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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Nona said:

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina had followed behind Jason, she watched silently at the whole thing playing out, horrified at how Harmony was now acting. After they left she let a shaky breath and tugged at her sleeves "I-I-I'm the reason she's like that..." She mumbled quietly, her expression full of guilt "I-If I wasn't so dumb to get taken in the first place she wouldn't have been swapped for my freedom..." She said still standing behind him.

@Shammy the Shamrock




"Melina, What's wrong?" I say seeing he's extremely nervous

[QUOTE="Naomi Nakashima]Lucas finally located the kitchen, after blindly searching for a while. Weakly, the boy placed the soup can on the stove; afterward searching for something to hold the soup. Locating a pot somewhere nearby the stove, he wasted no time in taking out his pocket knife and tearing the can open. Pouring it's contents into the cooking pot and putting it on top of the stove burner. Throwing the empty can elsewhere, he turned the stove burner on. All the while, he just starred on with blank, hollow eyes. Waiting for the food to cook.


I push the kid on the shoulder "Kid are you ok?"
((*A giant middle finger descends from the heavens*


*This phrase can be seen imprinted on the back of the giant hand in Comic Sans font*))


It's just a prank, bro! There's camera right there!
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Quillicious said:
((*A giant middle finger descends from the heavens*

*This phrase can be seen imprinted on the back of the giant hand in Comic Sans font*))


It's just a prank, bro! There's camera right there!
(Why do you hurt me so, btw Harmony and Jack left so if you want quill and co. To follow them I'd do it now)
(I am just gonna sit here... Forever I guess. Turns out sloths eat shamrock patches very quickly)
Jada smiled and curled up near him, hoping to keep him warm as he slept. Her face was bright red at this point. "Love you too." She said quietly as she placed her head next to his.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack smiled and picked Harmony up and placed her on his shoulders. "To the store!" He said in a playful voice as he ran down the street. Once they arrived he set her down and chucked. "Go get whatever one you want Angel." He said with a smile.


I let out a small squeak when he picks me up and I giggle a bit. When we get to the store I look at the collars. I pick out a leather collar, I bring it back to Jack to see if he likes it

Quill and Jay were looking for Jack and Harmony. Jay shook his head and sighed as he thought about the way she was treated.

"I'm honestly not surprised. She almost fucked Lucas before, and she hasn't been the greatest kid ever. A collar might just be too far, really."

'She's my way to feeling better. I...raped her. Twice. That's not the best feeling. I save her, though, and I save myself from guilt killing me.'

They arrived at the mall and stopped. They heard noises.

"Wish we had ol' Lawton now, eh?"

'He was too serious. Though his skills would be appreciated, yeah.'

@Yappi @Mira1
Quillicious said:
Quill and Jay were looking for Jack and Harmony. Jay shook his head and sighed as he thought about the way she was treated.
"I'm honestly not surprised. She almost fucked Lucas before, and she hasn't been the greatest kid ever. A collar might just be too far, really."

'She's my way to feeling better. I...raped her. Twice. That's not the best feeling. I save her, though, and I save myself from guilt killing me.'

They arrived at the mall and stopped. They heard noises.

"Wish we had ol' Lawton now, eh?"

'He was too serious. Though his skills would be appreciated, yeah.'

@Yappi @Mira1
(Harmony:I thought you lost your empathy... I'm going to enjoy gutting you)
Jay held his fist up for Quill to stop. He peeked around the corner and spotted the two. Jay mouthed a few words and rolled silently and quickly behind a nearby counter and pulled his gun out simultaniously.

@Yappi @Mira1
Yappi said:

I push the kid on the shoulder "Kid are you ok?"
Lucas felt a push on his shoulder, someone was talking to him again "It's...It's nothing important, nothing you need to worry about" the boy stirred the soup a bit, tasting it to see if it was cooked yet "There's...nothing that can fix the problem anyway, a dead weight like me sure as heck can't" he took out a bowl, wiping it off a bit before pouring some soup in "Eat the rest if you want it, I'm not hungry enough for seconds" then he just took a a seat, and began to eat his soup.


"Kid, your tore up about Harmony. Anyone can see that... She was tortured a lot to be like that. And when she gets out if she does don't harbor hatred to her, harbor it to Jack. I know deep down she still loves you, so kid perk up a little and understand that she is not to blame here" I say before getting a cigar out and going outside to smoke it

@Naomi Nakashima
Threat woke up and wiggled out of the bed. He smiled and went to the kitchen, she saw Lucas talking about Harmony "Peace hasn't talked about anything besides her. I should know, I live with Peace," he said making himself a sandwich and sitting on the table.

@Naomi Nakashima @Yappi

"Maybe that's for good fuckin reason" I say to Threat "Maybe what's his fuckin face is trying to keep you from being a goddamn retard or being dumb" I say taking a puff deciding to stay and talk "She had her reasons, accept that and stop getting your panties in a twist and defiantly don't kill her all because of some shit that's largely insignificant in the end" I say going on a rant remembering what Threat said

@Shammy the Shamrock @Naomi Nakashima
Threat shrugged "Listen, I just said that Peace won't stop talking about her. I haven't said anything about killing her and you don't know anything about me." Smile took out a cigarette and light it "Point is, you made something out of nothing. I ain't in the mood for shit so if you would kindly, I would like to finish my meal," it said taking a breath of the cigarette. She put on her glasses and smiled, he continued eating his food.
"Tortured...?" Lucas echoed, no longer focused on his soup. So many things started flowing through his head at this point, he almost couldn't handle it. He slammed a fist on the table, raddling it slightly "Damn it! Hasn't she already been through enough!" he yelled, suddenly breaking down again. All of his sadness and depression returned to one emotion, anger "That-That monster! I'll-" he didn't even notice Threat at all, just focused on one thing "I'll...I'LL KILL HIM!" He didn't know what was coming out of his mouth anymore, his mind was filled to the brim with rage. He could only think of one thing, killing that monster for hurting such a broken girl like that.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"You can't kill him now, if anything we have to kidknap Harmony and try to recondition her. Killing Jack now would make her resent us, he brainwashed her into being his pet.... But kid did you really think anyone would Willingly put themselves on a leash?" I say chuckling
Threat threw the cigarette away "How are we going to do that. It's two kids and a man vs Jack the ripper, I really don't like those odds. If anything we'll just become more of his dogs," he said finishing up his food. He shivered at the thought of being put on a leash.

@Yappi @Naomi Nakashima
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