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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Miya looks at him and nods some understanding his fear. She gently grabbed his hand and approached the door she opened it up and heald her knife up incase there where any walkers.

Before they entered, Björn slipped out of her hand and picked his knife back up. He had dropped it a few seconds ago. When Miya stepped through, a knife poked her in the throat. A masked man was waiting.

'Hey, pretty lady. Why don't you drop the knife?'

Björn saw him and froze for a second in fear, then snuck through a broken window behind the two.

'What're you doin' out here?'

Nikki was surprised but kissed back, taking drops if blood. She smiled "We both know you'll forget about me tomorrow. You'll have fun with another girl," she said looking down at the ground, refusing to make eye contact.

Miya felt the knife prick her throat and gulped some. She looked down to see that B had gotten away. She looked back at the man with a worried look on her face. She slowly lowered the knife to the ground but kept her hands up to show she meant no harm. "Just looking for a place to stay." She said in a shakey tone. "I-i don't want any trouble..."

Jack tilted his head some and frowned that she would think that. "You know I could never forget about you. If it means anything, if I could have you in wouldn't leave you for anyone else." He smiled and gently grabbed her chin, lifting it so he could look directly at her. "I love you." He said sincerely and kissed her again, gently brushing his lips on hers.

@Shammy the Shamrock
'Oh, I think you do. Why else would you come into my place uninvited? I'm gonna f-'

The man was cut off. Björn had thrust his knife into the man's side, twisting it. He groaned and fell to the floor, dropping the knife. Björn dropped his own and held his hands to his mouth.



Chris hears her and chuckles "You know... it's dangerous to scream like that. Well unless you want to have a horde of zombies following you." he smiles. He was shirtless but this time he was wearing trouses (You dont know but Chris used to walk naked). He had an AK-47 with him, but he didnt look insecure or afraid of her. He was holding it because he didnt had a place to put it.

"Name's Chris Ginji. That dog is cute. But I dont like it. He killed his own group... Even in the animal kingdom, killing within a group, to me, it's taboo..." he sighs "But hey I believe everyone deserves a second chance. Even if it's an animal. Just one thing. Dont show that guy to a large group. They will surely want to eat it" he looks around

"So what is a girl doing here alone? In this world, being alone is dangerous. And no one would want a pretty face like yours getting eaten by some random zombie right?" he chuckles. He was, of course, messing with her. He decides to walk towards her so he could talk a little more low.

"You see. I know you are friendly because I saw you with Jane. He was part of my group but he was... too not my kind of group like. He didnt like to put his life in danger for himself and others. My group didnt play like that. Unfortunetly... they all died in a zombie ambush. Now I am alone. Maybe I will consider joining him again" he smiles and waits for her answer.


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Mira stared at him with fear, terrified of what plans he had for her. She turned her head away and whined with fear until the man was suddenly stabbed. She squeeled and jumped back when she saw B. She ran up and hugged him close. "It's okay. It's okay you did good." She was very releaved that he had saved her.

Nikki laughed, pulling away "You sound just like a man I knew before the apocalypse. I can't believe I'm saying this but.....I love you too. Don't tell Miya " she said kissing him again, wrapping her arms around his neck.



He sighs and walks back to the casino closing it and locking it. Now way he would open it for anyone else than when QUin came back... IF she came back. Jane sighs.

"So... it looks like it's just the 3 of us. Though I didnt like the others... I prefered when we were more dont you think?" he does a sad chuckle.

"There is some food. We should be able to eat for one or two weeks..." he sighs "That is, if you want to stay. How could he break the ice between the both of them? Their past together wasnt good, since he got beaten by her boyfriend/husband and she didnt stop him. She dated the guy Jane hated the most.

he chuckles and sits on the ground "How is the baby? Her name was Ashlyn right?" he asks, unsure how she would respond.

@Brianna Ackerman

Miya smiled and rubbed his back comfortingly. "Sweetie it's okay I promise I'm fine. He just poked me a bit that's all." She giggled and pulled away from the hug. "Let's check the rest before we lay down to rest..."

"Yeah, okay. Okay."

He walked over to the stairs that went up to a small apartment. There was a bed and an overturned table, that was all. It seemed ransacked. He put his knife back into his pocket and yawned, sitting on the bed.

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]I sigh "I would have saved all those people if I only could. It is the worse thing imaginable," I say falling to the ground, Hyde trying to come out.


~*Kimberley Varkas*~

Kimberley nodded at his words, she felt sorry for the poor man that he couldn't control that part of himself. She peered down at him from where she sat after he fell "Oh? Are you alright?!" She asked hopping off the workbench to help him up.




Johnny and Norman was travelling for a long time, actually since everything started. They were nomads, who were trying to enforce justice when it was necessary. No, it wasn't their only duty, it was... having pleasure in new fatal world. Their journey must have an end until they are ready to keep travelling. They are tired, they need a rest.

"Ok Norman, how would you describe the world? For me, it's like being a panzer in Kursk. Not the crew members, I literally mean the panzer." Johnny was in a good mood. He took a deep breathe from his cigarette, let his friend to give an answer. "For me Johnny, it's like being a Muslim in Jerusalem during first crusades. It will describe the world much better. Or may be being a human during the apocalypse?" They both laughed. They smoked half of their cigarettes and still keep going-never cared how much left. They always found what they need. "Man, this is the best thing in the world." Johnny was still smiling. "Yes Johnny, but hey, look. A church!" Norman got surprised, remembered how he never missed a single sunday... Yep, he totally never missed one. For Johnny, the church will keep the boredom away: "Slow down Father Grigory. You are going to make a confession. And I'm the priest. Deal?" Norman looked into Johnny's eyes, and give a nod with his head. They knew that it would be fun, but for Norman it was also requirement. A man who still can be a good believer... Now, for Johnny, that's something really hard to achive.

They get close to church, threw the end of the cigarette on the ground. Johnny got his rifle ready, looked at his friend: "Well well well, finally a place we can talk and drink water and sit down for hours... Open the door, I get in first."

Norman opened the door and Johnny entered the Church while he was focused more on wielding his gun.
Quillicious said:
"I'm not arguing with you. I'm just asking for help to find out what happened to an old friend. I've already lost one that was part of our group. The last one may be out there, and Lawton's death may have something to do with finding him."
Jay looked at Max.

"Please. It's not his choice. It's yours. Don't let someone hold you back from doing something because they think they know what's best for you. I know what it's like not to trust anyone, and when you're able to, it's a breath of fresh air. Then the window is slammed shut again. If you're not coming, I'm going alone."

He rolled up the window and reached over the passenger seat to the door, shutting it.

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
MiyaTheNeko said:
Aidan grew quiet some and frowned a little. "Well, sorry about that but I'm afraid it's not really my problem..." he said sounding a little sorry for the man. Aidan looked to the ground when he shut the door and finally turned to max. "He's right... I'm sorry if you want to go you can just... please be careful if you do." He was honestly worried for her and didn't want to let her go just yet he stood next to her and smiled.
@iiCupcakeCraver @Quillicious
@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko

She couldn't choose between the two, it was impossible. Aidan was her friend, but she wanted to do the right thing and help Jay. But Aidan didn't need her. He would do fine on his own, and he hadn't really said anything to her. They were just friends, they had met a couple days ago and had been traveling together. He didn't need her. "Wait...Fine. I'll go if it means finding out what happened to Lawton." She took a small step forward from behind Aidan.

@MiyaTheNeko @Quillicious

Two friends looked at the bulky red-head guy, whose touching gently to his revolver's handle. Johnny answered with his harsh voice: "If you don't have any holy bread or water then no, you can't help us." Norman pointed the confession room. Johnny gave him a nod, still wielding his gun.

Aidan couldn't help but frown a little at her answer. He stepped back infront of her and gently placed his hands on her shoulder. "Please be careful." He was obviously really worried for her. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "It would be the end of me if you got hurt, knowing that I could have prevented it." He slowly moved away so that she would be able to go.

@iiCupcakeCraver @Quillicious
pripyatranger said:

Two friends looked at the bulky red-head guy, whose touching gently to his revolver's handle. Johnny answered with his harsh voice: "If you don't have any holy bread or water then no, you can't help us." Norman pointed the confession room. Johnny gave him a nod, still wielding his gun.


I smile showing my sharpened teeth "Do I look like a priest to you?"
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