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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Laika Flynn*~

After storming off away from what she had seen in the city earlier she had continuously walked until reaching the edge of the forest where she had been sitting since. A stray cat had found its way to her, she sat on the ground quietly as she petted the cat on the head. She had a soft spot for animals since she lived on a farm as a kid, their presence having a bit of a calming effect on her...



I am stopped by a group of 2


"can you help us? we were attacked by some bandits... we need ammo" he says showing his gun is empty.


i shoot one with ammo and charge the other grabbing him by the throat. I choke him dead, i am feeling quite peckish... a small meal wont hurt
Jay saw her and hesitated to approach her. He felt he couldn't explain the problem to her. With his head hung, he walked around her, cracking a twig or two as he went.


She noticed his thick accent coating his words, unlike her own. Max's own Norwegian accent was barely noticeable when she did talk. Max shrugged at his remark about killing them, and cringed at the brain juice coating the building walls. She brought her arrow she had fired back to her quiver and shoved the rope in the smaller satchel of the two. Though she was a bit upset from the interruption of her favorite hobby, called watching, she was grateful that this was an actual person and not just another walker for her to run away from again. But she sort of did want to run away from this man. She didn't want to trust him. She forced herself not run and to trust.


Avery wandered for what seemed like an eternity... His full-head gas mask made it hard to breathe... And see. The visors were both blurry, and one was completely shattered. The leather was bloodied and ripped... And walking itself wasn't easy either. He was completely off balance for multiple reasons. The main one being the loss of his left wrist, hand included. He'd tied off his jacket at the sleeve so he wouldn't have a sleeve hanging down... It still looked like shit. He sighed a bit, which soon turned into a coughing fit. A bad one, too. He fell to his knees near the edge of the forest, and began coughing rapidly into his gas mask, tears flowing from the cracked visor as he did so. Blood began flowing out of the respirator as eh coughed it up. He fell onto his side, and attempted to pull the gas mask off, but to no avail. Avery looked up to see nothing but a blur... Although, he could make out a few trees... His cracked visor didn't help. He saw a glance of a girl and a man before he slammed his eyes shut due to the pain. He gripped his chest with one hand, and began coughing more and more violently.



(Sorry for the intrusion...)

(Just ignore him.)

(But, keep in mind, he's there.)



~*Laika Flynn*~

As the twig cracked Laika's head shot up. Looking around her eyes widened when she spotted who made the noise "J-Jay?" She said, Immediately frowning with an upset look in her eyes, like maybe she had been crying, she looked at the ground in front of her, averting her gaze from him completely.


'Nice shot, by the way. Name's Lawton. Just Lawton.'

He stuck a hand out and gave the stranger a smile. It'd been a while since he'd met a stranger that didn't want him dead.

"I'm sorry. Hate me if you want, okay? There's a reason behind all this, but I can't tell you. You won't believe me and you'll write it off as a cheap excuse. I'm leaving, anyway. Going back to my old place in the city, probably gonna take Lawton with me when I find him. Bye."

He walked off in the direction of the city without another word.

@Nona @Thetas

Max looked at the hand that had been put out for her and took it, but she didn't smile back. She was still skeptical. "Lawton, eh? Name's Maddox. I just go by Max though." She released there locked hands, hers was evidently more pale. Her ghostly coloured skin looked bright against the night sky. Max looked back over the edge of the building and over the vast land of destruction. "What brings you out here?"

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Yappi said:
I nudge Jack "Want to go outside, walk around for a bit?" i ask poking him in between the words

Jack smiled an nodded to her. "Sure, why not. Nice day right?" He said walking up to her and waiting for her to lead the way.
'Scoutin' for my group. I was caught by those bastards, as you know. Nice to meet ya, Max. You out here by yourself?'

He hopped off the edge of the building.


~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika stared at him as he spoke, yes, she was angry, yes, she was upset, but as much as she wanted to...she couldn't hate him. That and his words raised a new question in her mind. Quickly standing up she called to him "W-Wait!" She said stepping in his direction. "H-How do you know I won't believe you if you don't tell me?!" She said frowning, she honestly couldn't see this as a misunderstanding again but, maybe his words would help her to? She didn't know, in fact, she had no idea why she was involving herself any more. He hurt her feelings, why was she trying to find out an explanation. She let a shaky breath before she continued following him, her legs simply taking her along without thought.



I drag the man into a small apartment that Jack and Harmony may be in. I start to dig into the man while he is half alive... Though not really now that his throat is removed via teeth. I tear out the tender part of the throat and munch on it easily lacerating it with my sharp teeth. I swollen bite after bite with even more ferocity then the last.


She nodded her head up once and ruffled her bloody red hair. "Been by myself almost my whole life. Eh, at least since I was about 12 years old. Used to hang in...Like sort of a tribe of kids. Starting at 8. For 3 years I traveled with them until they were all slaughtered and I escaped. So yeah, I'm by myself." Her words always seemed like they were coated in ice and were always kept in a commanding tone. Perhaps it was a habit, or it was just her. She watched him step off the building, but she wasn't worried. There were many platforms sticking out the side of the tower.

Jay was nowhere to be seen, but his voice could be heard. He seemed to he in coversation with...himself?

"I'm gonna do it."

"No, you're not. They picked us for a reason, remember? We can't quit just yet."

"Quill's dead. Lawton may be, too. The team is falling apart. I'm done with this shit."

There was a click of the hammer of a pistol going back.

"I'm pulling the trigger. You can't stop me. You've turned me into a monster."

"We're both the monster. Don't you get it? They chose us for both our skills."

"Fuck you. Fuck them. Fuck the team. I'm done being a puppet."

A shot was fired in the tree and Jay fell from a branch a few seconds later, not moving.

@Nona @Thetas
Yappi said:
I drag the man into a small apartment that Jack and Harmony may be in. I start to dig into the man while he is half alive... Though not really now that his throat is removed via teeth. I tear out the tender part of the throat and munch on it easily lacerating it with my sharp teeth. I swollen bite after bite with even more ferocity then the last.

Jack swore that he had heard someone in the apartment building. He pushed harmony into the room and closed the door. "Stay here, be quiet." He said in a strict tone as he went to investigate what he was hearing. He saw Aj chowing down into someone and quickly pulled out a gun. "I'd leave if I were you..." he growled, not wanting him to try and hurt Himself or Harmony.
Lawton chuckled.

'It's dangerous out here, right? I guess being alone has its perks.'

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket and put one in his mouth, lighting it and offering one to her.

'Want one?'

((That censored the word 'f*g', it's slang for cigarette in the UK.--

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MiyaTheNeko said:
Jack swore that he had heard someone in the apartment building. He pushed harmony into the room and closed the door. "Stay here, be quiet." He said in a strict tone as he went to investigate what he was hearing. He saw Aj chowing down into someone and quickly pulled out a gun. "I'd leave if I were you..." he growled, not wanting him to try and hurt Himself or Harmony.

I see Jack and I instantly start to back into a corner shaking. Scared of this man for many reasons.

Avery got over his coughing fit relatively quickly after the two left. He ripped off his gas mask, and got to his knees, blood dripping from his lip. He looked to his left, where he saw a man and a girl... Same two as before. He winced a bit, and stumbled to his feet, using a tree as support. He left his gas mask behind in a puddle of blood... A sign that he was here. And that he was alive. Avery made his way into the woods without a sound. He eventually stopped by a tree, still within earshot of the other two. He made sure he was hidden, before finally relaxing.


xD I left the mask there for a reason.)


Jack growled under his breath and approached aj. He put the gun to AJs head and was about to pull the trigger when he stopped himself. He smiled and ran his hand through AJ's hair. "Sorry about that, im a parent I... it's that heh... a little over protective..."

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