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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Thetas said:

"I... Fine." The young Russian finally agreed, not wanting her persistence to ruin his mood. He smiled a bit, and began walking towards the Mustang GT, which now had 2 coats of red. He opened the passenger's side door, and pulled out the mangled body of one of the men, spitting at him as he did so. Ark reached for the other man, but reeled back a bit when he turned to look at him. He took out his Makarov handgun, and shot it twice in the head, his face blank the whole time. He pushed the other body out the driver's side door, and hopped into the vacant seat, gesturing for her to take the other.

((Just to clarify, he got in the passenger seat right? Or did he get in the driver's?))
MiyaTheNeko said:
((Just to clarify, he got in the passenger seat right? Or did he get in the driver's?))
((Passenger's. This I'm uncultured can't drive xD ))
MiyaTheNeko said:
Jack sees the bandages and raises an eyebrow. "Well... shit." He said with another laugh until he heard Lucas. He growls and stands. "What the hell is he doing here! Did you sleep with her? Oh I'm going to kill you..."

@Naomi Nakashima

Mira waved it off and giggles. "I'll explain when we get to the school." She stood and offered a hand to Laika. "Shal we take a look at this place then?

@Nona @Quillicious

"He lives with us now!!! Remember?" I say showing him the 3 beds "We didn't do anything, we just cuddled for a bit"

@MiyaTheNeko @Naomi Nakashima

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika laughed a little "Yeah, that seems like a story I'd like to hear" she said as she took her hand to help herself off "Yeah, sounds like a plan" she said as she then put her hands in her pockets "Mind showing us the way?" She asked Jay, smiling over at him. "If you don't have other plans that is..."



"Oh, yeah. I don't have anything else to do. Nope. Nothing. I'd be happy to bring you."

He nodded a couple times as he thought to himself.

"It's about an hour and a half away, walking. If we jog we could cut it down to an hour. Assuming you could keep up..."

He grinned at them and started off at a light jog.

@Nona @MiyaTheNeko
Jack calmed down some until she mentioned that they cuddled. "You two were in the same bed... together?" He growled, obviously getting angry. He listened to what he had to say and sighed, calming down. He shook his head quickly and chuckled. "S-sorry I uh... that as uncalled for I'm just gonna..." he pointed to the door and quickly made his way out, standing on the other side and leaning on the wall. Teying his hardest to pull himself together.

@Yappi @Naomi Nakashima

Miya watched him remove the people from the car and unfortunately kill one as well. She kicked the body out of the way and got into the car, not minding the bits of brain and blood that was in the seat and on the wheel. She started the car and carefully backed up before speeding down the path into the city. Once she got to the end of the path she parked infront of a building and exited the car. She quickly made her way to his side and opened the door for him. "We are going to stop here, I'll patch you up and we will head out okay? I need more supplies if you don't mind."


Miya smiled some and nodded. "Yeah, let's go." She said and watched as Jay tarted to jog. She smirked and started to jog behind him, excited to be able to see the school and clear it out for them to use.

@Quillicious @Nona
((Might suddenly disappear in a bit cause I have to go help get groceries and stuff))

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika raised a brow as he spoke "you think I couldn't? I haven't survived this long by being slow" She said, laughing lightly before jogging. Honestly she was pretty excited about it as well.




I sit next to Lucas "Sorry about that... I know you wouldn't do anything, I trust you" i say before kissing him on the lips and stepping outside to Jack and standing next to him "Dad, dont be sad... You did what you thought was right, Dont beat yourself up over it" i say hugging him.... though im short compared to him.

@MiyaTheNeko @Naomi Nakashima
Mira stopped when they arived and shook her head. "Awwe that was nothing." She said with a laugh. Before gazing at the building infront of her. "Any undead inside?" She asked, grabbing he gun just in case.

@Quillicious @Nona
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Ark grunted a bit, and exited the car. His wound was starting to itch pretty bad... He looked down at it, seeing trace amounts of pus on the edges. He shrugged it off, and followed Miya to the building, eager to get his wound fixed.

Jack mumbled and sighed at what he had done. He felt terrible and knew he would have to make up for it eventually. He saw harmony walk out and smiled slightly before hugging her close. "I feel like shit, I'm gonna talk to him."

@Yappi @Naomi Nakashima

Miya grabbed a few shirts off the shelf and layed them down as padding for Ark. She sat down at the side if it and waited for him to lay down. She pulled out some whiskey, medical tape, painkillers, and items to stitch up the wounds. She smirked and tilted her head. "Off with your shirt!" She said and laughed.


Mira put her hands to her side and giggled. "Then let's check it out!" She ran to the door and kicked it open, instantly pointing the gun into the darkness of the school. "Here zombie, zombie, zombiessss!" She said and shot a few times.

@Quillicious @Nona
Lucas sighed, maybe he really isn't a good boyfriend. Was it wrong of him to not protest further? Maybe he should've just snuck away while she was sleeping and slept in the other bed. Too late to think about; though, but he had to admit he enjoyed it a little. Deciding not to dwell on it anymore, he went into the apartment bathroom and closed the door. Hoping the plumbing still worked so he could use the bathroom.


Arkady grimaced a bit when he laid down on the shirts, but refused to listen to her any further. His face turned a light pink, and he stared up at Miya. "I'm not taking off my shirt." He said plainly, his thick Russian accent returning. He could only keep his fake American accent when it was easy... When his Russian accent came back, it was a sign that he was distressed, embarrassed, or thinking heavily.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Jack mumbled and sighed at what he had done. He felt terrible and knew he would have to make up for it eventually. He saw harmony walk out and smiled slightly before hugging her close. "I feel like shit, I'm gonna talk to him."
@Yappi @Naomi Nakashima

Miya grabbed a few shirts off the shelf and layed them down as padding for Ark. She sat down at the side if it and waited for him to lay down. She pulled out some whiskey, medical tape, painkillers, and items to stitch up the wounds. She smirked and tilted her head. "Off with your shirt!" She said and laughed.


Mira put her hands to her side and giggled. "Then let's check it out!" She ran to the door and kicked it open, instantly pointing the gun into the darkness of the school. "Here zombie, zombie, zombiessss!" She said and shot a few times.

@Quillicious @Nona

"Ok..." i say hugging him close and sitting there. I look to the right out the window into the abandoned city
Mira frowned when she was pulled back and yelled at by Jay. She crossed her arms and nodded her head. "Yes I am, let's clear the school!" She tried to run to the doors again.


Miya sighed and crawled over to him. "Okay, that means o can't stitch you up as good. And that means your wound will get infected. Leading to you being in a great amount of pain until you finally die. So, shirt off." She said lifting it up some. "Because I'm not letting you die."


"Ppsshhh... I don't die." Arkady explained, although it was obviously a joke. He sighed a bit, and gripped the bottom of his shirt. He slowly and painfully began taking off his shirt, as the fabric removed itself from his skin. Eventually he got his shirt off, and he laid it at his side. He was obviously very nervous. He didn't know this girl... Hell, she probably didn't even know what she was doing!! His fear and anxiety were plainly visible by his facial expression.

<p><span style="color:#b30000;"><strong>Miya giggles at his joke and waited for him to remove his shirt. From the amount of time and pain he went through to remove it she could tell he had been wearing it for a while. She smirked and handed him a couple pain killers. "These will help." She shoved the pain killers in his hand and waited for him to gulp it down.</strong></span></p>

<p><span style="color:#b30000;">



<strong><span style="color:#ff0080;">Mira growled some when she was pulled back. She stopped and waited for him to tell Laika whatever he had to. Once he was finished she grabbed him and pulled him twoards the door. "Come on let's go!"</span></strong></p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35376-quillicious/" data-mentionid="35376">@Quillicious</a></p>
MiyaTheNeko said:
Miya giggles at his joke and waited for him to remove his shirt. From the amount of time and pain he went through to remove it she could tell he had been wearing it for a while. She smirked and handed him a couple pain killers. "These will help." She shoved the pain killers in his hand and waited for him to gulp it down.
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