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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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(Sorry, had to drive a friend)


"I plan on it, want to come with?" i ask picking up my bag and pointing to the direction the church is

Harmony *time skip*

I sit there exausted, I lay between unconsciousness and consciousness. I desperately try to stay awake, I lay there mostly unresponsive.


((Alright so @Mira1 is still offline with camping so is anyone free to interact with Laika? Since Melina is now stuck for a while.))
Yappi said:
(Sorry, had to drive a friend)

"I plan on it, want to come with?" i ask picking up my bag and pointing to the direction the church is

Harmony *time skip*

I sit there exausted, I lay between unconsciousness and consciousness. I desperately try to stay awake, I lay there mostly unresponsive.


"U-uh s-sure?" Mitch nodded, a bit nervous about meeting other people. He hadn't been near a group since....no. He pushed away the flicker of sadness and anger in his eyes, returning to his usual humoring glint. "Let's go dino." He'd tease the man about his age, playfully lightening the mood.

I cringe in pain, I look at my hand. My eyes widen, I don't move though. I am frozen... Like a deer in head lights
Finally making it to the building, Lucas wasted no time looking around for his companion. Upon finding the pharmacy, he found it to be completely raided from wall to wall. It looked like someone was looking for medical supplies, frantically. He could only think of one thing, Harmony must have come here to find more medicine. But if that was the case then wouldn't she be close? He surveyed his surrounding, finding a trail of pills leading off somewhere. Lucas found himself tensing up, his breathing getting more rapid. He was scared, scared she might be hurt or worse. That was all he could think as he followed the trail. It lead to a warehouse, and his heart stopped for a moment. It was Harmony's duffle bag, knocked over with it's contents scattered everywhere. "No..." he said, weakly "No, no, no...Please no" he dropped to his knees, picking up the duffle bag and pulling it close to himself "No, NO!" There he was, crying uncontrollably—like the baby he was. He could help it, he'd failed her when he'd already promised to protect her. This was all his fault, he shouldn't have fallen asleep when she was most vulnerable. When she most needed protecting. "I'm sorry" he blurted out through his tears "I'm...so...sorry!" he couldn't take it anymore, him and his stupid clumsy self couldn't protect the one he...he...

It was just then when he'd realized, he'd realized why he needed her so much.

He gave out one last yell, echoing of the warehouse walls as if mocking his anguish "HARMONY!"

Mitch follows behind him, fiddling with the dog tags around his neck.He always seemed to clutch them in moments of anxiety, and they seemed to have military engravings on them. He was obviously too young for the military, but who they belong to is a mystery to Marcus. Still he seems to treasure them fondly for some odd reason.
Quillicious said:
"It's time to see what's under that pretty skin of yours..."
He chuckled and pulled out the knife, tossing it to the side.


What!?! Was he going to cut me open, I start to go off on a tangent. "Don't kill me... Please" I beg


"So, military family? Neat" i pull some dog tags out of my pocket and throw them to him. They have my full name on them. "I joined the army a few years ago, made it to the rank of sergeant." I continue to walk down the streets, killing a few zombies with my hatchet along the way/


I sigh, I dont think he will kill me, He will however hurt me a lot. He knows that people my age in this world are rare, To kill me would be foolish. But why am i justyfing this to myself? Either way im going to have a bad time...


After quite a while of sobbing, Lucas rose to his feet—her duffle bag still in his hand. He glanced over at the supplies and such that fell out of her bag, and placed most of it back in. But not the pills, he couldn't bring himself to touch that bottle. It was surely empty anyway. Clutching the duffle bag close to him, he made his way out of the warehouse.
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Yappi said:
"So, military family? Neat" i pull some dog tags out of my pocket and throw them to him. They have my full name on them. "I joined the army a few years ago, made it to the rank of sergeant." I continue to walk down the streets, killing a few zombies with my hatchet along the way/


I sigh, I dont think he will kill me, He will however hurt me a lot. He knows that people my age in this world are rare, To kill me would be foolish. But why am i justyfing this to myself? Either way im going to have a bad time...


Mitch looked at them closely, "Well, they were my dad's. I was originally with him before shit hit the fan....and well, I'll explain later." He followed Marcus, careful to avoid his hatchet.

"Don't explain then, I don't care about the past. Only the present." I say before hitting a zombie so hard that its upper cranium hoes flying through the air. "I was in some real shit when i was still fighting, was going to be discharged but i saved a few men's asses and i earned a purple heart" i say with a smile before putting my hatchet away seeing no more zombies

Threat had awoke from his nap, he looked around and went out. Something old stirred inside him but he didn't know what, Peace didn't know either but a twisted grin was on their scarred face. They walked through carrying a knife "Conquest is dead, I am here now," they said as they taped the knife to the end of the bat. It swung the bat around and continued the walk outside, they removed the bandanna and fixed their mouth, walking into the city.

@Any1 who wants to interact
Yappi said:
"Don't explain then, I don't care about the past. Only the present." I say before hitting a zombie so hard that its upper cranium hoes flying through the air. "I was in some real shit when i was still fighting, was going to be discharged but i saved a few men's asses and i earned a purple heart" i say with a smile before putting my hatchet away seeing no more zombies

"Well I'm glad to know that you aren't secretly gonna kill me. That has actually happened and it is NOT fun. So who are these people in your group. I'd like to know a bit before I walk in randomly with you."
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