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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jason smiled "Yup, you want to find what you would like, we are here so knock yourself out." He said before going over to the counter and taking some candy "Gummy sharks!" He said happily, eating the candy, jumping as he did.


Threat thought for a second "You want to go for a walk in the park, shooting Z's, I haven't been to there for a while. I also need to go into the city for a new jacket," he said going over to his room and putting his cowboy hat on.

Jay was trudging back from exploring, and his stomach wound was reopened. He was limping pretty fast, and when he saw Laika he pulled his pistol, putting it to the back of her head.

"Alright, lady, what're you here for?"


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina blinked a few times "Really? I don't want to be wasting your time looking through this stuff though" she said before looking over in his direction only to see him getting really excited over finding candy causing her to giggle.

@Shammy the Shamrock

~*Laika Flynn*~

Feeling the cold metal of the pistol touch the back of her head along with a voice, Laika stopped in her steps and raised her hands a little. Great. Just great. With an inaudible grunt accompanied with an eye roll she spoke "Pleasure meeting you too" she said dryly "I'm not here for anything, I'm just passing through" she then answered.


Jada smiled and nodded at him. "Sounds like fun!" She said happily standing and smiling at him. She took his hand and started to make her way to the door.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jason laughed "It is the end of the world, we are alone so I think we have all the time in the world." He said stuffing his face with candy, he smiled "Do what you want, I am a very patient ma," he gestured towards the door.


Threat nodded and got excited "Let's go," he said tugging her towards the door. When they made it out he looked around the woods "Nice isn't it," he said taking a deep breath.

"We've got a settlement here in this church. You can understand we need to be careful. Don't make trouble, and I won't give trouble."

He lowered his gun and grunted.

"I'll show you around, if you want."

Jada squeeled some when she was pulled along by Threat. She giggles and follows him into the woods where she finally caught up at his pace. She smiled and interlocked her fingers with his. "Yeah, it really is." She said with a large smile.

@Shammy the Shamrock

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina smiled and nodded "Well, I suppose you have a point" she said as she continued to look through the clothes, finding a few things she liked the look of as she lifted them. Looking in Jason's direction she walked over and hoped up on the counter "Any chance you could spare a gummy shark?" She asked looking to the bag of them "I kinda miss candy" she said with a gentle laugh.

@Shammy the Shamrock

~*Laika Flynn*~

She sighed quietly "I won't give you any trouble, that's what I've been trying to avoid in the first place" she said lowering her hands at the same time he lowered his weapon. She then turned around and looked to the man that had stopped her. "Well A+ for the welcoming party, a gun to the head is very homely" she said with a slightly raised brow "That aside I guess it was precautions so yeah, I guess looking around couldn't hurt" she said pushing some hair behind her ear.



I can't sleep, I'm pretty well rested. I stand up and look out the window, I see Lawson still looking for us.
Lucas was just exhausted, completely exhausted. He'd been looking around the barren town for quite a while now, rereading Harmony's note a few times. Don't give up hope, huh? the boy thought, absentmindedly—tears starting to stain the paper of the note after the fifth reading of it But I'm still not strong enough, not strong enough to help her like I should! Wow, was he a pessimist. The only thing he seemed to never doubt was his family being alive. He just needed them to be alive, he needed to see them again. Sighing, he dreaded on—wondering what he'd find if he left this city.

He didn't want to leave Harmony, but...his girlfriend was still in a trance or something. Following Jack like a lost puppy. Would she even notice him gone the way she was now? She might be too absorbed in being with Jack, he might not even let her leave. Either way, to leave this city—he'd need to go through the woods or something. That terrified him; though, so for now, he should rest in one of these buildings nearby. Spotting a bookstore, he shuffled inside quickly. It was super dusty, he coughed and hacked for a good few minutes. Perhaps he could just blame his bad luck again? Other than the dust though, it wasn't that bad! There were only one or two dead bodies, and the only fallen self was leaning on the wall to where it wasn't actually fallen onto the floor. Books were scattered all around it though. Taking shelter underneath it, he took out a sleeping bag he'd stored in his backpack and laid it down after clearing away the books. Laying down on it, he quietly drifted away into his dreams.
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Jack wakes up rubbing his eyes and saw harmony looking out the window. He smiled snd snuck up behind her, grabbed her shoulders, and yelled 'Boo' as loud as he could.

Jason gave her one "They are chewy and so sweet I just can't help myself. I use to get these all the time with my brother all the time," he said looking around the store with a frown. He soon snapped out of it "Pick what you want, EVERYTHING IS FREE!" He yelled as it echoed through the store a smile now on his face.


Threat leaned on her, he let out a sigh as they went into the city. He dragged her along and found the park "PARK!" He said running towards a bench and slamming down on it. "Ow!" He said

When she turned around, the man looked strange for a minute. It passed as quickly as it began and he raised his own eyebrow in return.

"Well, A+ for intruding on a potentially dangerous settlement. Anyways, I'm Jay."

He held his hand out to her.

Mira1 said:
Jack wakes up rubbing his eyes and saw harmony looking out the window. He smiled snd snuck up behind her, grabbed her shoulders, and yelled 'Boo' as loud as he could.

I scream softly until I see its Jack "Don't scare me like that" I say spooked

Jada giggles enjoying walking with him until he suddenly runs off to the park. She laughed and runs after him until he slammed down on a bench. She screams and runs up to him, hugging him. "Are you okay! Please dont tell me you're hurt! I'll kill the bench of I have to!!"
Mira1 said:
Jada giggles enjoying walking with him until he suddenly runs off to the park. She laughed and runs after him until he slammed down on a bench. She screams and runs up to him, hugging him. "Are you okay! Please dont tell me you're hurt! I'll kill the bench of I have to!!"
@Shammy the Shamrock
Yappi said:
I scream softly until I see its Jack "Don't scare me like that" I say spooked

Jack laughs and hugs her. "I'm sorry harmony will you ever forgive me?" He jokes, messing up her hair some.

Threat became nervous "I-I'm fine, I am fine. I just had a rough landing," he said stroking her back. "Calm down, calm down, please," he said, hearing her about killing a bench made him shaky.

Mira1 said:
Jack laughs and hugs her. "I'm sorry harmony will you ever forgive me?" He jokes, messing up her hair some.

"I don't know... That's a pretty unforgivable crime" I giggle "I'm kidding your forgiven"

~*Laika Flynn*~

"Potentially dangerous? Is that really how you want to market the place?" She said before looking to the hand extended in front of her "Laika" she said simply as she then shook his hand.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina noticed him frown after mentioning his brother but didn't address it to him, after all, he had already changed the subject, yelling rather loudly. She giggled before popping the gummy shark in her mouth and hopping off the counter again. "It still feels weird to me not paying for stuff sometimes you know its weird" she said with a laugh as she looked through the stuff again. After all, he had a point, the stuff was free and the building seemed safe enough.

@Shammy the Shamrock

He spread his hands.

"It could be dangerous. I guess. Whatever, let's take the tour or whatever. It's a church, so..."

He waved over to it.

"Woods behind it, a city around it. That's pretty much it."

Jada smiled at him and giggles. She hugs him and sits next to him on the bench. She slaps hit playfulky. "Bad bench." She said in a childish tone before kissing Threat. Her heart beating quickly, her face red.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack chuckled and crossed his arms. "Thanks Harm, hey wanna head out? Maybe you can see that uhhh..." he thought for s moment, trying to remember the kids name.

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