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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Yappi said:
(I also -quite run along sentence- broke the Geneva convention, killed wounded solders, mowed down whole bases with a heavy machine gun, stabbed people and pelted there corpses at there friends, Shot dogs and put them full of c4 and drove a car at there friends, threw African children at people, threw people into the ocean AND -breaths in- the worse thing off all worth 50k demon points (1000X more than anything else listed) making a nuke and not using it)
((Calm down, Satan...))
<p>( i also knocked out child soldiers and stuffed them full of C4 only to throw it at a bear and detonate it <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=" :D " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />)</p>

(You cant wash the blood either xD )
Jason sighed and went on the bed "If I want to relax I think we can just blow the door down, tie some zombies to it and pray that they can't outrun a drug lord and a adorable nerd." He said laughing as he felt the bed "This is nice, I like it," he said putting his head on the pillow and getting comfortable. He yawned "I had a lovely time today," he said dozing off and covering himself with a part of the blanket, a small smile on his face.

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Yappi said:
"Yea, why you got one?"
Thetas said:

The man drove... And drove... And drove... Until the Mustang ran out of gas. He opened his door, and exited like normal. But, he soon collapsed. The man began coughing rapidly into his gas mask, unable to breath. He fell onto his back and began clawing at his throat, panicking. You may think this was a surprise to him, based on his reaction to it. But, no... This was a daily occurrence. Sometimes even 3 or 4 times a day, actually. Blood spat from his lips rapidly with each cough, as his chest burned intensely. He removed his gas mask, and got to his knees, still coughing. A dark red puddle slowly formed under him, every growing with each cough. Eventually the coughing stopped... And the Man stumbled to his feet. Through his blurred eyes he could see a home... Empty. He grunted a bit, and stumbled his way inside. He laid down in the second story bedroom, on the bed. But, he couldn't quite sleep... Instead, he cried. He curled up under the blanket, and cried. His chest still burned... His legs aching... His eyes begging for rest. But, he couldn't... Not yet.


Arkady grunted and shook his head a bit in his unconscious state. It was obvious he wasn't waking up any time soon. Meanwhile, the alarms blared, and Zombies began walking in their direction. They didn't have long.
Adam nodded and him and twirled the keys. "Wanna go for a ride?" He asked with a smile.


Miya looked up to see what looked like another doomsday maniac that she runs into all the time except... this one looked strangely familiar. He looked like... no it couldn't have been... she stood and watched as the man slowly made his way into one of the houses. Growing curious she decided to follow him inside hoping everything was alright with the man. She creeped in the door and eventually found him in a bed. She smiled weakly and leaned in the doorway. "Hey, dude you alright?" She asked, a round bulge in her stomach is visible but not huge.


Miya swore and did her best to pick the man up before the zombies came. Before she knew it he was laying on a strong tarp and being drug on the grass to safety. She found a small shack and drug him in, layed him on a bed. And sat waiting for him to wake, eventually falling asleep next to him.

((Don't make the same mistake Jay did, she is with AJ
^_^ ))


~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika's expression curled into a small smile as he spoke and became anxious. She shook her head "No, no...its fine, really...I...I'm sort of glad you did...so don't apologise for the last bit" she said with a small nod.


MiyaTheNeko said:
Adam nodded and him and twirled the keys. "Wanna go for a ride?" He asked with a smile.

Miya looked up to see what looked like another doomsday maniac that she runs into all the time except... this one looked strangely familiar. He looked like... no it couldn't have been... she stood and watched as the man slowly made his way into one of the houses. Growing curious she decided to follow him inside hoping everything was alright with the man. She creeped in the door and eventually found him in a bed. She smiled weakly and leaned in the doorway. "Hey, dude you alright?" She asked, a round bulge in her stomach is visible but not huge.


Miya swore and did her best to pick the man up before the zombies came. Before she knew it he was laying on a strong tarp and being drug on the grass to safety. She found a small shack and drug him in, layed him on a bed. And sat waiting for him to wake, eventually falling asleep next to him.

((Don't make the same mistake Jay did, she is with AJ
^_^ ))

((Love you, too...))
MiyaTheNeko said:
Adam nodded and him and twirled the keys. "Wanna go for a ride?" He asked with a smile.

Miya looked up to see what looked like another doomsday maniac that she runs into all the time except... this one looked strangely familiar. He looked like... no it couldn't have been... she stood and watched as the man slowly made his way into one of the houses. Growing curious she decided to follow him inside hoping everything was alright with the man. She creeped in the door and eventually found him in a bed. She smiled weakly and leaned in the doorway. "Hey, dude you alright?" She asked, a round bulge in her stomach is visible but not huge.


Miya swore and did her best to pick the man up before the zombies came. Before she knew it he was laying on a strong tarp and being drug on the grass to safety. She found a small shack and drug him in, layed him on a bed. And sat waiting for him to wake, eventually falling asleep next to him.

((Don't make the same mistake Jay did, she is with AJ
^_^ ))

(AJ is a 1.Cannibal 2.has sharp teeth 3.has 2 revolvers 4.A kid 5. still half insane 6. take your chances i dare ya)


"Nah, i Have my own car. im not riding bitch seat" i say getting out my own keys "Crashed it but it still runs"
He looked quite happy. His usual goofy smile perked back up, and slipped his hand into hers.

"Cool. Great. Awesome. So...what now? Back to the school or what?"

Adam shrugged and slid the keys back into his pocket. "Suit your self, I wasn't necessarily gonna make you ride bitch seat. But if you have your own car that's great! So, shal we head off... I mean if ye don't mind letting me hang around?"

MiyaTheNeko said:
Adam shrugged and slid the keys back into his pocket. "Suit your self, I wasn't necessarily gonna make you ride bitch seat. But if you have your own car that's great! So, shal we head off... I mean if ye don't mind letting me hang around?"

"Sure, If you dont mind constant vodka and fire!" i say starting my engine up and revving it

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina laughed "Oddly enough, that doesn't seem like too bad of a plan" she said turning to view him only to see he was asleep. That was quick. Blinking a few times Melina simply shrugged and then smiled to herself. Deciding that she may as well nap too since it seemed safe enough. She curled up next to him as he slept to soon drift off herself.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Adam smirked and pointed at him on the way to his bike. "As long as you share the vodka." He did before starting up his motorcycle and waiting for him to drive off. "Ill follow you!" He yelled ober their engines.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Adam smirked and pointed at him on the way to his bike. "As long as you share the vodka." He did before starting up his motorcycle and waiting for him to drive off. "Ill follow you!" He yelled ober their engines.

The customized car goes through the streets easily, top speed easily reaching 100 mph. It runs through zombies easily leaving a path for Adam, he slows down so he can catch up.

The Man's eyes widened when he heard the woman's voice... They soon slammed shut once again, as his sobbing intensified. He lifted his head from the mattress, and looked back to his lover, his face barely visible. He shook rapidly, and looked as if he were about to collapse. He sat up on his own, and let his hand fall to his side. His arm suddenly jerked wildly, with a black combat axe in hand. The axe flung to her side, barely missing her. His breathing was rapid, and spastic. He was obviously torn on what he should be feeling. He gripped the bedsheets, and slowly fell back down to the bed. His sobbing never stopped.


(Stuff for Ark up soon ^-^)

Adam smirked and sped up along with him, trailing behind some because his worn down motorcycle couldn't easily get to 100. He dodged any spare zombies that decided that wanted to stay in his way along the ride. He smiled when Pyro slowed down for him, giving him a chance to catch up some. He heald his thumb up and smiled.



i flick a button and the sides of my car light up and flames shoot out of the sides. Lighting zombies,buildings and anything else alike on fire

Mira tilted her head at him, confuse on why the man was sobbing. She yelped some when the axe hit the door beside her and jumped away. She wanted to run but heald herself from it. There is something about the man that drew her to him. She slowly walked over and sat on the bed. "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you but a..." she stopped, staring in shock as it finally came to her. She noticed the man's great similarities. Shaking slightly she layed her hand on his back. "A-avery?" she manages to say before hugging him. "Avery is everything okay? What's wrong love please tell me." She said in a hurt tone knowing something was wrong. She was surprised to see him but would calibrate later. Now she just wanted to know what was wrong with him.


Rather than answering, Avery curled up into a small ball, shuddering a bit at her touch. He missed her sweet touch so much... And now he remembered why. He practically melted in her arms... He bent to her will. And he hated it. He hated being so easily controlled... He hated the fuzzy feeling she made him feel... And he hated her. But, he was too far gone to do anything about it now... Avery was fast asleep, purring in his Lover's arms.

Adam bursts out into laughter as the flames shoot from the side if his car. "That's fucking awesome!" He yelled out, knowing that pyro would most likely not be able to hear him.

Mira was hoping to have been able to talk with him but it was too late. She looked at him and smiled, she couldn't help it. She loved him to death and hoped he did too. She layed down next to him and sighed happily that she had her love back. Taking one final look at her hand that still heald the ring he gave her. She slowly drifted off into sleep next to him, hoping he would talk to her when they awoke.

((Oh shit, has avery allways hated her like that?))

(whats the situation with Miya and the other guy? because if something does happen i want AJ to be kicken some teeth in)
Yappi said:
(whats the situation with Miya and the other guy? because if something does happen i want AJ to be kicken some teeth in)
((@Thetas said he would get something up soon, but you know damn well Miya isn't going to pull anything... ((unless you want her to to ad drama)) but if she does I have a feeling that AJ might be more forgiving bout it with miya then Avery will with Mira))

<div style="text-align:center;">

<p><span style="font-family:Arial;">((Hell no! That just started recently </span></p>

<img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt=" xD " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /><span style="font-family:Arial;">))</span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#0059b3;">

Avery awoke in the morning, his eyes bloodshot red. He needed more sleep than that... But it needed to be as far away from</span></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#0059b3;"><em> her</em></span></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#0059b3;"> as possible. He slipped from her arms quickly, and threw his gas mask on, hoping he didn't wake her up. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled under his breath, not loud enough for her to hear. He walked out of the house, and down the road, taking enough turns to the point where he couldn't be followed.</span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:Arial;">


</span><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo ipsEmbeddedVideo_limited"><div><iframe width="459" height="344" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zrEaEo9Sn8k?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div></div>

<span style="font-family:Arial;">[/media]</span><p>

<br /><br /><span style="font-family:Arial;">

</span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><span style="color:#00b300;">Ark awoke next to Miya the next morning, a little fuzzy on what happened. He poked Miya's nose, chuckling a bit as he did so. "Hey, Idiot... Where are we?" He asked, with a slight chuckle.</span></span></p>



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