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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Miya followed him to the apartment and sat down on the bed with him. She yawned some and crawled over to the far side. She layed down and unknowing took off her shirt. She closed her eyes and slowly dozed off.

Yappi said:
I smile showing my sharpened teeth "Do I look like a priest to you?"

Both Johnny and Norman didn't care what the kid say, and started walking toward to confession room while keeping an eye on red-head. Norman turned to Johnny: "Well if he were a priest, then God would be dead for real." Johnny laughed laudly.

She jumped when she heard him speek and looked over at him. "What? Was there something else you had in mind?" She asked wondering why he said 'i guess'.

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The kiss was a surprise, she hadn't ever had anyone in her life feel this way about her. "I'll come back, I swear. I'll find you again." Max got in the car and shut the door, still unsure if this was the right choice. She had made many vows, mostly to herself, but when she did make them, she kept them.

@MiyaTheNeko @Quillicious
Jay looked at her.

"A word of advice. Don't make promises. Especially in times like these."

With a loud roar the McLaren sped off. Jay was silent, with the occassional glance at Max.

Aidan smiled at her promise and nodded he walked over to the truck and leaned on it. He watched her get into the car then waved to her. "See you later Max..." He said in a sad tone. He over heard what Jay said before he drove off. "That's why I don't like you.... give people some hope don't take it away from people..." He said to himself before hopping in the truck and started it up. He drove off, following in the same direction as him to escape the zombies but instead he went back to his bar. He leaned on the counter and looked around. Part of him regret letting Max go, he didn't want anything to happen to her. But part of him knew it would be good, she could help with Lawton... if that was even true. He layed his head in the counter, no longer smiling. He thought about Max, worried for her. He wished he could be there with her, to protect her if anything happened.
She looked over at him and smirked. "Oh, sorry I guess i was just... really tired that's all." She turned on her side to face him and giggled. "Uhhh... Goodnight?" She didn't know if that's what she should have said, but it felt right.


The only thing Max said was her reply to Jay. "The promises are not for them to know that something good will come out of all of this. I know that. The promises are for me, so that I have something good to hold onto in times like these. I know I'll probably end up dying, but I know I'll have kept that promise...I'll have kept something good." She said, using Jay's words. Her gaze was kept on the window and the ruined city they drove through.

@MiyaTheNeko @Quillicious
Björn smiled and had trouble keeping his eyes on her face.

"Night. I'm glad I met you, Miya. Good meeting nice people."

He quickly kissed her on the cheek, turning red and smiling weakly, and wondered what she would do next.

MiyaTheNeko said:
((Laika is still with Mira and Avery, it sort of paused xD ))
((I noticed xD I just don't know who's job it is to continue? :'3 we could just say they made it to the church and got Mira patched up by Melina already and that'll sort out where they went :'D))

Quillicious said:
((Topkek. Also, I'm not purposely ignoring your posts...))
((....Topkek? .-.? Ah, okay, it's happened me before with others :'D))
She giggled a little and smiled at him. "Thanks it was nice meeting you t-" She cut herself off when me kissed her. She turned a little red and quickly hid it with her hair. She just stared at him with shock but didn't hit him for it like she usually would have done.

"The thing is, I kept a promise to Lawton. That he would go back home after we were done with our jobs, back to his wife. I'm being real with you, here. Promises aren't always kept. Being reminded of broken promises eat you up inside. I had so much self doubt after I made it...times like these just strain the need to keep them. Unneeded stress."

Nona said:
((I noticed xD I just don't know who's job it is to continue? :'3 we could just say they made it to the church and got Mira patched up by Melina already and that'll sort out where they went :'D))
((We can do that sure! @Thetas does that sound good to you?))

"Sometimes it's good to let promises go, you just need to know that there was nothing you could do about them. You still kept your promise, you did what you could. Promises can eat you up, you just don't have to let that happen." She drummed her fingers on the Center Console. She never stopped moving around, it was horrible for her to be still.

Quillicious said:
Björn smiled and had trouble keeping his eyes on her face.
"Night. I'm glad I met you, Miya. Good meeting nice people."

He quickly kissed her on the cheek, turning red and smiling weakly, and wondered what she would do next.

(AJ:this is why people die)
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