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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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The flinch partially ripped the stitches, tearing her stomach wound open and turning the bandage crimson. He picked her up bridal style and carried her to the church to properly help her.

'Be back in a flash, Jack.'


I wake up slowly to see him carrying me "Thank you...." I say half awake "It's not like I choose to stay with him... Just something in my mind clicks" I say as he Carrys me.

@Quillicious @Mira1
Quillicious said:
Lawton frowned.
'What? Has he...brainwashed you?'


"No-yes... I don't know. I want to stay with him... He's nice, funny, loving" I say smiling "But everyone calls it wrong and tries to kill him. He doesn't torture me or rape me, he is no monster"

Jason smiled "Sure, haven't had a scavenging buddy," he said with a chuckle. He walked outside and gestured her to follow, he took out a cigarette and light it, taking a drag of it.

Jack watched him run off with Harmony and sighed. He fell to his knees and sighed. "Bloody fools." He said in a pained tone and looked into the distance. "Why do I even try anymore..." He mumbles and lays back on the ground looking up at the sky. 'Be back in a flash my ass...' he thinks to himself with a disgusted look on his face. 'they always take her from me. what don't they understand, all I want is to fill the void of my lost daughter. is that to much to ask? Aparently...'

"Jack is nice to me, I won't abandon him" I say stabbing his hand and running back to Jack. I take many loops and turns to throw him off. "Jack!?" I yell looking for him.

@Quillicious @Mira1
Jack hears the faint yelling of Harmony and smiles some. He sits up and looks around for her. "Over here!" He yelled up standing and walking towoards the direction he heard her.


Peace snatched it and ate the rest, she smiled "You're a really good cook." She climbed the table and kissed her "My compliments to the chef," she said giggling, her face turning red. She sat on the table, face to face with Jada.

Mira1 said:
Jack hears the faint yelling of Harmony and smiles some. He sits up and looks around for her. "Over here!" He yelled up standing and walking towoards the direction he heard her.


I see Jack, I run up to him and hug him. I have tears in my eyes "I won't ever leave you... Im sorry" i say holding on tight

@Quillicious @Mira1
Jada smiled and bowed her head some. "Thank you." When she lifted her head back up her lips met with Peace's, surprising her. She stared for a moment in which, her face bright red. She blinked a couple times at peace who was on the table in front of her and smiled. "I... uh... thanks. I... um.." she stuttered alot, not really knowing what to say about the kiss.

@Shammy the Shamrock

He saw Harmony and smiled hugging her back. "Thank you..." he said in a kind voice, running his hand along her back before pulling away. "Did he follow you? Are you hurt? What did he say, is he trying to tell you more lies about me?"


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina smiled "Alright, great~" she said happily as she stood up, carrying Rin over to the other end of the church first, returning her to her mother. She then quickly grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder, soon catching up with Jason and walking alongside him. "So, you haven't had a scavenging buddy? Why not? Must be a lonely job" she said looking to him.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Mira1 said:
Jada smiled and bowed her head some. "Thank you." When she lifted her head back up her lips met with Peace's, surprising her. She stared for a moment in which, her face bright red. She blinked a couple times at peace who was on the table in front of her and smiled. "I... uh... thanks. I... um.." she stuttered alot, not really knowing what to say about the kiss.
@Shammy the Shamrock

He saw Harmony and smiled hugging her back. "Thank you..." he said in a kind voice, running his hand along her back before pulling away. "Did he follow you? Are you hurt? What did he say, is he trying to tell you more lies about me?"


"He might have followed me, a stab wound opened up but it's stitched up"


I wake up from my blood loss induced sleep. I stand up and get me some beer before drinking some down. I go around the church lookin for Miya or anyone else really.
Jason shrugged "I usually go at nights, people around here really only travel when necessary. I do it for extra stuff and just for fun," he said with a smile, he walked through the woods, spinning his gun. He tipped his hat away from his eyes and looked at her "Am I really the only friend you have, never seen someone jump to help scavenge," Jason said laughing.


Peace smiled "You're welcom-" she passed out and fell on her lap, kicking a bit. Threat woke up and yawned, he wrapped his hands around her neck "Morning," he said with a smile, refusing to open his eyes.

@Mira1 @Quillicious
Jack looked at Lawton who approached them, he seemed angry about something. Jack stood and approached him. "Get the fuck away from us!" He growled pulling out a knife. He wasnt about to deal with any more shit from these people. He pointed the knife at him then pointed behind him. "Leave before I gut you and fillet you like a fish."

@Quillicious @Yappi
Jada caught harmony and blushed some then looked over at the man that walked in. "N-no no it's fine you're not intruding on anything I was just sitting here and she was there to and we just and... I uhh.. it's juts that's we kissed and... uhhhh!" She stuttered alot, her face bright red when Threat woke up. She smiled at him , shaking some from embarrassment.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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