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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jack runs over to him shaking her head. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" She said grabbing him and picking him up. She carries him back to the bed and sets him down. "I-Its okay I uh, just wasn't expecting it." She ran her hand through his hair and giggled.


"Gods already dead" I say walking back inside looking do Miya


I walk into a camp that I heard noises in using millitary trackin skills Marcus showed me. I have a cloak and a shotgun along with my smg. I found the bandits that released that demolisher... Killed my brother.
Quillicious said:
((Means very funny. Also I feel so bad! This weekend's been very chaotic, but I don't wanna make an excuse.))
((No no, its okay I understand now :3 I just thought I was being annoying or something))
Jay's own knee was bobbing up and down quickly. It happened when he was anxious.

"That guy that looked like Lawton the other day? Wasn't him. Oh, I forgot to explain what happened. I saw...someone, a friend. Her husband hit her, twice. I was planning on beating the living shit out of him for it, but she seemed okay with it. I had already...done enough, so to speak. ((@iiCupcakeCraver
MiyaTheNeko said:
Jack runs over to him shaking her head. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" She said grabbing him and picking him up. She carries him back to the bed and sets him down. "I-Its okay I uh, just wasn't expecting it." She ran her hand through his hair and giggled.
@Quillicious ((Idk you saw it, I had to edit your name into it so you probably didn't get notified :P sorry))

"No, I'm still not sure if I entirely trust you...yet. I did pass the Church on purpose, earlier. I just wanted to take a peak at it, since I do know someone who spent quite a bit of time there. Harmony, was her name. Quite an interesting child, I like her."


"Gods? Dead?" Norman was getting angry. "Jesus Christ what happened to new generation?" Johnny put his hand on Norman's shoulder. "Easy boy, now sit. The time has come." Johnny was acting Priest. Norman kissed his cross necklace three times. Johnny started the ritual: "In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti." Norman repeated, then started confessing: "Well it's before the apocalypse, I killed my ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend, then everything started. That's what I can't handle. That's... You know, I shouldn't kill someone. I had no reason. I also had no reason to kill people back in old town, which you helped me. We killed them because they rejected to share their water and food..." Norman was getting upset. "I regret what I've done, I also regret one more thing... We could save that girl's life. But we didn't want to risk our own lives. It's against our cause. Johnny, God will never forgive me..." Norman was holding his necklace. "Ok Norman, we did bad things. We had to. Now son, repeat after me:"

"Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et vobis, fratres..." Norman added: "et tibi pater" "Quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos, et vos, fratres," Norman added: "Et te, pater" "Orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum. Amen."

Norman kissed his necklace three more times and stood up, lit a cigarette. Johnny joined him. "Now let's sit down and relax, your sins will be forgiven my old friend. And next time, let me do the praying first. Don't jump in directly."

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Mira woke at the church, on a pew of course and looked around. Her eyes fell onto her stomach that had been patched up already. She smiled some and looked over to Laika who she presumed did it. "Thank you." She said with a smile. Her head spun around the room until she got to Avery. She heald out her hand to him and smiled. "Im sorry... again I...." She trailed off and attempted to pull him in to a hug.

@Thetas @Nona
Miya shook her head and giggled. "You're just a kid, I may have been a heartless killer but I would hurt you." she tilted her head at him and raised an eyebrow, forgetting g her shirt was no longer on. "So uh... why do you keep blushing?"

Jay nodded his head to the side in agreement and took his hands off the wheel, using his knees to drive as he lit a blunt.

"Probably a good idea."

Jay groaned.

"Oh. Her. She's interesting to say the least. Especially since she's basically a pet now. And she's been raped by grown men. Multiple times."

He didn't tell Max that he and Harmony had once...been close.


~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika smiled and shook her head "I only helped, Doc here did most of the work" she said gesturing to Melina who was standing slightly behind her, Melina smiled sheepishly and gave a small wave before she proceeded to clear away her medical supplies. Laika then took a few steps back "Its good to see you feeling a little better" she said with a smile before leaving to give Mira and Avery a chance to talk, whispering something to Melina on the way out to which she nodded in response.



Quillicious said:
((Nah, you're not annoying. :3 I'm sure my erratic postings recently were annoying. :P ))
((Not annoying, just a bit confusing :P ))

Avery quickly, but gently, as to not ruin Nona's careful stitching work, hugged his Wife. "You have nothing to be sorry over..." He said, with a sweet, and reassuring smile. He landed a small kiss on her cheek, and grabbed her hand gently. "You okay to walk..?" He asked, with a concerned look spread across his face. He loved his wife dearly... He could forgive her for anything. Though some part of him still ached for a little revenge...

Jay stopped the car in the middle of complete-fucking-nowhere. He grinned devilishly as he took another hit, unbuckling and crawling over to Max. He chuckled, sitting in her lap and grabbing her wrists.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere, but I know exactly where something's going..."

Miya raided an eyebrow and chuckled. "Oh, well I was a little off." She said but gasped some when he touched her breasts. Her face was bright red and she covered herself. She quickly threw her shirt on and looked away.

Mira felt terrible for what she had done but knew it couldn't be undone. She sat up some and stood. She stumbled some but was fine. "Yeah I think I will be okay to walk." She said gaining her balance and stretching some. She gently wrapped an arm around him to support herself and giggled. "So uh, where do you wanna go?" She asked looking around the familiar broken church.

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