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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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She nodded and smiled at him. "Yeah, right now I am. Just me and the tree... well me you and the tree now I guess." She scrached her head nervously and looked around. She was doing her best to avoid eye contact with the teen.

Nikki looked at him "Sorry used the last one to make these pies. I'll have a fresh batch tomorrow so be patient." She said crawling and sitting on Jack's Lao, she cut his cheek and tasted the blood. "Sweet," she said putting the knife away.

@Quillicious @MiyaTheNeko
Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around her when she crawled onto his lap. He felt the knife slid across his cheek and chuckled. "Glad to hear." He kissed her and made a small cut into her lip with hit teeth, licking some of the blood off her lips. "You taste fine as well..." he smirked.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Quillicious

((Calvin watches them xD God that would be funny))


She headed down the alley, coming to a strip mall. Her eyes scanned the names of the businesses, stopping when she saw a pet store. Her heart lurched at the though, and without thinking she stepped into the store. It was, unsurprisingly, untouched. No one wanted to defend themselves with a hamster wheel.

It smelled like death, almost making her eyes well up. Blair looked at the animals on display, all dead. Heading into the back, she found... some that were alive. In a large crate, there was a dog, probably once a puppy. Her eyes widened.

It was eating another dog.

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Miya shrugged a little and gave a insane smile. "Escaped an insane asylum, was a serial killer, part time cannibal." She laughed a little and shrugged. "Don't worry, not anymore they just... don't trust me for some reason." She remembers when Jason threw her out.

Miya thought about it for a moment and shrugged. "It was a while ago, now I just mainly avoid them so I guess you could say I really have no where to go." She tilted her head one and smiled at the teen. She heald out her hand to him and smiled. "I'm Miya by the way."


"Oh honey." She said, almost as a reflex to seeing the bloody mess.

The dog began to howl loudly upon seeing her. She stared blankly at it for a moment before opening the cage.

It didn't seem to know what to do, until stepping out gingerly.

She grabbed a leash from a nearby shelf and clipped it onto the dog's collar, crouching down to look at it.

The rottweiler seemed to be almost a year old, but was impressively large.

Blair rubbed its ear, finding that it was head-shy. She watched the creature for a few more moments before whispering to it, "Welcome to the crew Admiral Jackson." She stood up and left the store, avoiding looking at the dead bodies or thinking about what could have happened to "Admiral Jackson."

On the sidewalk, she clipped the leash to her belt so her hands were free, and, with a new sense of security, she called out, "You know that feeling when you're one of the last people in the world?!" She shouted a few other nonsensical things, such as, "Well guess what? I don't give a shit. This is nothing." This wasn't directed at anyone specifically, though she silently hoped someone-human- heard.​

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Jack brought the file to her mouth and smiled some. "Tell me when you're waiting beautiful." He looked over at Calvin and growls before returning his attention to Nikki.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"Nice to meet you Björn" she said with smile, sort of surprised that he didn't completly bomb his name.

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