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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jay was really mad now. That was probably bad for Jack.

"I'm not like you. It was because of you I told her that."

He kneed Jack in the stomach and pushed him into a nearby walker, grabbing his cane and hitting him in the groin with it.

Jada smiled and got a better look at her outfit and smiled some. "You look really cute in that outfit." She said giggling some. She leaned on harmony and sighed. "You think Jack's doing okay?"


Jack chuckled some at what he said before being kneed, pushed into a Zombie, and hit in the groin with his own cane. Jack pulled out a knife and spun it, stabbing it directly into the walkers brain. He held himself steady for a moment before moving forward. "You had to go for the nether regions didn't you? How cheap, I can be cheap as well." He said grabbing his cane and knocking him over the head with it. "Except I don't take the easy shots, and I wear a cup gladly." He chuckled some before jamming the chrome skull into his gut and holding the sharp part to his neck. "Why don't we call a truce before someone gets truly hurt?"

Mira1 said:
Jada smiled and got a better look at her outfit and smiled some. "You look really cute in that outfit." She said giggling some. She leaned on harmony and sighed. "You think Jack's doing okay?"

Jack chuckled some at what he said before being kneed, pushed into a Zombie, and hit in the groin with his own cane. Jack pulled out a knife and spun it, stabbing it directly into the walkers brain. He held himself steady for a moment before moving forward. "You had to go for the nether regions didn't you? How cheap, I can be cheap as well." He said grabbing his cane and knocking him over the head with it. "Except I don't take the easy shots, and I wear a cup gladly." He chuckled some before jamming the chrome skull into his gut and holding the sharp part to his neck. "Why don't we call a truce before someone gets truly hurt?"


I blush "He can handle himself" I say smiling
((I sleep for a few hours irl, and Harmony's already /w Jack again. Gr8))

Lucas blinked awake, rubbing his eyes as he found himself on the wall of the corridor. I must have passed out. "Hng..." he got up with much effort. Legs wobbling a bit, he wondered how long he was out for. A tingle of regret stings him as he recalls what doubtful things he'd been thinking about Harmony and Jay before nodding off. Even if he couldn't trust Jay much, he should at the very least trust the one who he loved. That's what being a boyfriend was all about, right? I should go check on her, she might not know where I am, Lucas thought as he started to walk around the church. He didn't see her at the spot she was in when he dozed off, nor anywhere if the in the church. Not again, please not again! Lucas darted around the church again frantically, looking to see if he'd missed her. He hadn't. The dusty eyed boy started to hyperventilate, twitching a bit She might have gone out looking for me! What if she was captured again! Lucas felt nauseous, his head was whirling. He couldn't stop himself from thinking the worst again, and he blamed himself entirely.

Running out into the city, he started calling her name again. No answer. Though he might have alerted a few undead. That didn't matter to him at the time; though, as the whereabouts of his girlfriend were still unknown to him. Then he stopped dead in his own tracks, his broken sanity producing another possibility; Wait, Jay wasn't in the church either! What if he ran away with her?! Lucas began fuming at this, running even faster to find her now.
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"Afraid of getting a boo-boo?"

Jay was truly loving this. He hadn't had a fight like this in a while. He slapped the cane away, pointing the tip the ground, and slamming his foot down on the middle, snapping it in half. He picked the half with the point up and smirked.

"Let's go, Ripper."

[QUOTE="Naomi Nakashima]((I sleep for a few hours irl, and Harmony's already /w Jack again. Gr8))
Lucas blinked awake, rubbing his eyes as he found himself on the wall of the corridor. I must have passed out. "Hng..." he got up with much effort. Legs wobbling a bit, he wondered how long he was out for. A tingle of regret stings him as he recalls what doubtful things he'd been thinking about Harmony and Jay before nodding off. Even if he couldn't trust Jay much, he should at the very least trust the one who he loved. That's what being a boyfriend was all about, right? I should go check on her, she might not know where I am, Lucas thought as he started to walk around the church. He didn't see her at the spot she was in when he dozed off, nor anywhere if the in the church. Not again, please not again! Lucas darted around the church again frantically, looking to see if he'd missed her. He hadn't. The dusty eyed boy started to hyperventilate, twitching a bit She might have gone out looking for me! What if she was captured again! Lucas felt nauseous, his head was whirling. He couldn't stop himself from thinking the worst again, and he blamed himself entirely.

Running out into the city, he started calling her name again. No answer. Though he might have alerted a few undead. That didn't matter to him at the time; though, as the whereabouts of his girlfriend were still unknown to him. Then he stopped dead in his own tracks, his broken sanity producing another possibility; Wait, Jay wasn't in the church either! What if he ran away with her?! Lucas began fuming at this, running even faster to find her now.

((Technically she is with Jada ^_^ ))

"Are you going to shoot me? Put the shotgun away you dense eegit" I say chuckling "So Jay has done what longer exactly"

Jada nodded. "Yeaaaah I guess you're right." She said smirking at Harmony. Her eyes widened some when Lawton stepped out. Jada cowered some and sat infront of Harmony, truly terrified that this was the end. She covered her face in fear. "P-please dont hurt us!'


Jack shook his head no, a large smile on his face. The smile soon turned into a frown when his cane was broken in two. He picked up the chrome skull half and smiled before sliding the end against the wall to sharpen it. He heald it by the skull and heald the point out at him. "On guard!" He said in a cheerful tone before swinging at him.

Jay parried and laughed.

"Y'know, if you weren't a total psyhopath and didn't rape Harmony, you wouldn't be too bad."

He jabbed at Jack.


Lawton smiled.

'Combat, mate.'

He raised his shotgun.

'Now, you, the older one, let the girl go before a fill your body full of lead, you bastard.'


"Actually I could have left minutes ago, I chose to stay with her. I can choose for myself, now screw off. Your starting to scare me a little" I say eating another crisp

Jada stands and growls at Lawton. "She is right!" She said aloud squaring up to him. "Im not keeping her here against her will, she can leave any time she wants but you know something." She put her finger against his chest. "She sure as hell isn't leaving with you maniacs."

@Yappi @Quillicious

Jack chuckled and shook his head. "I could say the same about you my good man, well for the most part anyway." He said swinging the jab away and jabbing back.

He looked at Harmony.

'You really want t' live as a sex slave or a pet your entire life? Just cause you have free will doesn't mean you aren't being forced.'

He lowered his shotgun.

'Leave if you want.'


"Thanks, that really f-"

Jay stopped as the point entered his stomach. It only went a quarter of an inch in, but it still hurt. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

Jack chuckled and pulled the point out of his gut, only to notice it had gone a decent way in. Not fatal, but painful. Jack threw his away and took the one from Jay just in case he tried anything. Jack kneeled down and put pressure on his wound. "You alright mate?" He asked with a slight bit of concern


Jada looked at the two and sighed. She sat down where she was and waited for harmony to make her decision. Jada for some reason found a liking for her and would be happy to see her stay but she wasn't going to force anything.

((-yawn- I'm gonna go to sleep now, don't do too much please ;- ;) )
"I just got fucking stabbed in the stomach! Jesus Christ!"

Jay lightly pushed Jack away.

"I got it. I got it."

He pulled out a flask of whisky he was meaning to give to Lawton and poured a little on his wound.

Jason yawned as he woke up, he looked to see Nona "Howdy, how are ya feeling." He said tipping his hat and looking down at Rin, he smiled and lied back, yawning.


Threat woke up, rubbing his head. He was thinking about how he had been aggressive towards people a lot more. Without Peace coming out he had no one to take the anger out for him. He placed a hand on his head and played with his knife, realizing what he had to deal with.

(My starting points for tomorrow)

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina looked over at him as he spoke "I'm alright" she said with a gentle smile "Though I should really be asking you that, you seemed pretty pissed earlier when you grabbed for Harmony" she said with a nod. "I'm guessing you've calmed down since?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack thought for a moment. "I might have some bandages back at the... oh wait it blew up." He said with a sigh tilting his head. "Sorry about that, to be honest I had no intention of stabbing you." He scrached his head awkwardly.


I think for a moment, I'd rather be with Jack... But I don't quite realize it. I look at Jay and The girl. I stand up, my eyes glowing a tint of red. Anyone who has half a brain would know someone tortured by someone would think irrationally about this stuff, I giggle "Ok, if your not going to force me then anyone with half a brain is going to know what I will pick" I say getting my bag and walking close to him booping him on the nose, smiling slyly before turning to walk out

@Quillicious @Mira1
Jada watched her actions and couldn't help but giggle. She stood and followed harmony outside. "Hey, mind if I come with?" She said believe that she chose to go with Jack. That's what she hoped for anyway, if not this was about to get really awkward. Jada knew she had at least 1/4 of a brain, it was time to find out if she had at least s half now.

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