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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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(I'm volunteer to control Bandits and Zombies. Because for the sake of realism, knife is not that easy to use. I almost got stabbed twice in real life and got cuts on my right hand fingers, so I think that bandits won't be that easy. just saying.)
pripyatranger said:
(I'm volunteer to control Bandits and Zombies. Because for the sake of realism, knife is not that easy to use. I almost got stabbed twice in real life and got cuts on my right hand fingers, so I think that bandits won't be that easy. just saying.)
(Sure, I vote yay. Who else votes?)
[QUOTE="Scatman John](Damn, you know the reason?)

(For some RP where he ha sexual content in it)
(Ok well if you control these things you have to know that you will be responsible for

1:causing drama and conflict

2:using zombies and bandits to regulary cause group breaks and moving

3.Demolishers are a zombie that is a special strain that cannot be killed by bullets and can easily throw heavy objects around

4: Be aware of all characters and what they do)

I walk away from the few bandits that attacked me shaking, I killed 1 but the others survived. I barely got a hit in before I was nearly killed myself. I had to run, I am behind a dumpster in a alleyway

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Aha! Let's go, the bar is just around the corner!" Grigory now sounded as excited as a kid getting a new toy. "So, want to share some stories about yourselves? I can start... Well, I served in the military once, really fun time, hehehe, and I don't have any weapons, this two are Airsoft guns." He told in such way that made it sound like it was no big deal.

[QUOTE="Scatman John]('Yo, have SOME you guys noticed that you're killing zombies so fking easily that It's turning into major bullshit? Also that this is turning into romance and not survival?)

((I agree with this I'd like to think its difficult to kill a basically full sized human, I mean one of my characters has only managed to kill 2 zombies ((by fluke)) since the beginning because of her size and inexperience with weapons. The romance doesn't bother me too much as long as its not the main focus for every characters development :3))
Both Johnny and Norman were excited to get some booze. Norman listened carefully: "I served in Marine Corps, and got injured in Afghanistan. Stan... I don't like countries with -stan. not after that shrapnel hit me... And this man, Johnny, was a writer. I trained him. We have good stories, like we fought against a zombie which was like a tank." Johnny laughed, opend the door of bar. "Yes yes, that was really funny. What? I like a little violance. Also don't worry comrade, we'll get you some real weapons. You going to need them. Because today!"

Johnny jumped on bar counter, and raised an empty bottle: "We going to declare our faction, so that we can win this war in the future. Salute!" Johnny threw the bottle at wall, it got broken into many small pieces.

@Scatman John
Yappi said:
"That's so boring" I say before nibbling on his neck a tad bit harder so it draws blood.
Lucas felt lightheaded and everything went black; surprise surprise, she was gone when he woke up. He wiped his neck, painfully "Ow!" he squeaked, she really did bite him "That hurts...a bit" he shuddered, the tried to get to his feet. He wobbled out of the apartment, taking out an used water bottle and wiping his neck with it "M-Maybe we should just hug next time, ow" he scanned the area, wondering where to go next. He didn't want to just wait at the apartment; in fact, he wanted to get far away from it. The tween didn't know why, he just did. Being alone always makes him a bit stir crazy and paranoid. Throwing the now empty water bottle in a dumpster, he walked in a random direction.
I smile "A chair leg versus a sword," I say giving a fake swing of the sword. I stood up, revealing his giant stature. I glared down at her. "Pitiful," I say twirling the cane, waiting for a challenge.

Miya shook her head crying. She didn't want to leave her sister there. Even though she was dead she couldn't do it. She had a tight grip on her sisters lifeless body.

Zombies start to get close, nearly incircling us . I pick Miya up, I sprint out of there before the hoard cuts off all escape.

~*Kimberley Varkas*~

Kimberley rolled her eyes "Who said I was going to fight you?" She answered taking a step back and a quick glance to the hair-thin tripwire she had set up near herself she hoped he'd step on it to set off one of her traps that she had all over her hideout in case of situations like this. She hoped her step back would prompt him to come forward just a little more.

"Gah?! H-Harmony!" before he even knew what he was doing, Lucas scooped Harmony up into his arms "D-Don't worry, I'll get you back to the apartment right a-away!" he didn't know the first thing about healing a person, but he had to try. Going back into the apartment, he quickly ran up to the bed and placed her down "U-Um, what can I do to h-help?"

"Salute!" Grigory couldn't help but smile. "So, comrade! Where is all the booze?" He asked as he looked around. "Come-on, let's find it!" He said as he started searching some lockers and shelves around the bar. 'Heh, those guys are fun as hell, I will team up with them.' He thought as he grabbed a bottle, observing it. "I-I found some vodka! Imported from the motherland!" He turned around as he said so, raising the Yamskaya vodka bottle.


I had already placed the bone back but I was ok, I just needed some water and food "Just bandage it up..." I say sitting up "Just picked a fight I couldn't win" (Lucas hears Peaces words, follow his advice)
Johnny was surprised that Grigory found votka. "Well that's Russkie Standard. Now you are talking." Norman was searching for Bourbon everywhere, he started punching shelves when he couldn't find any. "Damn it, no bourbon! Damn!" Johnny tried to calm him down. "I found a bottle of beer, take it. And now it's time to get ourselves a ZOMBIE! I'm really excited to play with it." Johnny wasn't actually smiling. He kept his poker face.

@Scatman John
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