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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jason got up, he put his arm under her legs, carrying her bridal style. "Let's have some fun," he said running into the woods and back into the city. He looked around "I need new weapons anyway. I'm still relaxing, don't worry," he said with a chuckle, he went into a furniture store and saw a test bed. "Do ya think I can fit this in a cart," he said trying to take a blanket.

Miya stared in fear as the gun was slapped out of her hand. She squeeled as she was thrown around like a bag of rotten potatoes. After mindlessly flinging everywhere and unable to fight back she finds herself in a great amout of pain, leaning against shelf. She was about to move when she was kicked into it and falls to the ground. Her back cracks some from the fall but not bad enough where she couldn't walk. She manages to push herself up to see the man was long gone. She groans in pain, blood was pouring out of a big gash on her arm. She slowly makes her way over to Ark who she finds lying in the ground unconscious. She shakes him, trying to wake him up.


Unable to keep up with Jay Mira finds herself sitting on the curb in the side of the road. She swears loudly and kicked the ground beneath her. "What the fuck was I thinking." She mumbled to herself and threw herself backwards. "Avery would kill me if he found out... if he's even alive."

@Thetas if you want Avery to find her >.<
MiyaTheNeko said:
Mira smiled some at him until she was pushed off of him. She didn't really mind and watched him quickly run out the door. Curious she quickly threw on her clothes and followed him to wherever he was going.
@Quillicious @Nona

Miya flipped him off and said her usual phrase. "When the world ends at my place." She yelled out not realizing the irony in that. She blushed some and shook her head. "It was just a joke... just a joke..." she said to herself and waited for him to return. After a minute if waiting she heard the door open then almost immediately close. She ran over to the struggle and attempted to pull it open. "Locked... damnit." She jumped and kicked at the door before it finally came open. She aimed her gun and looked around for the threat.


Adam nodded some and chuckles. "Yes, when you want to start a fire. How's about you burp real quick and I light a match." He said with a laugh and pulled out his lighter. "This aught to work to." He said before sliding it back in his pocket.


"ive done this one thousand times" I say burping into the lighter making a large stream of fire come out of it
Adam laughs and smacks him in the back. "That's how you do it man!" He nods at him than twirls some keys around his finger. "I can see we will get along fine, ever driven a motorcycle?"

Quillicious said:
So Jay just fucked a girl with a boyfriend?!
((Husband, and she's pregnant. But she's been thinking king that he is dead sense he had been gone for so long :3 so yeah. If he finds Jay he will probably try to kill him.))
MiyaTheNeko said:
((Husband, and she's pregnant. But she's been thinking king that he is dead sense he had been gone for so long :3 so yeah. If he finds Jay he will probably try to kill him.))
(And he would do it all with one hand *Waves right hand*)

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](And he would do it all with one hand *Waves right hand*)
(And fuck you too xD )
MiyaTheNeko said:
((Husband, and she's pregnant. But she's been thinking king that he is dead sense he had been gone for so long :3 so yeah. If he finds Jay he will probably try to kill him.))
((Damn, he just pulled a Shane. In the same genre, too.))
MiyaTheNeko said:
Adam laughs and smacks him in the back. "That's how you do it man!" He nods at him than twirls some keys around his finger. "I can see we will get along fine, ever driven a motorcycle?"

"Yea, why you got one?"
Yappi said:
(playing mgsv and i have demon snake.... I made 3 nukes and use petrol bombs every day :D )

The man drove... And drove... And drove... Until the Mustang ran out of gas. He opened his door, and exited like normal. But, he soon collapsed. The man began coughing rapidly into his gas mask, unable to breath. He fell onto his back and began clawing at his throat, panicking. You may think this was a surprise to him, based on his reaction to it. But, no... This was a daily occurrence. Sometimes even 3 or 4 times a day, actually. Blood spat from his lips rapidly with each cough, as his chest burned intensely. He removed his gas mask, and got to his knees, still coughing. A dark red puddle slowly formed under him, every growing with each cough. Eventually the coughing stopped... And the Man stumbled to his feet. Through his blurred eyes he could see a home... Empty. He grunted a bit, and stumbled his way inside. He laid down in the second story bedroom, on the bed. But, he couldn't quite sleep... Instead, he cried. He curled up under the blanket, and cried. His chest still burned... His legs aching... His eyes begging for rest. But, he couldn't... Not yet.


Arkady grunted and shook his head a bit in his unconscious state. It was obvious he wasn't waking up any time soon. Meanwhile, the alarms blared, and Zombies began walking in their direction. They didn't have long.

~*Laika Flynn*~

Hearing footsteps in the distance as she walked her speed slowed down the tiniest bit as she tried to figure out where they were coming from but before she got a chance to look back to check, her hand was grabbed and she was pulled into a hug. She stood there almost frozen as Jay spilled everything out to her and apologised, a shocked expression on her face as he spoke, she looked hurt at first when he started talking but seemed less so the more he spoke, her cheeks growing in colour partly because of his words and the other part was the fact that she was realising why she felt so upset about his actions because she felt the same, though she had a bit of an idea that she had feelings for him she couldnt catagorise. That incident had forced her brain to do that task in a split second...She was just about to speak before she pulled in for a kiss, which caused her to blush even more. She was pretty much speechless, looking at him "I-I wasn't sure you felt t-that way s-so I said nothing..." She said quietly.

Yappi said:
(But dont worry, saved some children in Africa and im no longer a demon)
((I laughed too much at that. Oh, you're mad cause I mass murdered hundreds of people with nukes and firebombs? Don't worry, I gave a couple kids in Africa an apple core.))

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina smiled and held on tight as he ran to the furniture store well, if he said he was still relaxing then that was fine with her. Looking around as they entered, now on her feet again, she looked in his direction as he spoke, staring at the bed "fitting it in a cart?" She said walking over to it and sitting on it, bouncing a little when she first sat "I don't know...perhaps? You maybe you have to take apart the base of it then rebuild it when you get it to where you want to put it" she suggested, kicking her legs a little.

@Shammy the Shamrock

It was Jay's turn to blush.

"Did I...was I too straightforward? Should I have asked you before kissing you? I'm sorry, I shouldn'tve done any of that..."

He looked anxiously at her.

(I also -quite run along sentence- broke the Geneva convention, killed wounded solders, mowed down whole bases with a heavy machine gun, stabbed people and pelted there corpses at there friends, Shot dogs and put them full of c4 and drove a car at there friends, threw African children at people, threw people into the ocean AND -breaths in- the worse thing off all worth 50k demon points (1000X more than anything else listed) making a nuke and not using it)
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