal lovers inside and me." He asked, once again looking like he was high on caffeine.

Norman put his hand on Grigory's shoulder "Well we are neutral actually, but not hostile. And what cannibals? Is there any problem? We can help."
MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya approaches AJ then sees the zombie on the ground. She falls to her knees and looks at the zombie. "Sis..." she said in a sad voice.

I stay silent until I look up "Are you Miya or Miyas sister" I say confused
"It's alright, I made a deal with them, they won't be a pain in the ass... at least for a while.." Grigory nodded at his own answer. "And yeah, I'm a bit neutral myself, but people often say that I'm one of those people that went 'Rogue', so I stitched this emblem on my outfit as a joke." He'd glance back at the church. "You two planning on going on? Or do you have a place to stay?... I was about to leave..."

Johnny talked for the first time: "Well we don't have a place to stay, but we won't leave. Not today. We gotta rest. Don't leave now, let's take a patrol in City. May be we can find interesting things." His voice was friendly. "I also liked your patch, we are not rogues, we are the justice. I'm serious. Let's take a walk."

@Scatman John
He mocked a gasp as she touched him and he collapsed onto her.

"Oh no! You're so strong and unrelenting!"

Jay laughed as he got up and continued driving. He glanced over at her nose.

"You seem tough, how'd someone get a hit like that in? I'd say you're the type that doesn't like to have their personal space invaded, but..."

He decided not to comment on her not showing fear. He wrote it off as her seeing through his ruse.

"Alright... but I'm taking my bike, where are we going?" Grigory asked, now showing sights of curiosity. "I mean... from my experience in this city, there might be a bar not really far from here, heard that there is some good vodka in there, the bar owner was a Russian so it's kinda obvious to wait for good stuff in there."

Yappi said:
It feels nice to be back, I stumble to the front of a

Bandit camp. They of course they do the regular but Harmonys smile is unchanging. She briefly shoves a knife into a bandits stomach and the others charge. By the end 2 bandits have been brutally killed and bits and pieces eaten while the others stabbed to death. The smile never faltering.

@Shammy the Shamrock


I see the zombie, I look at it my had shaking. I shink my knife into its head before falling to my knees. A insane smile and my eye twitching.

@Shammy the Shamrock
('Yo, have SOME you guys noticed that you're killing zombies so fking easily that It's turning into major bullshit? Also that this is turning into romance and not survival?)
"How can we say no for a bottle of votka comrade? We can also enslave a zombie, and bring it to Church. We'll have fun with it. Also... We can even self-proclaim a land? Someone must start the organised war. I have so many ideas on my mind, we'll talk them later. Wanna smoke?" Johnny lits one for himself.

Norman smiles. Johnny finally find a "friend"?

@Scatman John
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Miya hugged him back and sighed sadly. "I-Its okay I just..." she wipes her face off and stares at her sisters lifeless body. "Couldn't see her dieing like this..."

[QUOTE="Scatman John]('Yo, have SOME you guys noticed that you're killing zombies so fking easily that It's turning into major bullshit? Also that this is turning into romance and not survival?)

((Meh. *shrugs*))
[QUOTE="Scatman John]('Yo, have SOME you guys noticed that you're killing zombies so fking easily that It's turning into major bullshit? Also that this is turning into romance and not survival?)

(Can't agree more, some things should nor be that easy)
pripyatranger said:
(Well and bandits? Meh.)
(Bandits are even more meh, romance I'll try to back up on but even then I don't do much of that exept for Harmony and Lucas. Bandits well Harmony has 2 knives and is clever considering her small size and that she is underestimated. We need someone like Slasher to control bandits and zombies)
[QUOTE="Scatman John](RPN ban or banned from the roleplay?

(Rpn ban, for months now. They never unbanned him though)
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