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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I hear someone near the house, I see the other knife gleaming to my eye. I grab his arm with enough force to prevent the knife from moving into my neck whilst simultaneously grabbing the other knife and jamming it into his pelvis. I use the back of my head to hit his nose and i burst running through the door... completely naked yes but I left my hoodie in my bag.


near @Shammy the Shamrock
Otakubeats said:
"Well I'm glad to know that you aren't secretly gonna kill me. That has actually happened and it is NOT fun. So who are these people in your group. I'd like to know a bit before I walk in randomly with you."

"My 2 brothers, a cowboy wearing a skeleton costume, a multi personality kid,a newborn and her mother, Me of course, a cannibal, and a women with a katana" i say in a long sentence. "You know.... the usual"
The figure ran after her, a smile on their face as they wrapped their jacket around her. They zipped it up and ran putting Harmony over their shoulder. It ran, a bat in hand as it hid behind a car, they looked down "Hi," they said carrying her in their arms.

@Yappi @Quillicious
Yappi said:
"My 2 brothers, a cowboy wearing a skeleton costume, a multi personality kid,a newborn and her mother, Me of course, a cannibal, and a women with a katana" i say in a long sentence. "You know.... the usual"
"Er...right....ummmm quick question, WHY is there a cannibal with you?"

"Actually there were 3 last i checked, one might not be anymore..."


I cant see who it is, all im focusing is running until im slinged across someones shoulder. a shake around until they stopped 'hey...."

@Shammy the Shamrock Somewhat near @Quillicious
It smiled "I'm Smile, nice to meet you," Smile said putting on glasses from its bag. Smile removed the bandanna and ran into a store, grabbing a scarf so that she couldn't see the smile. "Who are you, a lovely specimen like you shouldn't be out alone," she said fixing the jacket so she could move. Smile kept their bat over their shoulder, smiling from underneath the scarf.

Lucas had just exited the supermarket when his mind wondered back to her bag's contents. The notebooks in particular. He didn't want to invade her belongings anymore, but...some part of him needed to read it. Upon arriving into the apartment; he placed her bag down, put his backpack away, grabbed the notebooks, and crashed on the bed. Choosing one randomly, he opened it up and read it's contents.
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Smile nodded and picked her up, it ran as fast as they could and slid underneath a house porch. They were silent, covering their mouth, it looked back and tightened the hood of the jacket so Harmony couldn't see. They smiled "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," it said getting their bat ready.

@Yappi @Quillicious
Harmony's Notebook Page 59

-Incomprehensible written rambling- Anyways i met this boy, Lucas was his name... Conquest tried to ruin it but i think i like him. Peace has been getting more unstable, though Threat does not like me to much. I dont know what to think, All thats happened im lucky to be alive. Then again what that man did... it plagues my very dreams. -A large portion has been scratched out- Im good at hiding my feelings, though i may not show them often. Im going out for supply's, i need to clear my head of all that happened. medicine is needed, im in so much pain i can barely think. -There is a hastily written note in-between the pages of the book - Plese help, man alive -It crudely spelled and written-

@Naomi Nakashima


I keep quite,Unable to see i stay still and quite.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Quillicious
Smile heard him creeping up, the child tackled him jumping on his face. It clawed at him like a cat, trying to scratch his eyes out.
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I sit there, I hear him yell you cant hide and i let out a low wimpier. I scoot further down into under the porch. I hear Smile pounce on someone and i take off the hood to see he has found us. i join the fight and charge Quill, I hit him at his knees

@Shammy the Shamrock @Quillicious
Smiley smiled "And i'm not afraid to kill us all," it said taking out a grenade and playing with the pin. "Ether you leave us alone or I blow us all to Oz," it said with a chuckle. It looked over at the stab wound, ignoring the pain and just laughing.

@Yappi @Quillicious
Lucas dropped the notebook in shock, "man alive" struck him the hardest. That man. How he'd first encountered Harmony, when she'd been ra...assaulted by him. He didn't save her back then either. But maybe, just maybe she was alive. That was enough to fill him with hope, hope that she could still be saved. Putting the notebook onto the bed, he grabbed his pistol and her duffle bag—and ran into the street again. I don't know where you are, Harmony but...I'll find you! I promise! With that thought, he ran towards that warehouse again. On the way, he saw people fighting. They were too far away for him to see though, so he hid behind a car a mile away. He squinted at them, now seeing a taller figure threatening two smaller figures with a gun. Sneaking closer quietly, he noticed Harmony. He hid behind a new car, placing her bag down. He heard a voice, like that of two people, making a bomb threat. Harmony did too. Taking this opportunity, he shot at the man's head—ducking behind the car afterwards.


@Shammy the Shamrock

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((ahhhhhhh I'm so sorry! The 3g didn't stay with me where is everyone? Is Jack still with you @Nona and do the bandits still have aj @Yappi ))
Mira1 said:
((ahhhhhhh I'm so sorry! The 3g didn't stay with me where is everyone? Is Jack still with you @Nona and do the bandits still have aj @Yappi ))
(Hi! Did you see any *Growl* monsters with horns, that call themselves Bambi, that's how I lost my dear Shamrock Grand-ma-ma)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Hi! Did you see any *Growl* monsters with horns, that call themselves Bambi, that's how I lost my dear Shamrock Grand-ma-ma)

((Nope, sorry if I did I would have hog tied it and given it to you ^_^ ))

I spit in the bandits face, my spit a tint Of red, this is a facade, I'm weak right now. And I have a kid, I have a bag loaded with baby supply's.

The bandit growls at him and wipes the spit off his face. "You really want to die don't you?" He said as the bandits start to dump out the baby supplies. The head bandit who sat infront of him smirked. "So, looks like you got alot of shit, mind telling me who that's for?"

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