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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Melina Herford*~

Once reaching the church and stepping inside she was stopped by a kiss on the forehead as well as being called 'Love' blinking a few times as her cheeks grew pink again she looked at him "....Y-You're welcome" she said offering a gentle smile before deciding it was probably best to get some rest as well. Finding a comfortable place to rest, she went to sleep.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jay tilted his head at her words.

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

He sighed as she sat next to him, and he leaned back on his hands, admiring the city.

"Damn zombies. Messin' things up so much."

He kept glancing at Laika, noticing the entire time how close they were, almost touching. The sloping roof was flat on the top, and he usually went up there to be alone with his thoughts. It was getting close to sunset, so he stood, or at least as much as he could, and opened the window, climbing onto the panel that protruded from the top of it. He poked his head through the window, laughing.

"Come up here. Sun's almost down."

He sat on the roof, his legs dangling over the edge, his hand outstretched for Laika to grab so he could help her up.

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](I'm going to bed. Night!)

((G'night shammy!))

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika watched curiously as he opened the window and climbed out of it. Just as she was about to ask what exactly he was doing, he poked his head through the window and invited her up. With a gentle shrug of her shoulders and a small smile she stood up ((which was probably easier for her, she was quite a bit shorter than him)). Stepping out, she took the hand that was offered to her to get up onto the roof.


Jay pulled her up beside him and swung his legs back and forth in the air. The sun was almost touching the horizon, where a large field was. A large array of clouds were right above their heads, and a few smaller ones were above the sight of the sun, painting them orange and pink. Jay turned to Laika, grinning.

"Man, I love this spot..."


~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika looked all around before her gaze settled in front of her looking toward the field. As he spoke she looked to him and smiled back at him. "I can see why" she said with a nod. This all felt a bit weird to her really, it had been so long since she had a normal conversation with anyone really so she didn't know how to feel. She guessed she was happy? Travelling on your own got lonely after a while, even if you had reasons for doing it that you wanted to stick to as best you could. "I'm surprised no one else had stole this spot from you yet" she said laughing softly.


"There were originally a bunch of geeks in the attic, and when someone went up, they all got scared, but eventually me and a couple friends cleared it out and I claimed it."

He looked troubled for a second.

"You...you don't have to leave, Laika. I-We'd enjoy the company. Really. Stay, it's much better than being on your own on the run."

He was glad he got that off his chest. He really wanted her to stay because after talking with her for a while he had actually grown quite fond of her.


~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika laughed softly "I guess that's a fair price for clearing it out" she said looking out at the view again. As he spoke again, offering for her to stay she took a breath. Could she stay though? She kind of wanted to, but her brain was screaming at her not to due to previous experiences. Going silent for a bit as she thought about it, her gaze found its way moving back to view him again "I...I'll definitely think about it" she answered after a moment.


Quillicious said:
((Omg it's like 5:15 A fuggin' M where I am.))
((5 hours behind me then :P it's 10:25am here....aren't you tired? xD ))
Quillicious said:
((Did you know that if you add an N to your name it'd be grandmother in Italian? Nonna...))
((Oh? I didn't know that xD Nona was a nickname given to me when my younger sister couldn't pronounce my real name and it kinda stuck xD ...))

~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika stared at him for a moment, his smile was...unconvincing at best...was he annoyed or something? She blew some air from her cheeks before speaking "I mean I would, this place is nice...and you're nice..." She said trailing off "I mean if you can promise no one will try to cut me into bacon slices I could stay" she said in a joking manner.


"I could protect you!"

Jay frowned as he impulsively said that.

"I mean, I wouldn't want you to become bacon slices. I wouldn't anyone to become bacon slices. Nobody here will do that. I'll personally make sure you're not hurt at all. Nobody will try to do anything to you, okay?"

He scooted a little closer.

"I swear."


~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika's eyes widened a little when he said he'd protect her. He did know she was joking...right? Or was she, she didn't know really...she could handle herself of course, she had weapons and survived this long...but that didn't mean that she didn't get scared nor did it mean nothing bad had happened to her in the past, so she supposed her joke was more of a semi joke really...Blinking a few times and looking at what was in front of her as he scooted closer to her she began twiddling her thumbs. She then nodded "Okay...I believe you that its safe...so I'll stay" she then said


Quillicious said:
((But I don't wanna...I wanna stay up and...
*Passes out*))
((*throws blanket on you and tucks you in* there, sleep :3))
Jay nodded.

"Alright, then. Well, I'm gonna go to sleep, I've some stuff to do...and some things with that stuff. Stuff and things. Nice meeting you. Really nice. I mean, okay nice. Wait, okay, I had a nice time with you. Okay, yeah."

He took a deep breath and quickly kissed Laika on the cheek before jumping down into the window and into his sleeping bag. He shook from the excitement.

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