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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I am blinded by the blindfold. I get injected, I feel... Wierd, I feel the knife twist and I yell out in pain from the knife. I refuse to let this affect me too much as I try to struggle but stop when the knife moves around hurting more

I chuckle loudly and stop with the knife. I slowly pull it out and set it next to be on the ground. "Now, I will remove your hand restraints. If you make one violent move, you won't have but one hand left." He said as he removed them and chained his feet in the process. "This is your only warning, use sign language to communicate. What did you do to my Jaricho?" He growls.

@Yappi }~


Stuff I regret, I did a lot of things to him. Nothing physically harmful, I left him untouched but I did hurt him in another way. I was insane and had a mad and dream of making him my new master, and I... I raped him
Peace and Threat got up, they decided to try and work as one mind. "Ok, one foot after another, Okay now move your foot. Relax I know what to-" They fell to the ground and got back up "*Sigh* Let's make a name, Since we are the leader of the four horsemen how about Death, Nah too edgy, let's use something else. How about Angel, I know it's random but I like the name, plus it doesn't define gender. I like it," Angel got up and smiled, it went up the stairs, learning its new techniques.

(What did I frick fraking miss)

Ashton's head twitched at what he heard. AJ didn't know it, but he had tears flowing from his face at this time. "You will regret that." He said, his voice cold as ice. Out if no where he could feel a sharp pain on his chest from a whip. "You will wish you where dead when I'm finished with you." He said, whipping him again.

@Yappi }~

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Speak again, sounding more pained then ever. Sobbing a little "Buddy... I already wish that I was" holding my head low, I react to the whips with a cringing face. I do have scars showing up from all the times I've been previously tortured. Including the cat o nie tails from Miya
Angel kissed her "Nothing, Threat and I have decided to control one body. Same people, except not merged," there voice went from Threat to Peace. They grabbed her and dipped Harmony "Do you like it," they asked with a happy grin.


I kiss him back "I do more than like it" I say licking my lips. I try to dial it back "So what's the name?"
They smiled "Angel, I thought of the name. You two do know that this does make me somewhat uncomfortable, I do have a lo-" He was cut off by another kiss "Man up, I have a love too," she said before picking Harmony up.


"What a good name" I say before listening to the two and letting out a small high pitched 'meep' when I'm picked up.I wrap my arms behind his neck locking them with my fingers, I give him another kiss as he moves me.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Yappi said:
Speak again, sounding more pained then ever. Sobbing a little "Buddy... I already wish that I was" holding my head low, I react to the whips with a cringing face. I do have scars showing up from all the times I've been previously tortured. Including the cat o nie tails from Miya

Ashton giggled at what he said and shook his head some. "I'm sure you do, you're worthless to this world." He said in a cold tone. "Can't even keep your own sanity from a little torture, got turned into someone's pet." He mocked whipping him again, seeing the scars on his chest made him laugh.


Ashton sees him frown, which was the first time he had actually seen a genuine sad look on his face. He hesitated for a moment, feeling bad for him until he once again lost control as he remembered what AJ had done to Jericho. He brings the whip down on him again before falling back in his own chair, feeling terrible for what he was doing. Even the thought of him raping Jericho couldn't pull him to hurt him anymore. He dropped the whip and hugged AJ gently. "I'm sorry." He said quietly, feeling regret to what he had done.

@Yappi }~


Ashton let his body seem to go weak after he spoke to him. Shaking some he quickly checked his pulse to make sure he was still alive. Relived to feel at heart beat he looksed at one of the bandits. "Bandages, now." He demanded. "But boss-" he tried to retort before getting interrupted by Ashton. "NOW!" He screamed and watched the bandit scurry off. He came back with bandages and handed them to Ashton who quickly patched AJ up and unchained him. He waited for him to have in hope for forgiveness.

@Yappi }~


Jericho looked up at him with a pained look on his face. He stood and approached him, hugging him and rubbing his back. "I'm so sorry I did this to you." He said in a quiet, pained voice.

@Yappi }~

They laughed "Why are you embarrassed, I thought you loved us. Me, we are still getting use to this," they said walking into the church and sitting on a pew.

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