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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Hartley sighed in relief, relaxing a bit into the seat and pulling off his gloves. He laid them together on his lap and watched the road, resting his cheek on his fist and leaning towards his side of the car.

"So, are you any good with that knife? You know, flipping it around and all that."
"Y-Yeah..." Angela said, looking at the road.

"I actually got it on my 16th birthday... Heh.. not too long ago..." She mumbled quietly, looking slightly saddened.
"I never did really get into it, but I always thought it was neat to watch. Probably takes a whole lot of practice." He slid back into his seat a bit more, still watching the road.

"Not too long ago... didn't even realize. Must be rough, but at least you seem to have a good little setup so far." He tapped the dashboard of the car.

"And what about that 1911? You ever had any practice with that?"
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"N-No... not really..." Angela said, quickly looking over at Hartley, then back at the road

"I never actually shot a real gun" She admired, slightly blushing.
Hartley raised an eyebrow, glancing over to Angela.

"Never?" He looked back to the road. "Well, I guess it makes sense. I'm sure there are a lot of people around who haven't, but it would be a useful skill to have. Could save your life, could put food on the table. It's a nice gun, though. I'd hang onto it if I were you, even if it has seen a little wear and tear."
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"Yeah... my father... actually.........used...........it" Angela mumbled, looking at the road, her hands trembling a little.
Hartley raised his head away from his fist, sitting up straight.

"I see." He fell silent for a moment, pausing in between his sentences. "That's all the more reason to keep it around."

"You'll be all right."
"I... guess...." Angela said, looking at the road, as she noticed something in the distance. It appeared to be a gas station

"Hey, look at this!" She said, pointing towards the location.
Hartley rose up a bit out of his seat, leaning forward to look at what was in the distance.

"Might be something useful in there, do you want to stop at it?"
"Yeah, could be useful stuff" Angela said, as she started to slow down, preparing to turn right.
Hartley grabbed the gloves off of his lap, pulling them onto his hands one by one.

"A good part of it's probably already been looted, but there might still be something that people missed. We'll see."
"Let's go" Angela said, as she halted the car to the complete stop, and shut the engine off. She got out, wielding her pistol. Her knife was in her pocket, ready to being used.
Hartley grabbed his rifle, stepping out of the car and shutting the door behind him. He started walking forward, looking around at the outside of the gas station.

"Vending machines could be useful too, maybe we could get something out of those. I'll walk in front."

He waded through the trash and stray items littered everywhere, taking care not to trip over any of it.

"Do you see anything?"
"No, i don't see a-" Angela suddenly cut off, as she noticed a zombie near the dead body of a cashier, looking right at her. She widened her eyes, as she stopped moving, even breathing.
Hartley stopped walking whenever he heard Angela suddenly cut herself off, turning to look.

"What is it?" He shifted his gaze over to the zombie in question, looking between the two and starting to move.

Angela is looking at the zombie, slowly breathing.

"It's staring right at me" She said quietly, slowly starting to panic

"What do i do?!" The girl asks.
JPTheWarrior said:
"How long will we stay here?"
Shayla shrugs and finishes packing the weapons. "Doesn't matter to me. Probably when I get bored.. Which is probably going to be soon." She replies and zips the bags up.
Hartley kept his eyes locked on the same zombie.

"Well, I don't think you've ever went up against one of these things, right?" He shifted his left hand, moving it up a bit farther on his rifle. "Knock it down or hit it in the head is the easy answer. If you can't get close, then you can always shoot it, but that does two things: it uses a bullet-" He glanced over to Angela, then back to the creature that is watching the girl back. "and someone might hear. I think it's alone, but we don't know that for sure."

Hartley furrowed his brows, watching. "If we're going to kill it, we should probably let it come to us."
Angela nodded, as she pulled out her knife, and really slowly started walking towards the zombie

It growled, as it started walking towards her. She kept calm, although, but she was breathing frantically.
"Calm down Jane, I was just joking." Rea chuckled before zipping up the bg and putting it in the Humvee. She clapped her hands before asking, "Okay, you guys need anymore help with those?"
Hartley nodded, walking near Angela as she approached the zombie.

"Just be ready, don't get too anxious." He watched closely at the situation in front of him. "And just don't stick any of your body out in front of it just yet, especially not that other arm."
RealityEntity said:
Meanwhile, Rea went to the right side of the room, shoving out a cabinet, reavealing a huge vault. She entered a password and after a few clinks and clangs, the vault opened. Rea grabbed a duffel bag and started to stuff anything she can fit inside the bag. Inside the vault were tons of cash. "You never know.." She muttered as she continued to stuff it with cash.
After that, she filled the Humvee with gas, and while waiting she observed her companions. They sure are an odd couple.

"Hey, Jane and Shayla... Are you guys dating or something?"

(Lol Im sorry xD )
(Sorry late response just saw it!!)

She chuckles, "jeez you got stuttery when she brought that up. Dont have to be embarrassed since we arent." Shayla pushes the hair in her face behind her ear. A scar trails along the eye that was covered by her hair.
The zombie growled, as it extended it's arms, looking at Angela. She slowly stopped, as she breathed slowly, trying to calm her beating down. Her hand holding the knife shook a little, but it stopped after a while.
Libra259 said:
(Sorry late response just saw it!!)
She chuckles, "jeez you got stuttery when she brought that up. Dont have to be embarrassed since we arent." Shayla pushes the hair in her face behind her ear. A scar trails along the eye that was covered by her hair.
he sees the scar but doesnt talk about it cause it isnt his business "Yeah whatever!"

"What happened to your eye?" Rea asked. She then realized that it must be something private and she quickly waved her hands in front of her. "Y-you dont have to tell me if you dont want to. Im sorry for being so straightforward."
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