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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Laika Flynn*~

Her eyes slowly gazed over in his direction, she didn't know what she expected really when he said tour, maybe be taken inside? Meh. This worked too she supposed "First tour I wasn't actually shot at or stolen from at the end so thumbs up for that." She said afterwards. It was then she noticed the wound he had on his abdomen she furrowed her brow lightly as she looked at it "Sheesh, that doesn't look too healthy" she pointed out. "Last tour not go so well?"


Jason shrugged "When in the zombie apocalypse, steal as must shit as you can because when the world gets back to normal you will never get to do this again-Jason Grim 20XX," he said chuckling and stealing anything he could. He saw a manikin and just because he could he stole the arm.


Threat looked at her turn red and leaned on her "You're my tomato, you know that." He said laughing, he looked around seeing a zombie, he threw his knife but missed "Darn," he said getting some bread from his bag, throwing crumbs as if the zombie was a duck.

Mira1 said:
Jada smiled at him and giggles. She hugs him and sits next to him on the bench. She slaps hit playfulky. "Bad bench." She said in a childish tone before kissing Threat. Her heart beating quickly, her face red.
@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack chuckled and crossed his arms. "Thanks Harm, hey wanna head out? Maybe you can see that uhhh..." he thought for s moment, trying to remember the kids name.


"Lucas? Yea, I'd love to see him" I say swaying
"Heh. I'm fine. I got stabbed with a cane. Don't ask."

Jay subconsciously adjusted his shirt and cleared his throat.

"Was that tour up to your standards? You seem like the professional tour critic type."

Lucas blinked awake, crawling his way out from under the bookshelf. He rubbed his eyes absentmindedly, picking back up his sleeping bag afterward and putting it away. He'd almost forgotten about the situation, under he saw the two decaying legs behind the counter. One male and one female. He'd never actually had the heart to go look at their whole bodies yet; honestly, they might be decayed beyond recognition. He didn't want to really look at dead bodies, ever if at all, but for some reason he felt drawn to these two a bit. They looked to be a couple, for they were holding hands...their clothes were really familiar to him too. They were both face first on the ground however, the female's brown hair was also very familiar to him. But, wait...no that can't be-! He noticed a note in the female's hand, and stated shaking with fear. It's not true! ...No, I'm just para- All those thoughts; however, had halted in an instant when he read the note. Time stopped too.

'To my two wonderful sons, I'm so sorry we must do this. We don't want you to get hurt; though, and we've both been bitten. Me and your father want you to know that even though we must do this, we will always love you. We're so sorry we must leave you. Please stay safe for us. If anyone else reads this and wishes to bury us--our names are Linda and Thomas Salmires'

Lucas fell to his knees, grasping his own head as he screamed and cried uncontrollably. He refused to believe this, he wouldn't believe this. These weren't his parents, no they couldn't be dead! ...No, they are dead...and it's all your fault isn't it, Lucas?! You didn't find them in time! he clutched his eyes closed, unable to handle anything as his own thought screamed back at him Not that would matter at all, YOU CAN'T SAVE ANYONE!

~*Laika Flynn*~

Her expression turned to that of confusion, her brows furrowed for a moment ".....Alrighty then.." She said, his answer only creating more questions really. Hearing his next sentence a quiet chuckle escaped the girls lips "I do? Well, Jay, I'm not dead, almost dead or bored so I'd say it was."


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina laughed at his words as she continued to grab things from the racks that she liked the look of. Looking to Jason she slowed down her movement before laughing out "...wait an arm? What in earth could you use that for?" She asked as she watched him.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Yappi said:
"Lucas? Yea, I'd love to see him" I say swaying

Threat looked at her turn red and leaned on her "You're my tomato, you know that." He said laughing, he looked around seeing a zombie, he threw his knife but missed "Darn," he said getting some bread from his bag, throwing crumbs as if the zombie was a duck.

Jada smiled at the nickname she was given, thinking that it was cute and pretty accurate. She poked him and leaned on him back. "Well you're my... uh... I'm not good with nicknames..." she mumbled as he threw a knife at a zombie and missed. She giggled at the bread throwing and joined in by throwing some with him. "If only he'd take the bate."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack snapped and chuckled. "Yeah that's he one, let's go see if we can find him. Just one rule." He walks up and kneels infront of her. "No, and I mean NO, kissing. K?"


"Yes dad..." I say frowning,"I would look at the library, almost no one reads so it has almost no zombies. That makes it a nice place to camp overnight" I say getting my bag @Naomi Nakashima
Threat smiled "I am not either, you just look like a cute tomato." He said as he went up to the zombie and hit it in the legs. He used his knife to cut off the head, he stabbed the brain and went up to her. "I got you a present," he said laughing and going back on the bench.


Jason just looked back "Steal everything," he said with a shrug, he took the arm and poked her a few times. "It also works as a shoving stick," he said wearing random clothes he had found. Jason looked around and stuffed the hand is his bag "Ya find everything," he said smiling.

Yappi said:
"Yes dad..." I say frowning,"I would look at the library, almost no one reads so it has almost no zombies. That makes it a nice place to camp overnight" I say getting my bag @Naomi Nakashima

Jason just looked back "Steal everything," he said with a shrug, he took the arm and poked her a few times. "It also works as a shoving stick," he said wearing random clothes he had found. Jason looked around and stuffed the hand is his bag "Ya find everything," he said smiling.

Jack glares at her and shakes his head. "No one reads my ass... I read." He mumbles to him self before looking back at her. "I read am i weird for that? I thought everyone read, reading is fun. Don't you read?" He asks scraching his head.

@Yappi @Naomi Nakashima

Jada giggled as she watched Threat go up and kill the zombie. She watched him cut the head off and stab it for some reason she didn't understand until he approached her with it. She squeeled and moved away from it on the bench. "Grose!!" She said with a giggle.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"I read all the time, I have a bookshelf in my foxhole" I say getting a little scared "But when I went to the library to get books it was almost always empty. Everyone was into other things...." I say in a low voice "Your not wierd, if that makes you wierd then in wierd"

Threat put it closer "Aww it won't bite....probably." He said with a devious smile, he put it close to her cheek but instead Threat kissed her. He laughed and threw the head into a pond nearby, leaning on her again.

A slightly mischevious grin spread across his face.

"You're not bored, eh? I guess I entertained you well. I'm glad to be of service, then."

Jay gave a mocking bow, laughing as he straightened up. He looked her over quickly, hoping she didn't notice.

Jack smiled and messed her hair up. "Good, I was just making sure." He said with a laugh before picking her up and putting her on his shoulders. "Shal we head off then?"


Jada looked at the zombie skull and squeeled as it got closer to her face. Only to be surprised by a kiss from Threat. She giggled and hit him playfully. "You're so mean!" She said laughing and hugging him.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Threat let out a fake squeal and rubbed his arm "Ow! That really hurt," he said through clenched teeth. He looked up at her, wanting to see her reaction.

Nami and Die sat on the roof of a building. Nami's head began to shake as she squeezed her hand, blood dripped from her wound onto the faces and hands of the Walkers. A smirk appeared on her face. "You like that?!" She yelled and sighed lightly. "We should go..." Die said with a sigh and handed her cloth for her wound.

Nami's hand rattled with pain, it shook as it was being squeezed, blood flowing out of her cuts. Die shook his head and pulled the bags over his shoulder. "Come on Nami...."
Mira1 said:
Jack smiled and messed her hair up. "Good, I was just making sure." He said with a laugh before picking her up and putting her on his shoulders. "Shal we head off then?"

Jada looked at the zombie skull and squeeled as it got closer to her face. Only to be surprised by a kiss from Threat. She giggled and hit him playfully. "You're so mean!" She said laughing and hugging him.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"Let's go on a adventure!" I yell pointing forward.

Jada saw his reaction and squeeled. She instantly teared up and hugged him. "I'm so sorry! I-I didn't meat to please forgive me!" She whined hugging and rubbing the spit that she hit. Her lips were trembling as if she had killed him.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack chuckled and ran out the door, ducking so that he didn't hit her head. He sprinted down the street and looked for the library. "Tell me when we pass it okay?" He said throwing a few knifes at Zombies they passed. Mostly hiring them square between the eyes.

Shadow sat in the library, reading only because she was bored. There was nothing to do. Usually, she would settle with a horde of zombies to kill, but even that seemed boring.
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