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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"Y-Yeah.." Angela was slightly red on her face, breathing slowly

"L-Let's put it out for later" She mumbled, putting her gun in her pocket, making sure to switch it to safety

"I don't feel great..." Angela stated, slowly walking towards the car.
"All right, that's fine." Hartley nodded, walking over to where the bottles were and digging around on the ground for a few moments.

"What do you mean, you feel sick?" He walked back over to the car, one hand clenched with something in it.
"I-I mean... i have some kind of thing, that if i something loud happens next to my ear... it messes up with my brain, and then somehow it makes me have problems with breathing..." Angela said, slowly walking towards the door of the car, and opening it. She got in, and started the engine

"Gunshots appareantly qualify as that too.." Angela mumbled, leaning back on the driver's seat, holding her palm over her forehead.
"Damn, I had no idea." He opened the passenger door, placing his rifle in once more and taking a seat. "There something you can do to help it, or do you just have to wait it out?" Hartley shifted in his seat, pulling the car door shut.
"Usually i wait it out... It lasts like... 10 minutes, at least" Angela said, slowly driving away from the gas station, onto the road they were traversing earlier.
Hartley extended his hand, opening up the fist to reveal a slightly deformed bullet.

"Figured I'd grab it for you, was something I did the first time I ever went shooting." He turned his gaze to the road, resting his elbow on the inside of the passenger side door.

"Any place in particular we're headed now that we're done with the gas station?"
"Well... if we see anything.. then.... probably we'll stop there... it's slowly getting darker" Angela said, looking at the road. She quickly peeked at the bullet, and smirked, quickly returning her view to the road

"Thanks... that'll be a nice memory" She smiled.

"And i'm slowly falling asleep, i've been up a....." She gets interrupted with a yawn.
Hartley packed the bullet away into a pocket on his coat, looking over at Angela as she yawned.

"You're not gonna fall asleep at the wheel, are you?" He chuckled, resting his cheek on his fist as he did earlier and looking out at the road.

"Hopefully there's something nearby, then. You feel like you need to pull over and stop?"
"N-No... i'm fine... i never felt asleep like that" Angela said, looking around for a place to stop

"And mayyybe... maybe... nothing in sight... maybe we'll just stop near the forest?" She said, slowing down.
"I'm fine with that, maybe we can find a decent place. I ain't too sure how long it's gonna be until we run into a place we can stop at."

Hartley slowly began to sit up straight as the car slowed.

"It's your call, I guess."
"I-If you want, we could keep going..." Angela mumbled quietly, looking for a place to stop, as she noticed a radio tower with small building next to it, with a fence guarding it.

"Hey, look, to our right" She said, as she turned right into a dirt road, headed towards the gate. There were no zombies near it, and it appeared to be abandoned.
"Maybe, I guess we could figure out how much daylight we have left." Hartley raised an eyebrow, looking through the window and squinting at the thing Angela had pointed out.

"Is that a tower?" He glanced over to her, then back to the tower and building. "Are we stopping here?"
"Yeah, there is a also a small building near it, you see that? And no zombies! It's heaven" Angela stated happily, shutting off the engine, and getting out of the car. She takes her butterfly knife, and walks towards the gate, humming.
"Hey, wait up, now. I don't want to get too excited about this place just yet." Hartley grabbed his rifle, stepping out of the car and unfolding the bayonet.

"I wonder if the gate's unlocked." He followed Angela, shutting the car door behind him.
The gate won't budge.

"Damnit!" Angela exclaimed, slightly angered.

"Wait, maybe i'll climb over it. There are no spikes on top of it." She said, as she started to climb the fence. It wasn't too high, maybe 2 meters.
Hartley let out a sigh, shaking his head.

"Didn't figure it would be unlocked, of course not." He furrowed his brows as Angela started to climb.

"Watch out, then. What should we do about the car?" Hartley walked over to the fence, placing his left hand on it and taking his rifle into his other by the middle of it.
"If i won't find the way to open it... i'll just ram the gate" Angela stated, jumping to the other side of the fence

"Okay... let's see..." She said, walking towards the small house, wielding her knife in her hand.
Hartley pulled himself up onto the fence, placing his rifle on the other side and letting it fall slightly down to the ground. He climbed to the top, hopping over to the other side and dropping off of it. He scooped up his rifle, speaking.

"Car should be fine, right?" He examined the gate for a moment from the inside, looking at how it was locked shut before turning.

"Ram it, huh? Day one and you're already storming the gates." He chuckled, looking at the small house.
Angela looks behind her, as she smiles slyly at Hartley. She entered the house, slowly making sure there were no zombies

But nobody came

"No zombies here "She exlaimed happily, looking around.

"Yeah... it appears that i'm going to ram it... there are no keys here..." She mumbled. Angela got out, and started walking quickly towards the fence. She got over it quickly, and went towards the car.
"All right, I'll make way then. Don't want to get flattened." Hartley stepped over to stand next to the doorway of the house, watching the car. He called out across the fence.

"Good luck getting through."
"Thanks" Angela said, smiling.

After few seconds, Hartley could hear engine revving, and soon enough, a bang could be heard, as the gate was destroyed by Skoda. It had slightly damaged bumper, but it was fine. It quickly stopped, and Angela got out of the car, rubbing her nose.

"Okay... it's done" She said, trying to hide the fact that she struck her nose against a steering wheel ,and damaged it.
Hartley took an extra step back as the car rammed through the gate, looking over the destroyed gate and the damaged bumper.

"Nice job. You all right?" He raised an eyebrow at Angela, although soon enough shook his head and glanced to the house.

"At least that seemed to go all right."
"Y-Yeah.. i'm fine... just... my nose hurts, that's all" Angela giggles slightly, taking her hand off her nose, which is slightly bleeding.

"Did you find anything?" She asks, entering the small house.
Hartley let out a sigh, shaking his head again. "Fine, huh? All right." He walked farther into the house, taking a look around. "No, I haven't poked around that much yet. Seems like a safe enough place, do you think we could stay here tonight?" He continued his searching and rummaging as he spoke.
"Yeah, it's great place to start." Angela said, looking around. There was a two story bed next to a wall.

"I'm taking the bottom one." She said, as she jumped on it, laughing. She let out a sigh.

"Finally some sleep...." Angela slowly closed her eyes, as she cleaned her upper lip from a bit of blood from her nose.
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