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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((CellistCat606: -Fur stands up and she hisses- "Oh really?" -plays the song hot cross buns- -turns into the picture below after the song is over-

-Swats at the creatures legs with her claws-))=-=-
(You do know you're the size of his foot right? *Gets picked up and Clover curls up around her* He's a cuddler :3)

I sit out in the park for a while before i go up to Jack "Can we ever go back to the church?" I ask with big eyes.

Jada holds her hands across her chest, keeping her diary near her. She didn't want to take any chance of someone finding it or seeing what was inside. Alot of secrets were held there, ones that could make people change their mind about her in an instant. She followed threat and smiled breathing in the fresh air as well.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack smiled, giggling some at Harmonys actions twoards the zombies. "That's it my love, take them out!" He yelled out to her, smiling the whole time. After a while he sat and watched her around the park. He smiled when he was approached. "Why woudl you want to go back to them? They betrayed you remember." He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

Sighing, Lucas wondered away from Mitch and decided to search for the kitchen himself. As he did so, he felt a wave of loneliness wash over him. The church probably had plenty of people, but not the people he needed near him right now. Ugh, he was such a spoiled brat, he should be happy he's not dead by this point with his luck. It'd probably be for the best if he never got close to another person ever again, it's not like he'd be able to save them if they were in trouble. Lucas laughed hollowly, he was just a dead weight coward. Still, his aching stomach was beginning to get unbearable, so he couldn't just not eat and ignore it. Where the heck is the kitchen, though?
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Mira1 said:
Jada holds her hands across her chest, keeping her diary near her. She didn't want to take any chance of someone finding it or seeing what was inside. Alot of secrets were held there, ones that could make people change their mind about her in an instant. She followed threat and smiled breathing in the fresh air as well.
@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack smiled, giggling some at Harmonys actions twoards the zombies. "That's it my love, take them out!" He yelled out to her, smiling the whole time. After a while he sat and watched her around the park. He smiled when he was approached. "Why woudl you want to go back to them? They betrayed you remember." He said in a slightly annoyed tone.


"Because there's someone I know there, a boy my age that I lived with for a while" I say twirling my hair a little "Those are just my brothers that have never met me... My last name is Johnson, Harmony Johnson. I've never told anyone else that so keep it a secret" I say a little flustered

Threat grabbed her hand walking, nervous since zombies could come out at any time. He looked up at her and smiled "May I ask why you keep blushing. I have seen it happen to some people, like Harmony who was my other personalities ex-girlfriend, or Lex- other people," he said looking down.

Jack suddenly grabbed her and pulled her into a possessive hug. "You don't need him, you have me." He said in a slight growling tone. "You are mine and mine alone, you need no other boy got that?"


Jada blushed hard when he grabbed her hand, she looked away for a moment to hide her excitement. When she finally calmed down she looked back at him. "Oh... I uh... it's because I..." she stuttered only causing her to blush more. Then the thought of this 'Harmony' chick invaded her mind. She had only one mindset about that one. To kill her, and her for hurting Threat. She didnt know who Lex was but didn't care. She would deal with them later. "I just think your cute that's all." She said out loud except it wasn't her that said it. It was almost as if she had another side of her that hid here murderous side.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jay and Quill walked back to the church, and Quill was a little pissed.

'So we just let a total maniac keep her, a little girl?'

"You're one to talk."

'I've changed. You of all people should know that.'

"What happened in the past stays with you, no matter what."

Quill grumbled something and crossed his arms.

"Can I atleast see my other friends?" I ask before he hugs me "O-ok..." I say sad, I want to see Jason and Miya

Threat stared at her "Like a baby? There is no other way to put it," he said, seeing her blush made him ask the question, his cheeks became a bit red at the thought. He stopped walking looking up at Jada, his head tilted.

She giggled and shook her head at him. "No silly, I mean I like you. You are good looking, I have a crush on you." She explained, her face a bright shade of red. She blinked a couple times, a slight glimpse of crazy shun in her eyes. "I would do anything for you."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack shook his head no to her. "You are to stay with me forever." He said kissing her on the lips, knowing it hurt her for him to say that. "They are bad people harmony,they betrayed you. Even if it was just your brothers the others would have done the same." He said trying to corrupt her thoughts in them.

Threat froze, he let go of her hand, his face burning red. "I-I-I don't know what to say. I mean, you're older than me, and-and-and," he couldn't get the words out. He clasped his hands, mumbling to himself, trying to say something.


"Th- They would?" I say thinking about it "No, I want to atleast gal to them about it" I say trying to think "Maybe yo-your right" i still want to go to the church "I don't see why not, why if they hurt you I'd just kill them all!" I say with a insane smile

Yappi said:
"Th- They would?" I say thinking about it "No, I want to atleast gal to them about it" I say trying to think "Maybe yo-your right" i still want to go to the church "I don't see why not, why if they hurt you I'd just kill them all!" I say with a insane smile

Jack smiled wickedly. "And if they lay a finger on you id kill them as well. Harmony I won't let anything happen to you." He hugs her and kisses her on the cheek. "As long as we are together nothing will get in our way."


Jada shook her head and put a finger to his mouth. "Listen Threat, none of that matters now." she said with a giggle. "Plus, who is there to stop us from being together. So your with an older girl, I'll love you all the same." She said with pure lust in her eyes.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"Nothing" I purr, I start to walk in the direction of the church, hoping he won't immediately yank me back from my leash.

"This isn't the time for this, anyway."

Jay glanced at Mitch and signaled for Quill to quiet down, which he didn't.

'This is the only time for this! We need to kill that son of a bitch!'

He sighed and gave into her. He knew it would take alot to convince her that they were the evil ones in this situation. Jack decided to follow her and see how this went.

Threat became fearful, he curled up grabbing his head "Please.....no, don't hurt me. Please. Please. PLEASE!" Threat yelled, the lust in her eyes set him off. He remember everything Conquest had done to him, he sat there crying, still saying "Please," in a low voice.

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Jada watched him in full out shock. She started to shake, fearing she did something wrong. She quickly hugged him, rubbing his back comfortingly. "Sweetie please calm down I promise I won't hurt you. I would never do anything to hurt you." She said in a sincere tone.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jack walks with her, holding the leash in his hands. A wild smile stained on his face.

@Yappi @everyonehementioned
Threat still shook but soon stopped, he gave a weak smile feeling safe. He kissed her cheek "Thank you," he said closing his eyes, he wrapped his hands around her back.


Jason heard something outside, he stared at them. "See you got a slave Jack, got bored of the old one," he said pointing his gun at him. He tipped his hat so he could see them.


"Awe your going and trusting quill?" I say giggling a little "It's not slavery if I get paid" I tell Jason with a sinister grin
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