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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Miya chuckled and shook her head some. "I think it's pretty cool to be honest." She said in a sweet voice and shrugged. "Although B would be easier."


Jack smiled and put the file to her teeth. "This might hurt..." he said before grinding the file on her teeth to give them a nice point. He was careful and tried to make is as painless as possible.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jay lowered his aviators at Aidan.

"You need to work on subtlety. And being inimidating. I don't think you understand the connections I have. Anyway, I only need Max. This is about Lawton, and she's one of the last people to see him."

He nodded his head to the passenger seat. There were only two seats, anyway.

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
Aidan smiled and shook his head some. "You know, being intimidating really isn't my thing. And for the record I don't trust you. And I'll be damn well honest I don't care about your connections. Here's the thing, I don't like you and I don't trust you. So if you want her to go anywhere I'm going to be there." He said looking back at Max with a confidant look. He returned his attention to Jay. "So why don't we just squirm into that truck and get going because I can't fit in that right there."

@iiCupcakeCraver @Quillicious

((Aidan isn't usually super over protective but he doesn't trust Jay at all.))
Quillicious said:
Björn gave a shy smile. Nobody really complimented him before.
"T-thanks, I guess..."

His face grew a little pink.

"You have a nice name, too."

It grew redder.

Miya saw his blush and chuckled a little, trying not to be rude about it. "Thank you." She said in the same sweet voice. She pushed her hair out of her face and smiled warmly. "So uh, what about you? You got a place to stay?"

She shrugged her dark green trench coat around her arms and looked down at her black ripped-jeans with shuffling black-booted feet. Max hadn't known Lawton much, so she wasn't effected by this much, but by its nature it did give her a little jolt. She flipped the knife in her hand and shoved it in the pouch tied around her waist. Max had listened to most of the argument and didn't really want to get involved, so she stayed quiet and hidden behind Aidan, waiting for more rude remarks and words thrown between the men. She couldn't see why just her had to come along, she wasn't much use. But she did smile a bit to herself when Aidan just wouldn't let her go.

@MiyaTheNeko @Quillicious
"I'm not arguing with you. I'm just asking for help to find out what happened to an old friend. I've already lost one that was part of our group. The last one may be out there, and Lawton's death may have something to do with finding him."

Jay looked at Max.

"Please. It's not his choice. It's yours. Don't let someone hold you back from doing something because they think they know what's best for you. I know what it's like not to trust anyone, and when you're able to, it's a breath of fresh air. Then the window is slammed shut again. If you're not coming, I'm going alone."

He rolled up the window and reached over the passenger seat to the door, shutting it.

@iiCupcakeCraver @MiyaTheNeko
Aidan grew quiet some and frowned a little. "Well, sorry about that but I'm afraid it's not really my problem..." he said sounding a little sorry for the man. Aidan looked to the ground when he shut the door and finally turned to max. "He's right... I'm sorry if you want to go you can just... please be careful if you do." He was honestly worried for her and didn't want to let her go just yet he stood next to her and smiled.

@iiCupcakeCraver @Quillicious
Miya shook her head no and sighed. "I wish I had a good place to stay but..." she leaned against the tree again and slumped to the ground. She seemed s little disappointed but shrugged it off the best she could.

Mira looked up at the teen with a smile. "Sure thing, let's go check it out." She took his hand and stood up. In the process she tripped and fell forward onto him. She caught herself before they fell but turned away quickly and covered her mouth. "Oh my god I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." she said hoping she didn't hurt him.

Jack felt her bite into his lip snd swore some under his breath. He laughed a little and shook his head. "It's okay. Dont worry I'm fine." He laughed and pulled her forehead to meet his. "Just don't let my blood go to waste." He smiled and kissed her again but longer.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Mira turned to look at him and saw he hadnt gotten hurt. Her face was red from embarrassment at what she had done. She shakes it off and looks at him with a amile. "Thats good uh, should we head off then?" She asked hoping she wouldn't do anything like that again.

Miya smiles and nodded. She happily walked with him twoards the building he spoke of. When they arived she looked up at it and tilted her head. "Cute place, shal we?" She waited for him to lead the way into the store.

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