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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Lucas felt something touch his shoulder, which made the tween squeak in alarm. Turning to see Lucy, his face flushed with embarrassment "I-I-I" he stuttered out, juggling his soup can with shaky hands "I'm just moping around in my head, n-nothing important" he gave Lucy a distant look, before walking away towards the entrance "Thinking about it, I'm not hungry anymore" He continued walking, until he heard some commotion around the entrance way. Lucas gasped when he saw two figures in particular, dropping his soup can in shock. This man, he had Harmony on a leash! He felt sick, and his chest hurt really bad. "Har...mony?"

@everyone basically
Jada blushed hard when she felt him kiss her cheek. She pulled away and looked at him with shock. She smiled gently and kissed his forehead. "No problem." She said with a gentle smile.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack chuckled at the sights of guns and shook his head. "Animals..." he mumbled to himself but smiled non the less. "Kill us if you wish just know if I go down she goes down with me." He says,p lacing a kiss on Harmonys cheek.

@everonetgat been tagged an sheet

-=-=((Turn out I accidentally deleted one of my recent posts heh, heh... Luckily I was able to restore it (whatever the arrow on the webpage that allows you to go back thing is called yeah I just clicked it for a while) So here it is for anyone who was interested. Sorry again.))=-=-

"Maybe there is such thing as being alone or by yourself."

How do you look?


What's your Name?

"It's Lucy Brams."

Do you have any Nicknames?

"I get called the occasional Lucy Lu, but that hopefully is it."

What is your sexuality?

"What's yours!? I'm straight but it really couldn't matter any less."

What is your specific Gender?

"Gender or sex? Either way I'm female."

How tall are you?

"4 Feet and 6 1/2 inches... I hear you laughing over there Interviewer!"

When is your birthday?

"July 17th, and I'm 16 years old."

Do you have any crushes?

"No, and I don't need no man!"

How are you like?

"Without thing one and thing two I can be pretty loud, goofy, a sweetie pie, obnoxious, and a good girl (I don't like drugs or alcohol excluding medicine). When I have Raquel and Steven I'm basically a blank slate, because they're like do this! No do that! Mine is better! And so on. So when I have them nearby (which they always are basically) I take a while to respond, act, etc. and talk out loud so they hear me sometimes..."

Do you have any weapons at all?

"Does a good heart count? If not does throwing anything nearby count (I would say so because I got great aim!)?"

Are you a leader of a group?

"Umm, I am command central for their fights?"

What do you like?

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, CATS (sadly I sneeze when I'm around them)! I like carving things, not having thing one and thing two pester me, friendly people, people whom are relatable, and new clothing (who doesn't like a new outfit every now and then?)."

What do you dislike?

"Instead of being a lazy bum and saying the exact opposite, I'll write what I mean. I'm not a big fan of dogs, I don't like trying to carve into things that aren't meant to be carved into, having thing one and thing two pester me, mean/creepy/scary/"I'm going to kill you," people, people whom aren't related, trashy clothing, rock music and zombies."

What is your story?

"When I was in preschool no one ever talked to me, I'm not sure why but they told me it's because I always wore the same thing every single day. Since I had no friends I saw two odd people come walking towards me when I was thinking about lunch. The girl said

"Oh I know! how about you ask the teacher for a grilled sandwich! She always has some laying around remember?" I let out a mini shriek and thought how did she know what I was thinking!? The boy next to her responded

"We're imaginary and also for lunch if you get the grilled sandwich from the teacher you'll most likely ask for some later in the future and ending up making her feel bad when she doesn't have any."

"What do you mean? She literally brings 8 more sandwiches each day of the week!"

"She probably doesn't you're just exaggerating." From that moment on I had to live with the two of them. They began to give advice on everything. I couldn't get rid of them, they just kept on butting in whenever they pleased. Sometimes I got so fed up and yelled at them out loud as everyone nearby gave me judging stares.

Also my parents barely made any money. When the outbreak came I was at my first day of High school. When they started peeling in I ran and ran as fast I could away from the school as they started to sing

"You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" In my head. Basically after that I kept on meeting up with a group and then running. So now I hope that someone will help me survive (even though I have imaginary friends).

...Could you describe these 'friends?'

"Oh! Me first! My name is Raquel and I look like the picture below!"


"I'm loud, hyper, and quick to answer!"

"I reason based on past, how easy it is, and personal preference, unlike Steven who is all like technically, in the future and blah, blah, blah!"

"...As Raquel said my name is Steven and I look like the young boy below excluding the headset (no idea why they photo shopped it in)."


"I'm quiet, calm, empathetic, and take my sweet time before answering."

"Unlike, Raquel, I reason based on what may happen in the future, facts, and instead of personal preference I think of how this will affect everyone else."

[QUOTE="Naomi Nakashima]
Sighing, Lucas wondered away from Mitch and decided to search for the kitchen himself. As he did so, he felt a wave of loneliness wash over him. The church probably had plenty of people, but not the people he needed near him right now. Ugh, he was such a spoiled brat, he should be happy he's not dead by this point with his luck. It'd probably be for the best if he never got close to another person ever again, it's not like he'd be able to save them if they were in trouble. Lucas laughed hollowly, he was just a dead weight coward. Still, his aching stomach was beginning to get unbearable, so he couldn't just not eat and ignore it. Where the heck is the kitchen, though?

-=-=)(Lucy Brams)(=-=-

Lucy had just finished her bread when she heard one of her 'friends' say something. Raquel: Raquel began tapping her foot on the ground impatiently and croseed her arms, "WHEN ARE WE GOING TO DO SOMETHING ELSE! This is so fancy boring!" Lucy looked over to Raquel with a calm expression, "Sure, why not miss sunshine?" She then chuckled a bit at her joke as Raquel grunted at her.

As Lucy was walking around she noticed Steven trying to get her attention. Steven: Steven was jumping up and down an waving his arms frantically trying to get Lucy's attention, "How about you ask this boy what he's thinking about? Because last time we let you choose what to say you said Hey Buckarooroos!" Lucy rolled her eyes as Raquel and Steven were laughing. While she was ignoring she tapped on the boy's shoulder and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about?"

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I see Lucas "Heya Lucas" I say slyly "Oh come on you enjoy seeing me on a leash" I say with a small giggle.
Threat smiled and wiped tears away "Can we go back, I don't think I'm fit for travel right now." He said grabbing her hand and getting up, he looked up "Thanks, you are very kind," he said dusting himself off with the other hand.


Jason heard something outside, he stared at them. "See you got a slave Jack, got bored of the old one," he said pointing his gun at him. He tipped his hat so he could see them.

Mira1 said:
Jada blushed hard when she felt him kiss her cheek. She pulled away and looked at him with shock. She smiled gently and kissed his forehead. "No problem." She said with a gentle smile.
@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack chuckled at the sights of guns and shook his head. "Animals..." he mumbled to himself but smiled non the less. "Kill us if you wish just know if I go down she goes down with me." He says,p lacing a kiss on Harmonys cheek.

@everonetgat been tagged an sheet
-=-=((CellistCat606: -Searches around for sketchbook- "Need...to...try...and...make...Jada...X...Threat...FAN-ART!"))=-=-

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Lucas' face flared with anger and annoyance "Harmony, no! This is just wrong!" he said, even surprising himself with his new found courage "You shouldn't be treated this way!"

@Everyone n stuff

"If life isn't fair, make it."


Name: Amber

Nick: Six Year Old Killer

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Height: 4'0

Age: 16

Crush: Girl has never had a crush so if she had one she never would know

Personality: Amber is not one to be sentimental she'd rather laugh but would keep it to herself (even though being rude isn't something she hesitates on). She most likely will be seen teasing (just as a joke) or pulling pranks. She acts tough because she is tough okay or do I need to repeat myself? Sometimes Amber thinks that if she acted like a shy, kind, innocent girl, that she will probably will be helped more than if she acted like herself. Don't get on her bad side she has a HUGE temper.

Weapons: Her bracelet (it's the sharpest thing she can have because of her predicament).

Leader of some sort of group: Was a leader of a couple of fellow prisoners at one point.

Likes: Being in charge, Joking around, Being better than someone, Having a good laugh, prisoners she knows.

Dislikes: Pets, cops, people of the law, and people who act all overprotective with her.

Bio: Amber was a normal girl. She was mostly kind, joyful, cheery, & empathetic. She never knew her parents since she was an orphan. One day when Amber was 6 years old she woke up to seeing cops looking around for clues of who murdered all the other orphans last night. Amber was the only orphan to survive the attack which made her highly suspicious to the police. The owner of the orphanage also recalled last seeing Amber holding a knife, the owner took it away from Amber and put it on the counter so Amber wouldn't hurt herself. Amber got upset at this and immediately ran to where she slept sobbing. The case was then immediately closed because the cops thought they had found the killer whom was Amber(was it Amber or someone else? not even Amber knows) because they found no evidence otherwise. Amber then spent her life getting pushed around by the other prisoners for being only a measly 6 year old. Ten years went by and Amber's personality changed from a nice little girl to a rude teenager. Amber gained respect from the other prisoners by getting stronger and faster, soon she had her own group! They were planning an escape route when the zombies attacked. Out of confusion the group split up and Amber was on her own. Except a cop found her 3 days later and hand cuffed her so he could bring her back. When the cop was at the gate to the jail he got a surprise sneak attack from the back. Seeing her chance Amber escaped the cop, but is still unable to take off her hand cuffs. So now Amber is looking for helpful survivors before the zombies get her.

Other: Amber can be seen with bruises and cuts everywhere on her from the brawls she had with the other prisoners. Her height and speed lets her be able to go into small places fast. She also is best with a two handed weapon.


Amber walked outside to notice a big intervention happening including guns. She pulled out her gun only to have one problem, she didn't have a gun. Instead she held her scythe steadily in her right hand. Amber looked to where everyone was looking and saw a girl who sort of resembled AJ and a man who looked pretty handsome.

Wait handsome? Eww...I probably can't even trust him because why else would we be having our weapons out? She thought to herself as she shook the man being handsome part out of her head and moved the scythe so she held it with both of her hands ready to charge and attack when needed.

@Mira1, @Shammy the Shamrock, @Yappi, @Naomi Nakashima, @Quillicious ))=-=-
Jason growled "Do you have a reason for being here, I don't take kindly to you," he said glaring at Jack. He put his gun away and took out his katana, twirling it before using it as a cane. He smiled, looking down at the kid, making a face of disgust underneath his mask.

"Maybe there is such thing as being alone or by yourself."

How do you look?


What's your Name?

"It's Lucy Brams."

Do you have any Nicknames?

"I get called the occasional Lucy Lu, but that hopefully is it."

What is your sexuality?

"What's yours!? I'm straight but it really couldn't matter any less."

What is your specific Gender?

"Gender or sex? Either way I'm female."

How tall are you?

"4 Feet and 6 1/2 inches... I hear you laughing over there Interviewer!"

When is your birthday?

"July 17th, and I'm 16 years old."

Do you have any crushes?

"No, and I don't need no man!"

How are you like?

"Without thing one and thing two I can be pretty loud, goofy, a sweetie pie, obnoxious, and a good girl (I don't like drugs or alcohol excluding medicine). When I have Raquel and Steven I'm basically a blank slate, because they're like do this! No do that! Mine is better! And so on. So when I have them nearby (which they always are basically) I take a while to respond, act, etc. and talk out loud so they hear me sometimes..."

Do you have any weapons at all?

"Does a good heart count? If not does throwing anything nearby count (I would say so because I got great aim!)?"

Are you a leader of a group?

"Umm, I am command central for their fights?"

What do you like?

"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, CATS (sadly I sneeze when I'm around them)! I like carving things, not having thing one and thing two pester me, friendly people, people whom are relatable, and new clothing (who doesn't like a new outfit every now and then?)."

What do you dislike?

"Instead of being a lazy bum and saying the exact opposite, I'll write what I mean. I'm not a big fan of dogs, I don't like trying to carve into things that aren't meant to be carved into, having thing one and thing two pester me, mean/creepy/scary/"I'm going to kill you," people, people whom aren't related, trashy clothing, rock music and zombies."

What is your story?

"When I was in preschool no one ever talked to me, I'm not sure why but they told me it's because I always wore the same thing every single day. Since I had no friends I saw two odd people come walking towards me when I was thinking about lunch. The girl said

"Oh I know! how about you ask the teacher for a grilled sandwich! She always has some laying around remember?" I let out a mini shriek and thought how did she know what I was thinking!? The boy next to her responded

"We're imaginary and also for lunch if you get the grilled sandwich from the teacher you'll most likely ask for some later in the future and ending up making her feel bad when she doesn't have any."

"What do you mean? She literally brings 8 more sandwiches each day of the week!"

"She probably doesn't you're just exaggerating." From that moment on I had to live with the two of them. They began to give advice on everything. I couldn't get rid of them, they just kept on butting in whenever they pleased. Sometimes I got so fed up and yelled at them out loud as everyone nearby gave me judging stares.

Also my parents barely made any money. When the outbreak came I was at my first day of High school. When they started peeling in I ran and ran as fast I could away from the school as they started to sing

"You can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man!" In my head. Basically after that I kept on meeting up with a group and then running. So now I hope that someone will help me survive (even though I have imaginary friends).

...Could you describe these 'friends?'

"Oh! Me first! My name is Raquel and I look like the picture below!"


"I'm loud, hyper, and quick to answer!"

"I reason based on past, how easy it is, and personal preference, unlike Steven who is all like technically, in the future and blah, blah, blah!"

"...As Raquel said my name is Steven and I look like the young boy below excluding the headset (no idea why they photo shopped it in)."


"I'm quiet, calm, empathetic, and take my sweet time before answering."

"Unlike, Raquel, I reason based on what may happen in the future, facts, and instead of personal preference I think of how this will affect everyone else."

-=-=)(Lucy Brams)(=-=-

Lucy was going to respond to the boy and ask for his name, but noticed he left already
dang it she thought. Steven: Steven nodded "Dang it indeed, that is why we need to teach you how to be social." She shoved him out of her way, "Shush, Steven please let me think for just one moment." Lucy followed where the boy went to see a big group of people surrounding a girl and an oddly dressed man.

Raquel: Raquel pointed to behind Jason as she ran there and yelled "Over here to behind Jason! Since he is the only person's name you know here, besides Mister vamp." Lucy nodded and stood behind Jason while she tried and take a peek even though it was really hard to see by them because of her being only 4 feet and 6 1/2 inches.

@Shammy the Shamrock))=-=-

@Naomi Nakashima, @Mira1, @Quillicious and @Yappi))=-=-
Jack shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets, causing him to pull Harmony back violently. "Sorry love." He said and kissed her forehead. "Yes, her idea not mine. I opposed it but let it go anyway." He mumbled and tapped his foot, waiting for her to do whatever she was going to do.


Jada smiled and nodded yes to him. "Of course we can." She said and gently grabbed his hand, interlocking their fingers. She leaned her head on his as they walked back to the church.

@Shammu the Shamrock

I gasp a little bit for air, but I purr a little when he kisses my head. I listen to him recount what I said "
Threat smiled walking back before growling "That's her, that's Harmony." He said pointing to harmony, he tightened his grip on her hand. Threat put his weapon away and glared at her, a strange rage filling him.

@Mira1 @Yappi
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-=-=((CellistCat606: "Guess who I'm bringing back?"))=-=-

-=-=((Amber: "Me again?"))=-=-

-=-=((CellistCat606: "Nope."))=-=-

Lucy: "Jaqluin?"))=-=-

-=-=((Jaqluin: -Walks out from behind CellistCat606- "Who else?" -Sassy hair flip- "Did you miss me?"))=-=-

-=-=((Amber: "Not at all."))=-=-

-=-=((Jaqluin: -Rolls her eyes- "Rude..."))=-=-
Seeing her kiss that man, Lucas made a face of both disgust and hurt. He couldn't watch this, so he picked up the soup can and turned away from them "I hope you're both happy together, then" he simply told them, voice shaking with pain "Take over the f-ing world for all I care! As master and f-ing servant!" he started walking away "Just don't ever come back!"

@Everyone but mainly @Yappi
Quill stumbled backwards, but didn't fall.

'Coming from someone who's on a leash, and was stripped naked by the person holding it. I really think you don't pay attention sometimes.'

He drew his revolver and shot Jack in the foot and Harmony's collar in quick succession.

'I'm not letting my redemption get away that easy.'

Jay drew his pistol as well.

"I will shoot you if you don't let the girl go."

@Yappi @Mira1

"Awe, go ahead and be mad. Don't do anything besides words" I say giggling almost if I'm aware of the mental state I'm in "By the way, it's not like I want to be away from him Quill. Why you kill him and I'll kill every one last one of you in your sleep... Painfully" the collar falls off my neck "I liked that collar, it was a nice collar" I say loading the next shot
'One more move and I'll shoot both of you, you little bitch. You're a good for nothing, crazy, horny monster and that's all you'll ever be!'

"Don't fuck with us, we've killed children before. We'll do it again in a heartbeat."

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