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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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One second Rea was driving peacefully, the next the Humvee was spinning out of control. Thankfully, Rea was able to not make the car tumble. She got out of the car and took out her guns, aiming it at the guy, glaring at him. "If you desperately want to hitch a ride, you could have just put a hand signal, not shoot the bloody car!" She said sarcastically, smirking.
Dimitri on the tower says "Get out of our turf if you mess with the Brotherhood you mess with me but another thing don't go there are a hoard of zombies maybe 30 or 45 of them bastards." He points in the direction of the city "You may stay the night with us it's dangerous in the night here lots of turf wars." He comes down and smiles.

@RealityEntity @Libra259
Shayla gets outta the car with a huge devilish smirk on her face. "Brotherhood you say.. I see. Well frankly i dont give a crap if there is one hundred. Her and I killed about that many a few hours ago and we'll do it again. Rea the tires busted and I dunno what were gonna do now." She says annoyance present in her tone.

@TheSourPunchLime @RealityEntity
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"Dont worry. I always come prepared." Rea smirked as she opened the truck, revealing two spare tires. "I always have a backup plan." She said in a laid back tone.
Angela smiled slightly, as she took Hartley's hand, and stood up

"Thanks. And yeah, it flew there" She said, pointing towards the counter, where her knife was laying. She started walking towards it.
Hartley gave Angela a quick pat on the back, walking towards the aisles to check for anything that hadn't already been taken.

"I'll probably head into the back of the station once I'm done poking around here, might be some boxes back there. How is that car doing on gas?"
"Last time i checked, it was on 1/2.." Angela said, looking at her knife, as she started cleaning it's blade from blood, humming peacefully. She started walking towards Skoda.
"All right. It should be good for a while, but siphoning gas would always be a good idea in the future." Hartley was packing up stray items into plastic bags as he spoke.

"Maybe I'll be able to find a jerry can lying around here somewhere, that could help out with it." He set two small plastic bags onto the counter, walking towards the back of the store. As he moved into the storage area, he heard a low growl coming from a room stacked with empty cardboard boxes.
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Angela nodded, as she started flipping her knife around, looking around.
Hartley slowly crept around the corner, watching the stack of empty boxes from which the growl originated. He grabbed a nearby broom, using it to move the boxes from their place in anticipation of some sort of attack, only to be greeted by a pitiful sight: an old, decayed creature, crippled and pinned. He let out a low breath, leaning the broom back against the wall and beginning to look around through the boxes.

"Nothing useful here..." he mumbled to himself, rummaging through what seemed to be nothing more than trash that never got taken out. The moans and growls of the trapped monster sounded throughout the back area of the station, prompting Hartley to give it one last look. He crouched down, drawing the knife from his hip and quickly silencing the thing. The man was just about to leave when something in the corner of his eye caught his attention.

"All right." Hartley grinned at the sight.

Hartley exited the store a few moments later, plastic bags of various goods in one hand and the treasure he had found in the other: bags of beef jerky.

"How long did it take you to learn that?" He spoke with one side of his mouth as he watched the knife being flipped around, the other occupied by a tough piece of the jerky.
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"Well... not too long ago... like... 2 months?" Angle said, looking at Hartley.

"Aside from that... i would love to finally learn to shoot." She said, patting her Colt 1911 a few times.
Hartley walked over to the car, opening one of the doors and packing away the bags he had gathered from the gas station. He turned, shutting the door and looking at Angela.

"That's good. The sooner you learn, the better. You wanting to start learning right now?" He held out one of the bags of jerky, offering it to Angela.
"Ohh... maybe..." Angela nodded, as she looked at the bag of jerky

"Yeah, sure, why not" She said, smiling, as she took it.

"I'll save it for later. Shall we train?"
"All right." Hartley walked around, beginning to gather bottles and other various objects in his arms.

"If you want to know the truth about it, operating and taking care of the gun is just about as important as shooting it, but I guess that ain't the point of this right now." He walked over to a patch of grass at the end of the gas station, tossing the plastic bottles down there and grabbing a folding sign from the front of the gas station, near one of the machines outside.

"Everybody's probably heard it all by now, but I feel obligated to go over it anyway. Finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire, don't sweep people with the muzzle, always treat it like it's loaded." By now, he was propping the plastic bottles up on top of the folding sign that he had planted into the dirt, finally turning to look at Angela again and walking over to her.

"Mind if I take a look at the 1911 real quick? I'll hand it back."
"Y-Yeah, sure" Angela said, slowly pulling her pistol out, and extending her hand with it to Hartley.
Hartley took the pistol into his hand, nodding. "Thank you." He inspected it for a moment, pushing in the magazine release and pulling the magazine out from the grip. He checked it for a moment before sliding it into the grip and giving a firm push with his palm to secure it.

"Was there anything else with this? Any more ammo, magazines, things like that?" He flicked the safety on and off, checking to see if it worked properly. Hartley pulled the slide back slightly to check if a round was chambered, gently letting the slide ride forward again afterwards and pointing it towards the bottles. He pulled the trigger with a simple "click" sound, no rounds being fired.

"Looks like it's all in working order, I figured it would be." He kept the gun pointed towards the bottles, handing the grip end of it back to Angela.
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Angela takes the gun's grip, as she looks at Hartley

"I... I managed to find 2 more magazines.. they're in the car, in the small drawer underneath the steering wheel" She said, as she looked at the bottles. She took a few deep breaths.
"Well, that's good news." He walked over behind Angela, standing slightly to the side and looking at the gun.

"All right, nothing's chambered right now, so you can worry about the aiming first. Make sure the sights on the front and the back are both lined up, flat. Left hand on the other side of the grip from your right, wrapped around it and held pretty tight. Get comfortable with it first, then pull the slide back whenever you're ready; that'll get the gun ready to fire. You might jerk the gun a time or two, just try to make sure you hold it stable and let the gun fire so that doesn't happen."

Hartley shifted his gaze over to the bottles.

"It'll be loud too, especially if it's the first time you've ever shot, but it'll get a little better after a couple of shots."
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Angela nods, as she does exactly what Hartley told her to: She puts her left hand on the other side of the grip, and after a few seconds, she pulls the slide back, and aims it at the bottles. She's breathing slowly, sweat coming out on her forehead.

"O-O-Ok.... i-i-i think i'm ready" She mumbled, as she slowly shifted her finger to be near the trigger. Her hand shakes a little, but slowly calms down.
"There you go, just give the trigger a careful squeeze, you'll end up learning that gun and when the trigger resets, makes it a whole lot easier to handle and shoot." Hartley fell silent, watching Angela prepare to shoot and waiting to see the results.
Angela slowly squeezes the trigger, making it go half way towards the point where the gun would shoot. She waits for it to go to its normal position, and pulls it all the way. Second after the shot, she whimpered, covering her ears.
"You all right? I told you it'd be loud, especially the first time." He rubbed at his chin, looking over towards the bottles to see where the shot went.

"Ears still ringing a little bit?"
"Y-Yeah.." Angela said, looking at the bottles.

"W-W-Where did it hit?" She asks, slightly trembling.
Hartley looked over to the bottles, squinting for a moment before simply walking over to them. He picked one up, looking it over for a moment and setting it back down.

"Well, you hit it, went through it near the bottom. Aim a little higher maybe, but good job. It was a hit." He adjusted the other bottles, setting one back up where it had fallen over. He returned to his spot, speaking on the way there.

"You want to go again? You could always get something to protect your ears if you'd be more comfortable that way, since you know what it'll sound like now."
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