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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"Jack don't! He helped me with my wounds. Let's just leave" I tell him tugging on his shoulder
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'Of course I'd let you go back! That's what I said, right?!'

He saw Jack pull his knife.

'Oh, fuck off, mate! I've had enough of your shit, you bastard! I was gonna fix up your mate here and escort her back to you, safe and sound, but she fuckin' stabbed me in the hand and ran off!'

@Mira1 @Yappi

"Well, this is awkward! Is that a no to food, then?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @Mira1
Jack rolled his eyes and sheathed his knife. "Like I'm supposed to believe that, after all the times you and that other man, Jay was it? All those times you took her from me, how am I supposed to believe you would bring her back. Look I'm not going to hurt you for her sake, I'm sorry but you and Jay aren't in the list of people I necessarily trust." He backed up and put harmony on his shoulders. "Anything else before we leave?"

@Yappi @Quillicious

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina thought for a moment "Well...I suppose you are really in a way." She answered with a nod "I mean, I know the others...but I guess they don't talk to me too much, I'm just seen as the resident stitcher upper you know?" She said with small laugh as she looked at him "That and guess you're the person I feel safest near" she continued.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason patted her head "Well I know you ain't just a nurse. Ya something better," he said taking the cigarette out of his mouth and stomping it out. He put his hands in his pockets and continued the walk til they got to the city. He wanted to run but knew he had to stay close to Melina, he took his gun out and shot a few zombies, counting as he went.

"Hey, you guys mind getting a room or something? I'd rather keep my food in my stomach, thanks."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Mira1

Lawton pumped his shotgun and shot Jack in the shin in the blink of an eye.

'We do it because of what you did when you first met her, fuckin' kidnapping her, mate...that's sad, bastard. Real sad.'

@Yappi @Mira
Threat growled and flipped him off from under the table, he leaned on Jada "I did, we both know you are lying," he said inter-twinning his hand with hers, showing it to Jay. He smirked "We can do what we want," he said looking up at Jada.

@Mira1 @Quillicious

I pull my revolver before he even shoots Jack "Your sick for thinking he does that!" I say clicking the hammer "For the love of Christ he doesn't rape me or anything like that. I grew up a orphan and he's pretty much my dad!" I say hoping he still won't shoot Jack

@Quillicious @Mira1
Jack saw him about to shoot his shotgun when harmony did the honors of stopping him. He growled and kicked Lawson's gut, hoping to get the gun away from him. "Put he fucking gun down. If you want to fight then grow a pair and do it like a man." Jack threw a knife to his feet and drew his own knife. He got ready to fight, pushing harmony back gently.

@Quillicious @Yappi
'That's a fucked up relationship with a dad if he puts a collar on you.'

He pulled the trigger, aiming for Jack's right leg.

@Mira1 @Yappi

Jay raised an eyebrow at Threat.

"Just stop, stud muffin. You're suffocating me with your talking to girls skills and being able to touch another person. Whoopty-fuckin'-doo. Nobody wants to see that happen."

@Mira1 @Shammy the Shamrock
Melina smiled a little when he patted her head, readjusting her glasses a little she followed alongside him through the woods until they got to the city. He could have ran if he wanted, she was quite a quick runner really. There was a few zombies around but not too many to worry about. Either way she carried her knife in her hand in case she needed to use it. "So, where exactly are we heading to first?" She asked.
Nona said:
Melina smiled a little when he patted her head, readjusting her glasses a little she followed alongside him through the woods until they got to the city. He could have ran if he wanted, she was quite a quick runner really. There was a few zombies around but not too many to worry about. Either way she carried her knife in her hand in case she needed to use it. "So, where exactly are we heading to first?" She asked.
@Shammy the Shamrock
Jada giggled and looked at their intertwined fingers. She smiled and looked back at Jay making sure he could clearly see as well. Her face turned bright red at what Threat said and she quickly hid it from Jay. She smirked and pulled threat up onto her lap before kissing him, hoping mainly to shut him up before he embarrasses her anymore.

@Shammy the Sham

Jack lowered his head and shook it. "Harmony can I please deliver this man to Nikki and have her bake me a nice pie. I would really enjoy that..." He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

@Yappi @Quillicious
Quillicious said:
"Kids these days..."
He shook his head and sat down on the other side of the room.

"By the way, kid, what are you? As in gender wise."

He was legitamately curious about Threat/Peace.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Mira1

Lawton right hooked Harmony in the jaw as she jumped at him.

@Yappi @Mira1
Jack saw him punch harmony in the jaw and growled out loud. "MOTHER FUCKER SHES JUST A KID!" He yelled out and charges at him, he kicked him in the side and pulled out a knife.
Lawton twisted Jack's wrist that held the knife and disarmed him, stowing his shotgun and slicing at Jack's stomach.

'A kid that's tryin' to kill me, yeah! Bloody wanker! She herself attacked Threat in self defense, and no one batted an eye except Jason!'

@Mira1 @Yappi
He threw an elbow at her nose, and kicked her away as she lunged.

((Fucking powergamer. A pressure point that can make someone automatically breathe in is OP as fuck. Check that and get out with that shit.))

Jack felt the knife fall and wasn't able to react fast enough before he was slashed in the gut. He swore aloud and stumbled back. "Fuck this..." He said reaching into his pocket and grabbing a few smoke bombs (The ones you get around the 4th that you light and they smoke a lot.) He lit the few he had and dropped them to the ground before grabbing harmony in his arms and running off.

@Quillicious @Yappi
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