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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Threat looked around "We have some soup," he said still looting through the kitchen. He jumped "Chicken noodle! I haven't had this since my last birthday," he said grabbing the can and placing it on the table. "Do you have anything to heat this up," he said pressing his face against the table. Peace finally came out and stared at Jada, she stayed silent. Peace had become interested in the new woman in Threat's life and wanted to see what he saw in her.


I see Jack in the distance, I duck behind a box but I knock it over. I sqeak and try to run into a alley but they are covered in walkers. I sit there hoping Jack doesn't see us.

@Mira1 @Naomi Nakashima
Jada smiled he said they had soup. She loved soup and haven't had it in a while. She waited patiently for him to find it when he suddenly went into a joyous state when he found chicken noodle. She thought his reaction was cute and giggled at it. She nodded and mailed before going through her bag full of spooky items. She pulled out a frying pan and sighed. "This... could work?" She said laying it on the table. "Not a pot but we can find a way dont you think?" She asked tilting her head at him.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace nodded, a frown of her face. She looked up and back down at the frying pan before putting her head in her hands. She got off and took the pan placing it on the counter, gesturing her to follow.

Lucas gripped Harmony's hand tightly, even getting a bit tempted to pull his gun out. Harmony would most likely object; though, so he just hid silently with her. Eyes narrowing just at the thought of seeing Jack's face. Lucas had never enjoyed hurting living humans, but in this case it was different. His sanity really was slipping in that regard, but that man had earned such a fate in his opinion.


@Mira1 ?
Jack was walking when he heard somehing fall and saw Harmony trying to run before she hid once again. She was with someone else which confused him slightly. "Harmony? Is that you." He called out approaching the two. He saw Lucas and smiled before talking a bow. "I don't believe we have met yet, my name is Jack and that is my Harmony. Who might you be?"

@Yappi @Naomi Nakashima

Jada tilted her head at the frown, curious on why he was frowning in the first place. He took the pan and moved it to the counter then gestured for Jada to follow him. She tilted her head and did what she said, curious to why he wasn't speaking either.

((Sorry if me saying he is confusing, she doesn't know it's peace yet so that's why))
Lucas furrowed his brows to express his displeasure to see the man "Lucas, it's a...pleasure" the tween coldly said, gripping Harmony's hand even tighter. "So you're the infamous, Jack...eh? You almost seem like someone who doesn't torture and brainwash girls" the boy didn't know why, but when he encountered those he didn't trust—he seemed to turn dead serious. Perhaps he just didn't trust those who harmed Harmony, which was normal. Right?


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Peace sighed "Hi, I'm Peace, the other personality with Threat. I really don't come out much but you interested me," she said playing with her hands. She looked at the pan and placed it on the stove, her face red.


Yappi said:
I whimper backing away from Jack

Jack crosses his arms and chuckles at what he said about him. "Infamous? I like that maybe I should use it some time, but my good sir it is Jack the Ripper if you don't mind." He said crossing his arms and looking at Harmony backed away. He frowned and approached her giving her a gentle hug. "Harmony, please don't leave me." He said in a sad tone, almost protective.

Jada tilted her head some and looked down. "Oh, well it's a pleasure to meet you." She said with a smile and approached her. "What about me interested you? If I can ask I mean."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Something input into my brain comes back into play, I look at Lucas. I sigh and let the instinct take over, I hug Jack. I leave a note down stealthily next to Lucas. I see Jack kept the leather collar I picked out.

The note reads '-To Lucas' "I may be in Jacks grasp, but never lose hope that I love you"


@Mira1 @Naomi Nakashima
Peace looked down "You have protected Threat, I couldn't even do that when Harmony ra-, hurt him. He really seems to be happy when around you, he really hasn't acted like that since before everything." She said going up and hugging her "Thanks, makes my job some what easier," she said giving a soft smile.

Jada smiled at her and giggles looking to the ground. "Yeah, I love him to death I would never let anything happen to him." She said leaning in the counter. It soon turned into a slight frown when she heard her speak. "It does, but wouldn't that mean..." she started but trailed off, it really wasn't any of her business. What if Peace was Threats protective side. What if she barged in and suddenly peace had no reason to be around. The thought pained her but she couldn't leave Threat.

@Shammu the Shamrock

Jack heald her by her shoulders and smiled. "Listen, if you don't want to wear this you don't have to." He said holding up the collar. "You know... I'm sorry about everything that I did to you. I feel terrible and I hope you will forgive me."

Mira1 said:
(I didn't know I was part whale)

Peace sighed and put the can on the pan, she turned the stove on. She looked at the heated can "It's not working, where is the chicken," she said a bit agitated. Peace just stared at the stove, trying to lift herself up.

Mira1 said:
Jada smiled at her and giggles looking to the ground. "Yeah, I love him to death I would never let anything happen to him." She said leaning in the counter. It soon turned into a slight frown when she heard her speak. "It does, but wouldn't that mean..." she started but trailed off, it really wasn't any of her business. What if Peace was Threats protective side. What if she barged in and suddenly peace had no reason to be around. The thought pained her but she couldn't leave Threat.
@Shammu the Shamrock

Jack heald her by her shoulders and smiled. "Listen, if you don't want to wear this you don't have to." He said holding up the collar. "You know... I'm sorry about everything that I did to you. I feel terrible and I hope you will forgive me."


"It's ok" I say with a smile "Besides I like the collar" I say slipping it back onto my neck and tightening it to about Meduim tightness "Don't feel bad, you did it for the greater good. Besides I already forgot"

Lucas feels the note be stealthily passed to him, but he paid it no mind at that moment. When Harmony was like this, he knew she wasn't the same Harmony anymore. Folding the note into his pocket, he saw no need in staying there. "I see, well thank you for correcting me, Jack the Ripper. I'll remember that" He simply said, resisting the urge to severely harm one of his body parts "I need to go do something anyway; so goodbye, Mr. Ripper" The boy shot one last broken look at Harmony before shuffling away further into the city, ignoring the man who had just walked up.



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Jada giggled at Peace's confusing and walked up to her from behind. She wrapped her arms around peace and placed a soft kids on her cheek. "Silly, you have to open the can before you put it in. Plus needs some water." She said moving peace out of the way. "Watch, like this." She said before taking the hot can off the stove. She squeeled and set it down on the counter then sucked on her burnt finger. "Owwww...."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack waved at Lucas as he left them alone. He looked at Harmony and smiled. "If that's what you want, I'm not going to stop you." He said and hugged her agsin, picking her up. "Never leave me again, okay my Angel." He looked over at Lawton and smiled. "Nothing, just about to leave unless you want to stop us." He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

@Yappi @Quillicious
Peace jumped "Sorry I did something wrong again. Are you ok, here let me help," she said grabbing her hand and placing her finger in her mouth. She looked up "Is this helping?" She asked still sucking on her finger, she turned red at the kiss.

Jack set Harmony down and rolled his eyes. He approached Lawton and used his hand to lower the gun. "You questioning her choice of fashion mate? It's her decision to wear it not mine." He growled pulling out a knife from his coat. "Come on then if you're going to threaten to kill me then why not fight like a man."

@Quillicious @Yappi

Jada's face turned bright red when she felt her hand go into Peace's. She looked away for a second and nodded. "Y-yes that helped uhh..." she pulled her hand away gently and smiled, her face still red. "I-its okay now I should uh... probably finish the soup..." she picked up the can cautiously, it had cooled down enough not to burn her. She filled it with water and put it on the stove in the pan to cook. "There... that should uh... work yeah..." she stuttered alot from embarrassment.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Quillicious said:
'Is that a collar you've got on 'er, mate? For fuck's sake, that's weird!'
He slightly raised shotgun to Jack's chest.

@Mira1 @Yappi

"It's my choice, not yours" I tell the man before standing up next to Jack. A knife hiddin in my sleeve

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina shook her head "Your anger was justified, I mean...if I ever had a kid then I'd be angry if someone hurt them." She said with a nod "Though I don't think the grabbing was necessary...It was okay to be annoyed about it, its normal.

@Shammy the Shamrock

'You know, maybe saving your life was a mistake, you bastard. And maybe letting you go was a mistake, arsehole.'

He shook his head.

'I can't believe the apocalypse changed people so much. It's a little fucked up, mate. You even stabbed Jay in the fucking stomach. I'd kill you just for that.'

@Yappi @Mira1
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