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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I sit there shivering a bit "So what did you find out?" I say hoping it was worth it, even though at this point this should not bother me

((Thank you xD id rather not document it))

Melina shrugged "Luckily you're not so damaged that you could never have kids when you're an adult...but you are still hurt" she said with a small nod "Hurt there and with all those wounds on your body, you really need to take it easy, I'm surprised you're still walking around okay. You should probably lay in bed for a while until you heal up, maybe have some friends you care about keep you company" she said with a small smile. "As for your psych eval...I don't feel trained enough to deal with that, I have a lot more books and papers to read up on first" she said with a small laugh.


"Ok... That's a relief" I say personally unhappy with the minimal amount of information. "I still think we need the eval though, know what's wrong or atleast have a idea" I say sighing "But if you truly believe your not up to the task then I won't make you"

Jay approached Melina and Harmony. He raised two fingers lasily and touched his head with them.

"What's up, Doc? Give it to me straight, eh?"

He laughed at his own joke.

@Yappi @Nona
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((There's not much more info she could give really xD she stated exactly what she saw but okay :P besides I'm not going to type up a detailed evaluation a fictional....less talked about areas, that's just plain weird))

Melina sat back a little on the pew she was on "Well if you want me to try I will...but I need something to go off, I mean, how exactly do you feel?" She asked before seeing a man walk towards them and joking. She blinked a few times and tilted her head "I'm not exactly a 'doc' but if you're looking for a check up you'll have to wait in line" she laughed a little.


Nona said:
((There's not much more info she could give really xD she stated exactly what she saw but okay :P besides I'm not going to type up a detailed evaluation a fictional....less talked about areas, that's just plain weird))
Melina sat back a little on the pew she was on "Well if you want me to try I will...but I need something to go off, I mean, how exactly do you feel?" She asked before seeing a man walk towards them and joking. She blinked a few times and tilted her head "I'm not exactly a 'doc' but if you're looking for a check up you'll have to wait in line" she laughed a little.



"I don't know, i mean half of me wants to be with Jack. On the other hand I don't see anything wrong with being with him. I don't remember Being stabbed. I feel the need to be someone's, I already miss the collar" I say laying down. I don't pay attention to Jay.

Melina frowned "Honestly as much as you don't want to hear it, he's bad for you..." She said as she looked her "You don't remember being stabbed because our brains are wired to have us forget or almost forget certain stressful or traumatic experiences so we can cope..." She said before sighing a little "To me it sounds like you have Stockholm syndrome..."


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"What's stockholms syndrome? I also nearly tortured to death Quill and poured lemon juice and salt over him if that makes any difference" I say with a innocent smile

Melina stared at her for a moment...how could a kid do that?! She shook her head "a-alright....no remorse or empathy either.... Could make you a sociopath..." She said the last bit really quietly "And Stockholm syndrome is when a person feels a strange false affection towards their captors..." She said explaining it in summarised terms.



I sit up "Well when someone raped you twice your less likely to care about brutally whipping him with a whip with razors attached" I say still innocently smiling "And well you know... Almost killed me, even when I begged for mercy. I watched him beg.. Sob and cry, I smiled the whole time while I cut off his little toe" you could swear my eyes where blood red

Melina simply shrugged as the two walked away suddenly "See you..." She said quietly. Sighing lightly, she went back to where she was sitting before, beside Jason who still seemed to be laying down.

@Shammy the Shamrock ((so you have somewhere to join in again :3))
Yappi said:
I sit up "Well when someone raped you twice your less likely to care about brutally whipping him with a whip with razors attached" I say still innocently smiling "And well you know... Almost killed me, even when I begged for mercy. I watched him beg.. Sob and cry, I smiled the whole time while I cut off his little toe" you could swear my eyes where blood red

( Melina won't react to this at all...)
Yappi said:
( Melina won't react to this at all...)
((Well she couldn't since harmony was pulled away before she could speak... Though she was horrified by hearing such things of course, they weren't there to see it thought sorry if I'm leaving out stuff, I'm falling asleep between posts....))
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