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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jada giggles some and puts her arm around Harmony as they walk out. "You're not to bad kid, I can see why Jack took a liking to you." She said with a smile.

Yappi said:
"How so?" I ask while we walk down the street.

"Well start off with the fact that you are absolutely adorable!" She said with a giggle pulling Harmony closer to her. "You're respectful, allways a good trait to have.... uhhh..." she thought of more reasons why.

Jason sighed "I'm fine, when some one hurts your family you can really be set off. I guess I may have been in the wrong," he said crossing his feet and putting his hands on his chest. He grabbed his hat and placed it over his eyes.

Jada smiled seeing her blush and stumbled some when she was pushed. She giggles and walked back over. "I got more if you want to hear them? You're amazing, fun to be around, playful..." she wrapped her arm around Harmony again and smiled. "Did I mention cute?"

"Your not to bad yourself, but I can't... It's wrong. I'm already dating someone" I say blushing a deep red.... This brings me back to Nina, but she's long dead. Wait but I'm already dating. But Lucas will not approve... LUCAS!!! He's already gone out in the city worried sick! He's most Likly already in the city though.

@Naomi Nakashima @Mira1
Jada giggled and shook her head. "Trust me I'm dating someone too, those were in a friendly way if anything." She said with a smile before thinking about Threat, the thoughts if Threat made her smile until one came back. Her smile faded and her eyes were on fire with hatred. She grabs harmony and pushed her to the ground. Her sweet side suddenly pulled away by her murderous one.

Jada growls when she was pushed off, she was in full out rage mode. Jada jumped back on harmony. "You hurt my Threat!" She said aloud before delivering a punch to the face.


"I won't hurt you!!!" I say blocking her punch "Threat hit me across the jaw with a metal bat, what should I have done?"

Lucas was absolutely deflated, and not having found Harmony yet he felt terrible with himself. At the current moment, he was searching around a clothing store—even taking a few extra clothes for himself. Still, there was no sign of her. Didn't she tell me she was sorry for always running away?! Lucas sat down in the back of the store, emotionally exhausted from all of this. If this kept up, he might just go insane. He took out some water from his backpack, drinking it down to help calm himself down a little.

I kick her in the gut and run away, I turn the corner and I'm breathing heavily. I hide in a clothing store, I see Lucas "Lucas!!!" I run up to him and hug him.

@Mira1 @Naomi Nakashima

(Jack just leave, quill proboly won't be on for a while)
Jada watched her run and growled. "I'll kill you bitch if it's the last thing I do." She yelled out before standing and brushing herself off. Her head twitches some as she walked back to the church, she hoped to find threat there.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock ((if Threats there))
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Threat got out of the bed, realizing that Jada wasn't there. "Jada? JADA!" He said nervous, he ran around the place and climbed the ladder to the hatch. He soon saw Jada and ran up, hugging her "Please at least leave a note," he said smiling, he let out a sigh of relief.

Jada saw threat which instantly forced her back into her sane self. She hugged him back and giggled some. "I'm sorry Threat it will never happen again I promise." she said placing a kiss on his forehead.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Threat turned a bit red and got out of the hug "Okay, what did you do," he asked before hearing his stomach growl. He went down the hatch, to the kitchen trying to find something to eat.

Lucas was cut from his thoughts when Harmony hugged him, he almost had a heart attack "Ha-Harmony?" the boy asked, almost not believing it was her for a second. After seeing it was really her, he hugging her back gently "You're...You're okay...right?" he said as he started to shake with emotion, hugging her tighter "N-Nothing bad happened, right? You're not hurt, are you?!"

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"Yes but there's no much time, Jack knows where I am and if he tortures me back then you must understand that you can't be mad or depressed if he does ok" I tighten my hug "Don't try to get in his way or stop him, just let it happen and try to stay sane... If you see Jack approach run ok" I say before letting go "Let's go" I smile and hold his hand enterlocking our fingers

@Naomi Nakashima
"O...Okay" How can I just sit by and be expected to stay sane, though? Knowing what he might be be doing to her...Lucas finds himself lost in his own thoughts again, looking over at Harmony a few times as they walked. I don't want her to get hurt by anyone again! I...I don't think I can handle it anymore...After a few moments of silence between them, the tween boy finally speaks up again "W-Where are we going, then?...Back to the church?"

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"I can't go back there, Jay and Lawton are trying to capture me and such" I say smiling "I'm just spending some time with my boyfriend" I say before pecking him on the cheek with a kiss

@Naomi Nakashima
Thought roam through her mind when he asked what she did. She remembered what happened with harmony and her, how she tried to kill harmony. She simply smiled and followed him. "Just had a run in with a friend." She said and sat down. "Got anything for me?"

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack nodded at him and waved. "Thanks, be safe." He aid before running off. He needed to find Harmony again if it was the last thing he did. He ran off and began to search around, wanting to see her again. It hurt that she couldn't have waited around.

@Quillicious @Yappi ((if you want them to see him))
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