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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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He growls and grabs his foot. "Ass hole what did I do to you!" He hisses throwing a cleaver at his leg. He looked up at Harmony and smiled at her loyalty. "That's my girl."


Jada saw harmony and growled under her breath. Her protective side kicking in quickly. She let go of his hand and sprinted st harmony tackling her to the ground. "YOU HURT MY THREAT, IM GOING TO HURT YOU." She said in a out of rage.

@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock

I burst out laughing "I was never like this until you did this to me quill, kill me and let me haunt your every thought. Please, give yourself more reasons to end your pitiful existence" I say with a cruel smile before I'm tackled.

I take my knife and jam it into her leg and kick the girl off me "I bet he forgot he mentioned that he hit me first, with a bat across the chin" I stand up and tip my hat "You are animals, I'd rather stay with Jack than a serial rapist,betrayers of family,Cowboys that have slaughte-massacred innocents, a man who willingly let the rapist go, a insane girl and a multi personality child" I say ranting "Let's to Jack"

@Mira1 @Everyone-else
Mira1 said:
Jada saw harmony and growled under her breath. Her protective side kicking in quickly. She let go of his hand and sprinted st harmony tackling her to the ground. "YOU HURT MY THREAT, IM GOING TO HURT YOU." She said in a out of rage.
@Yappi @Shammy the Shamrock

-=-=((CellistCat606: "Don't ever fall in love with or hurt threat."))=-=-

-=-=((Jaqluin: -looks at CellistCat606- "Why?"))=-=-

-=-=((CellistCat606: -Points to Jada- "Her..."))=-=-

-=-=((Jaqluin: -Looks at Jada- "Okay so he's off limits, coolio."))=-=-
Yappi said:
I burst out laughing "I was never like this until you did this to me quill, kill me and let me haunt your every thought. Please, give yourself more reasons to end your pitiful existence" I say with a cruel smile before I'm tackled.

I take my knife and jam it into her leg and kick the girl off me "I bet he forgot he mentioned that he hit me first, with a bat across the chin" I stand up and tip my hat "You are animals, I'd rather stay with Jack than a serial rapist,betrayers of family,Cowboys that have slaughte-massacred innocents, a man who willingly let the rapist go, a insane girl and a multi personality child" I say ranting "Let's to Jack"

@Mira1 @Everyone-else
-=-=((Amber: -Raises her right hand that holds her scythe- "And a Hobbit Reaper that killed bandits and might've killed her fellow orphans!"))=-=-

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"stupid bitch." She mumbled as she walked back to Threat. She holds her leg and smiles at him with innocent eyes. "Don't worry, I know she was lying. You're tok sweet to hit a girl." She said hugging him despite her cut leg.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jack heald Harmonys hand as he walked her away. "I don't know why you even wanted to see them." He mumbled and chuckles. "They can burn in hell."

Yappi said:
I burst out laughing "I was never like this until you did this to me quill, kill me and let me haunt your every thought. Please, give yourself more reasons to end your pitiful existence" I say with a cruel smile before I'm tackled.

I take my knife and jam it into her leg and kick the girl off me "I bet he forgot he mentioned that he hit me first, with a bat across the chin" I stand up and tip my hat "You are animals, I'd rather stay with Jack than a serial rapist,betrayers of family,Cowboys that have slaughte-massacred innocents, a man who willingly let the rapist go, a insane girl and a multi personality child" I say ranting "Let's to Jack"

@Mira1 @Everyone-else

-=-=((Steven: -raises Lucy's right hand-))=-=-

-=-=((Raquel: -Raises Lucy's left hand-))=-=-

-=-=((Lucy: -sighs- "And a girl who can't get rid of her imaginary qoute on qoute friends..."))=-=-
Threat snapped and went up to her before they left "None of us would want to be bitch's, I have had it with you. Always hot headed, you call me multi personality. I'm older than you and we both know you have had it, I would enjoy you fucking off because no one should ever have you," Smile said hitting her with his bat and walking back to Jada, growling, crawling back into her arms.

@Yappi @Mira1
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Mira1 said:
Jack heald Harmonys hand as he walked her away. "I don't know why you even wanted to see them." He mumbled and chuckles. "They can burn in hell."

A grab the bat before it strikes me and I throw him back with a kick throwing the bat at his feet. "Sorry, can't hear ya. I've ha it with you to. So strut your high and mighty arse over there and go please kill your self like your other personality would" I say before walking out with Jack "Agreed" I say smiling "It will be good to get away from those high and mighty jack asses"
Mira1 said:
"stupid bitch." She mumbled as she walked back to Threat. She holds her leg and smiles at him with innocent eyes. "Don't worry, I know she was lying. You're tok sweet to hit a girl." She said hugging him despite her cut leg.
@Shammy the Shamrock
(HAH!!! Hah hah...hah -Hits a girl 3 seconds later-)

"Maybe there is such thing as being alone or by yourself."

How do you look?


What's your Name?

"It's Lucy Brams."

Do you have any Nicknames?

"I get called the occasional Lucy Lu, but that hopefully is it."

What is your sexuality?

"What's yours!? I'm straight but it really couldn't matter any less."

What is your specific Gender?

"Gender or sex? Either way I'm female."

How tall are you?

"4 Feet and 6 1/2 inches... I hear you laughing over there Interviewer!"

When is your birthday?

"July 17th, and I'm 16 years old."

Do you have any crushes?

"No, and I don't need no man!"

How are you like?

"Without thing one and thing two I can be pretty loud, goofy, a sweetie pie, obnoxious, and a good girl (I don't like drugs or alcohol excluding medicine). When I have Raquel and Steven I'm basically a blank slate, because they're like do this! No do that! Mine is better! And so on. So when I have them nearby (which they always are basically) I take a while to respond, act, etc. and talk out loud so they hear me sometimes..."

Do you have any weapons at all?

"Does a good heart count? If not does throwing anything nearby count (I would say so because I got great aim!)?"

Are you a leader of a group?

"Umm, I am command central for their fights?"

What do you like?

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, CATS (sadly I sneeze when I'm around them)! I like carving things, not having thing one and thing two pester me, friendly people, people whom are relatable, and new clothing (who doesn't like a new outfit every now and then?)."

What do you dislike?

"Instead of being a lazy bum and saying the exact opposite, I'll write what I mean. I'm not a big fan of dogs, I don't like trying to carve into things that aren't meant to be carved into, having thing one and thing two pester me, mean/creepy/scary/"I'm going to kill you," people, people whom aren't related, trashy clothing, rock music and zombies."

What is your story?

"When I was in preschool no one ever talked to me, I'm not sure why but they told me it's because I always wore the same thing every single day. Since I had no friends I saw two odd people come walking towards me when I was thinking about lunch. The girl said

"Oh I know! how about you ask the teacher for a grilled sandwich! She always has some laying around remember?" I let out a mini shriek and thought how did she know what I was thinking!? The boy next to her responded

"We're imaginary and also for lunch if you get the grilled sandwich from the teacher you'll most likely ask for some later in the future and ending up making her feel bad when she doesn't have any."

"What do you mean? She literally brings 8 more sandwiches each day of the week!"

"She probably doesn't you're just exaggerating." From that moment on I had to live with the two of them. They began to give advice on everything. I couldn't get rid of them, they just kept on butting in whenever they pleased. Sometimes I got so fed up and yelled at them out loud as everyone nearby gave me judging stares.

Also my parents barely made any money. When the outbreak came I was at my first day of High school. When they started peeling in I ran and ran as fast I could away from the school as they started to sing

"You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" In my head. Basically after that I kept on meeting up with a group and then running. So now I hope that someone will help me survive (even though I have imaginary friends).

...Could you describe these 'friends?'

"Oh! Me first! My name is Raquel and I look like the picture below!"


"I'm loud, hyper, and quick to answer!"

"I reason based on past, how easy it is, and personal preference, unlike Steven who is all like technically, in the future and blah, blah, blah!"

"...As Raquel said my name is Steven and I look like the young boy below excluding the headset (no idea why they photo shopped it in)."


"I'm quiet, calm, empathetic, and take my sweet time before answering."

"Unlike, Raquel, I reason based on what may happen in the future, facts, and instead of personal preference I think of how this will affect everyone else."

-=-=)(Lucy Brams)(=-=-

Lucy being confused about what the heck had just happened chased after them.
Steven: "Wait, wait, wait, what are you doing?! Why're you chasing after them?! You're going to get yourself killed!!" Steven looked to Raquel because Lucy had gotten away, "Well we're doomed." Raquel: Raquel nodded in agreement. Lucy had finally caught up to the man and the girl and started breathing heavily since that was the fastest she's ever ran. "What. Was. All. That. About?" She had gotten onto her knees so she could sit down and rest easier from sprinting all that way.

@Yappi and @Mira1))=-=-

-=-=((Were nearby
@Shammy the Shamrock, @Naomi Nakashima, @Quillicious))=-=-
Jada growled at what she saw and rolled up her sleeves. "If you don't want her dead I'd hold me back." She said to Threat as she began to walk twoards harmony. She didn't care that he tried to hit harmony. 'The bitch had it coming' she thought.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Jack shook his head at everything that happened. "I have a headache. This shit is fucking con-" He turns to Lucy and groans angrily. "What now..." he mumbled as she approached them. "Ask her not me." He said sitting with her.

@Yappi @CellistCat606
Threat would have but smile didn't, she put her glasses and scarf on. He giggled "Give them hell babe," she said with a smile, he glared at Harmony knowing herself couldn't take her down.

@Mira1 @Yappi
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(Welp. There goes Harmony/Lucas. Bye bye. It's dead now.)

Lucas sat on a pew, growling a bit as he held his head in his hands. Why did I have to care so much about her? Heck, I thought see cared about me! Lucas started crying, there was nothing he could do to stop it This is what you deserve, Luke! What you deserve for being a f-ing coward! he told himself, pulling out one thing he accidentally kept from Harmony's bag. Her notebook. He flipped to one page in particular, reading the line 'I like him' with his tears staining the page. "F-ing liar!" he yelled at the paper as if if were her, throwing it across the room.
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Jada stumbled forwards to attempt to chance after them. It was too late though, she had worked herself to hard. She passed out from blood loss and exhaustion.

@Shammy the Shamrock MB
Harmony (If Lucas had half a fucking brain he would see 'oh she's been brainwashed' xD )

I see Lucy, I go up to her "It's non of your concern, now go away" I say before patting her head. "Lucy go back" I see the girl charging me. She just flops over. "Let's keep going, I want to go home" I say rubbing close to Jack

@Mira1 @CellistCat606
[QUOTE="Naomi Nakashima](Welp. There goes Harmony/Lucas. Bye bye. It's dead now.)
Lucas sat on a pew, growling a bit as he held his head in his hands. Why did I have to care so much about her? Heck, I thought see cared about me! Lucas started crying, there was nothing he could do to stop it This is what you deserve, Luke! What you deserve for being a f-ing coward! he told himself, pulling out one thing he accidentally kept from Harmony's bag. Her notebook. He flipped to one page in particular, reading the line 'I like him' with his tears staining the page. "F-ing liar!" he yelled at the paper as if if were her, throwing it across the room.

((Jack: Get over it... Mira1: -punches Back- Shut up you ass that's sad. Jada: I have no comment on this, harmony will die. Jasmine: Where do I fit in again? Drew: -crys- so sad ;- ;) )
Threat sighed and dragged her by her hand "All in favor of killing Harmony, I second that, well I thi-, it's settled we work together to kill Harmony. We first have to help Jada. You have to admit she's pretty cut-, shut up and give me some strength." He said moving faster as they took her inside. He went down and placed her on his bed "You did good," he said placing his hand on her forehead sitting on the bed with her.

Yappi said:
Harmony (If Lucas had half a fucking brain he would see 'oh she's been brainwashed' xD )
I see Lucy, I go up to her "It's non of your concern, now go away" I say before patting her head. "Lucy go back" I see the girl charging me. She just flops over. "Let's keep going, I want to go home" I say rubbing close to Jack

@Mira1 @CellistCat606
Jack smiled and heald Harmony close and smiled. "Yes, let's." He said placing a kiss on her forehead. He gently grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers.

Jada slowly woke to see Threat above her. She smiled weakly and placed her hand on his. "Thanks for the help." she said shyly, her murderous side once again hidden. She brought herself up and kissed him.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"Maybe there is such thing as being alone or by yourself."

How do you look?


What's your Name?

"It's Lucy Brams."

Do you have any Nicknames?

"I get called the occasional Lucy Lu, but that hopefully is it."

What is your sexuality?

"What's yours!? I'm straight but it really couldn't matter any less."

What is your specific Gender?

"Gender or sex? Either way I'm female."

How tall are you?

"4 Feet and 6 1/2 inches... I hear you laughing over there Interviewer!"

When is your birthday?

"July 17th, and I'm 16 years old."

Do you have any crushes?

"No, and I don't need no man!"

How are you like?

"Without thing one and thing two I can be pretty loud, goofy, a sweetie pie, obnoxious, and a good girl (I don't like drugs or alcohol excluding medicine). When I have Raquel and Steven I'm basically a blank slate, because they're like do this! No do that! Mine is better! And so on. So when I have them nearby (which they always are basically) I take a while to respond, act, etc. and talk out loud so they hear me sometimes..."

Do you have any weapons at all?

"Does a good heart count? If not does throwing anything nearby count (I would say so because I got great aim!)?"

Are you a leader of a group?

"Umm, I am command central for their fights?"

What do you like?

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, CATS (sadly I sneeze when I'm around them)! I like carving things, not having thing one and thing two pester me, friendly people, people whom are relatable, and new clothing (who doesn't like a new outfit every now and then?)."

What do you dislike?

"Instead of being a lazy bum and saying the exact opposite, I'll write what I mean. I'm not a big fan of dogs, I don't like trying to carve into things that aren't meant to be carved into, having thing one and thing two pester me, mean/creepy/scary/"I'm going to kill you," people, people whom aren't related, trashy clothing, rock music and zombies."

What is your story?

"When I was in preschool no one ever talked to me, I'm not sure why but they told me it's because I always wore the same thing every single day. Since I had no friends I saw two odd people come walking towards me when I was thinking about lunch. The girl said

"Oh I know! how about you ask the teacher for a grilled sandwich! She always has some laying around remember?" I let out a mini shriek and thought how did she know what I was thinking!? The boy next to her responded

"We're imaginary and also for lunch if you get the grilled sandwich from the teacher you'll most likely ask for some later in the future and ending up making her feel bad when she doesn't have any."

"What do you mean? She literally brings 8 more sandwiches each day of the week!"

"She probably doesn't you're just exaggerating." From that moment on I had to live with the two of them. They began to give advice on everything. I couldn't get rid of them, they just kept on butting in whenever they pleased. Sometimes I got so fed up and yelled at them out loud as everyone nearby gave me judging stares.

Also my parents barely made any money. When the outbreak came I was at my first day of High school. When they started peeling in I ran and ran as fast I could away from the school as they started to sing

"You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" In my head. Basically after that I kept on meeting up with a group and then running. So now I hope that someone will help me survive (even though I have imaginary friends).

...Could you describe these 'friends?'

"Oh! Me first! My name is Raquel and I look like the picture below!"


"I'm loud, hyper, and quick to answer!"

"I reason based on past, how easy it is, and personal preference, unlike Steven who is all like technically, in the future and blah, blah, blah!"

"...As Raquel said my name is Steven and I look like the young boy below excluding the headset (no idea why they photo shopped it in)."


"I'm quiet, calm, empathetic, and take my sweet time before answering."

"Unlike, Raquel, I reason based on what may happen in the future, facts, and instead of personal preference I think of how this will affect everyone else."

-=-=)(Lucy Brams)(=-=-

Lucy tried to act like this happened to her everyday and that she was brave, but that kind of failed when she stuttured,
"F-fine! I'll g-go back!" Being upset that she didn't get an answer she walked back (no way was she running again, IT TOOK SO MUCH ENERGY). Raquel: Raquel ran up to Lucy "You're alive! You're alive!" She then squeezed her into a hug. Steven: "Nice job not getting killed by the creepy dude I guess..." "Thanks?" Lucy let go from the hug and motioned for Steven and Raquel to follow her as she walked back to the church.
Threat was surprised by the kiss, but kissed back resting his hand on her cheek. "No problem, I am happy to help," he said turning red, moving closer to her on the bed. He looked up "What do you see in me to make you risk your life." He said smiling, and putting his hand down.

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