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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika nodded "Alright, uh, Thank you" she said as she followed him to the church after him, looking around it. Seemed nice enough. She gave a nod of approval "Looks like an okay place, I've seen worse" she said before her gaze drifted in Jay's direction "Is this normal for here? Y'know, letting people stay without testing them to no end about things first?" She asked curiously, she found it odd how tolerant to strangers these people seemed, she had been shot at more than enough over her times of travel and for no good reason too. She supposed it was a nice break from trigger happy idiots that shoot first then ask questions.


[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](You aren't boring, I enjoy your type if writing and waited for every reply you made. I just became inpatient and it was my fault, my apologies)

Quillicious said:
((No way. You're truthfully one of the most interesting and detailed RPers I've met, and most of your posts are very well thought out. Definitely not boring by my standards. ^-^))
((Aww, Thank you guys :'3))
Jay blushed and his mouth opened slightly.

"I...don't know. You seemed nice enough, so whatever. People usually tell the truth at gunpoint, y'know? Whatever. You'll sleep wherever you want. I usually go to the attic since there's a skylight I can look through. You can, uh...sleep there if you want. Nice view and all."

He tried not to show his nervousness at asking her. Did he sound like a creep, or desperate?

Jason couldn't find her as he became nervous "Love?" He wondered until he went back near Melina, he fell to his feet crying. "Love!? Love?! Love?!" He kept saying, tears going down his cheeks, his duster and mask gone.

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((This is the third time I've seen someone call Melina Nona instead of Melina xD ))
Nona said:
((This is the third time I've seen someone call Melina Nona instead of Melina xD ))
(......*realization* DARN IT!!!! I'll change it, don't hurt me ;- ;)
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~*Laika Flynn*~

To her, he didn't seem creepy nor desperate, perhaps others seen it that way? But she didn't pick up on it, she just thought he was a little peculiar mostly, but in an interesting way which had a small smile tug on her lips at his words momentarily...in an interesting way? Okay that was beginning to scare her a little. The last time she had a friend, that certain friend had a secret agenda and it didn't go well for the last group she was in... But she was leaving in the morning again anyways right?...So she shook that thought out of her mind for now. Playing down her thoughts she gave a simple shrug. "Well sure, since you offered" she said with a gentle nod.


(wow, im just checking on here, haven't been here in a while, i can't believe it's still going so strongly!)
Jay's heart soared. He'd been quite lonely since Quill's death, even though he had found Lawton. He shaded his eyes with his hand as he looked out of the doorway to the sky. It was beginning to get dark.

"Cool. Glad to have some company, even if it's for just a night. Need to wash up? We've got running water, only cold. Usually, we heat up water with some coals and a fire. I can help out. Help out with the water, not help you wash! Not what I meant."

He sighed and mentally kicked himself.

"I'll be in the attic if you need me."

Jay hurried to the back of the church and up the stairs to the attic.


~*Melina Herford*~

After Jason disappeared from the store they were in Melina had waited for a while first, in case he left for something because of course he wouldn't just get up and go home without her would he? After a whole if waiting around, quite a while actually, she gave up waiting because either something happened to him or he went home and she didn't think the latter was likely, it wasn't like him to do something like that without good reason. With that she took to the streets, looking around to see if she could spot him. After a while of searching she could her a familiar voice calling ....love? She blinked a few times and turned to see Jason. Who on earth was love? Did he loose them or something? "Jason! W-What on earth happened to you!" She said, noticing he was crying. She making her way over to him and kneeling down in front of him where he fell. "A-Are you alright?!"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason heard a voice and tackled it, he growled while his vision was still blurry. He believed it to be Jes "Love!" He said happily and kissed her cheek, he got off and sat on the floor. His vision soon came back and he saw Melina, he growled and got up, silent, the spark of joy had dimmed from his eyes.


~*Laika Flynn*~

They had running water? Well that was good news to hear, she felt like she really needed a wash after all the travelling she had been doing. As he continued speaking she looked at him. He was offering to...help? Her brows began to furrow at his words before he quickly corrected himself. He then began rushing up to the attic. She stared at where he once stood with a confused expression. Peculiar indeed. With that she turned on her heel and found where she could get cleaned up, which she began to do.


Jay was laying on his back, completely regretting what he said. He facepalmed as soon as he entered the attic and waited for Laika to finish so he could apologize.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina let a small yelp as she was suddenly tackled and kissed on the cheek. With a pink blush dusting at her cheeks for a bit, she lay on the ground with a confused expression. What on earth was going on with him? Sitting up after he moved off she stared at him, realising that he must've mistaken her for this 'love' person. "I...uhm... I'm sorry I'm not this 'Love' person you are looking for..." She said quietly as she fixed her glasses on her face. "...Mind telling me what happened to you?" She asked with a concerned expression.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason growled "Jes, hurt me, loved me. I CAN'T FIND HER!" He yelled grabbing his head "I need master," he said crying softly, he crawled for his bag and put it over his shoulder, shaking like a rejected puppy.


~*Laika Flynn*~

After finishing cleaning up Laika had gotten dressed and left the room. Feeling relaxed now that she was clean. Dusting off her outfit with her hands and straightening it out a little she reached the entrance to the attic, soon going up into it "Hey there" she greeted Jay as she stepped into the attic before she began looking around it.


The attic wasn't very big or cozy, even. A matress and a sleeping bag were haphazardly tossed into the room, along with a cooler and a bag of food. Jay sat up.

"Hey. Welcome to mi casa. Take your pick."

He was referring to which place she wanted to sleep. The matress was in the middle if the room, a blanket with a few holes in it and a pillow with no pillowcase were strewn on top. The sleeping bag was closer to a slanted window that had a view of the rest of the abandoned city. Jay gave a smile.

"I can sleep wherever."


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina listened to his words, a frown crossing her face once she realised what had happened. He had been brainwashed. It looked like there was a female jack running around..."Hey, hey don't cry... " she said softly as she slowly approached him "If she hurt you and ran of so easily then....she didn't love you...and you have loads of friend back at the church who care for you much more..." She said in the same soft spoken tone, not really knowing how to handle the situation.

@Shammy the Shamrock


~*Laika Flynn*~

Looking over at him as he spoke she then looked to her choices of where she could sleep, she couldn't have cared less where she slept really but he was giving her the choice. After a moment of silence she then took a seat on the mattress on the floor "You said you like to look out at the view right? I won't take that from you" she said as her gaze moved back onto his direction.


Jason looked at her "O-Only friend who cares of me," he said implying her. He rubbed up against her, his growl became a purr as he felt safe with her. Jason started to cry again but put a hand on her back "Love," he said before pulling away. "Home?" He asked a smile now on his face.

Jay liked her consideration. His smile grew as he walked over to the window. It faded a little with his next words. He took a heavy breath and glanced at her quickly.

"Sorry if I was a little strange this whole time. I'm kinda not used to the apocalypse, y'know? Wanna take in the view with me?"

He sat down and nodded his head to the space beside him.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina smiled softly when she saw he was calming down "And I'll always care too" she said with a nod. Hearing him call for 'Love' again made her frown a little, she thought he was going to get upset and run off to find her again at first since she knew that maybe he wouldn't come around right away. But he didn't he instead asked to go home. Smiling again she looked at him "Yeah, we can go home, Its been a long day"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason grabbed her by the shoulder and started the walk home, he was silent the whole way there. When they had got there he kissed her forehead "Thank you for everything love," he said going to a pew and curling up, a smile was on his face as he slept.


~*Laika Flynn*~

Laika shook her head "At least your kind of strange doesn't involve cutting people into bacon slices, trust me your kind of strange is a breath of fresh air in comparison to others I've met." She said almost shuddering at the thought of the others "And no one is used to the apocalypse really, even the people who fun around with huge guns, I mean, they weren't born thinking that's how they would have to live" she continued as she walked closer to him and sat down next to him,

Now looking out of the window.


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