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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Mitch sat against a wall, tired but refusing to rest, still uneasy around the others. "That girl...Stockholm syndrome...." He mumbled to himself slowly picking apart the situation logically.

@Yappi @Anyone
Marcus' words registered in his shaky mind, but that didn't make him any less angry "Well, how exactly would we go about that, huh?!" the boy replied, still shaking "He's probably at the store buying her a 'new collar' or something!"


@Shammy the Shamrock
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Threat sighed "I'll help you, if ya want. Why don't we try and find them, stalk them for a bit," he said cleaning his aluminum bat. He smiled and looked back at his bed, he saw the glasses on his head and immediately took them off.

@Yappi @Naomi Nakashima
Lucas looked at Threat, narrowing his eyes a bit with suspicion "Sure" he replied, reaching into his own backpack and pulling a pistol out "Tell me when your ready, I'll be at the entrance" With that, Lucas turned and started to walk off. Before he completely left the kitchen; however, he downed a mouth full of soup and swallowed. Wiping his mouth when he got to the church entrance.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Otakubeats said:
Mitch jumped, falling over. "Ah! D-don't do that!" He sat up, rubbing his head. "I was just..thinking." He blushed embarrassed to be caught thinking aloud.

I laugh when he jumps "Kid, to be honestly I know that your talking about Harmony. whats your take on this all?" I say getting a flask "Want a sip?"

Yappi said:
I laugh when he jumps "Kid, to be honestly I know that your talking about Harmony. whats your take on this all?" I say getting a flask "Want a sip?"

He gave the man a glare. "First, underage, and second I happen to like my brain cells thanks. I'd say she's developed Stockholm syndrome. Her captor has convinced her that we are the enemy and he is her only protector. If she saw him perhaps, harming someone she loved with no reason, maybe it'd snap her to reality. Unfortunately I'm not sure. However I have no problem playing a bad guy. In all honesty, if I shot the dude, you guys would have less to deal with because she hasn't formed a bond with me. Heck i don't even know the chick." He seemed to come to a conclusion. "I'm gonna shoot the dude, and then bounce. I'm not lookin' forward to whatever catch comes with this group anyhow." The teen's thin frame was starkly contrasted to the bold look in his eyes, that of a determined soldier. He stood, reloading his pistols and checking the ammo. "Sides, I die no biggie. The guy won't know I'm with you guys and it'll at least buy you time." Mitch then walked out the door, grabbing his baseball bat and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Yea, what if he makes you into one of his pets? See AJ over there, he had that happen to him. He was as determined as you were if not more to kill him and he had millitary experience" I say growling at the mans idiotic courage "He saw you here with everyone else yesterday, he knows your here and you have some revelation with us" I take a sip "Where will you go? This city is pretty much one of the extremely few semi safe havens in the world" I say with a clever smile "So kid your best off with us for now, and don't be a fuckin eegit" I say taking another sip

Smile took over and put the glasses back on, going up "Ready! Know let's take down Jack Sparrow." It said putting its scarf on, a smile on its scared face. Smile took out the knife attached to the bat and slung it over its shoulder.

@Naomi Nakashima
Yappi said:
"Yea, what if he makes you into one of his pets? See AJ over there, he had that happen to him. He was as determined as you were if not more to kill him and he had millitary experience" I say growling at the mans idiotic courage "He saw you here with everyone else yesterday, he knows your here and you have some revelation with us" I take a sip "Where will you go? This city is pretty much one of the extremely few semi safe havens in the world" I say with a clever smile "So kid your best off with us for now, and don't be a fuckin eegit" I say taking another sip

The teen turned to the man, and gave a hollow laugh, a dark memory showing in his eyes. "Safe-haven? Dunno if you've noticed but there is no safety. No trust. I'm only what...16? Yet I was forced to watch some safe-haven leading ass-hat kill my family. We'd trusted him and he killed them. I only got away because he LET me. Nothing in this world is safe, no one can be trusted. There is ALWAYS a catch." He gripped the gun tight, his voice dropping into a cold and emotionless tone. "I'm a kid. I DON'T matter. Clearly you've proven this. That girl could have grown up, and been stronger than all of us. Yet you denied her future, and have given up on her life. If you think I'm just being a dumb-ass with a death wish, fine. I've nothing to offer your group to save my hide and you'd be more than happy to have one less KID to watch." He spat the last few words out. "If risking my life, could help someone else in any way possible. I'm taking the chance. Failure is probable, yet I can face that easier than dying with the regret of not helping someone who needs it. My father was a military man, and he was strong. He taught me and my late sister, to be brave and protect those who can't defend themselves. He died, trying to protect my younger sister with his own life. I'm not dishonoring him by turning a blind eye on this. I have no reason to sit and wait for you to ditch me too. Marcus asks, tell him I'm trying to cheat death." With this Mitchell, walked out vanishing into the alleyways.
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"People die, life sucks, life is gunning always to make your ass a little wider. Get over it" I say taking another sip "Just because she was handed off doesn't mean her life is ruined, if anything this can make her stronger. So I ask you mister 'I watched my family die just like every fuckin else who has survived' so tell me, what makes you think you can avoid deaths cold embrace because you believe" I say before he walks off

Yappi said:
(Why is everyone gunning for Jack and Harmony xD )
(Peace: Because I still lover her and WANT HER BACK! Threat: I don't know, Jack is an ass I guess Smile: If it were up to me, I would be eating potato chips right now >:( )
(Peace is actually fine, smile is meh meanwhile Threat:SHE DID A FEW THINGS AND STUFF BURN HER AT THE FUCKING STAKE)
Yappi said:
(Peace is actually fine, smile is meh meanwhile Threat:SHE DID A FEW THINGS AND STUFF BURN HER AT THE FUCKING STAKE)
(Threat: Would have left me for dead if it wasn't for Peace, has caused most of my injuries, and raped me.....i'm pretty sure I have a reason to be pissed)
Yappi said:
"People die, life sucks, life is gunning always to make your ass a little wider. Get over it" I say taking another sip "Just because she was handed off doesn't mean her life is ruined, if anything this can make her stronger. So I ask you mister 'I watched my family die just like every fuckin else who has survived' so tell me, what makes you think you can avoid deaths cold embrace because you believe" I say before he walks off

"Who said I was avoiding it." He was out of the mans sight after that.
(Yea, but she barely knows Threat so Peace is who she does know. He starts most of the fights and if not its conquest and that was conquest doing. That would be like Blaming Peace for something smile did.)
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