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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Nico huffs, and sighs in relief,

"Erm.. at-at Next to Walmart.. called Fort Myers" Nico says, and frowns, staring at the ground.

Just then a group of zombies about 4-9 start circling around them. Nico holds on Jericho and closes his eyes and starts to shake in fear.

Nico doesn't like to fight..or he never fought unless he was by himself. And at school when Nico would get bullied or beat up he still didn't fight because he knew it wouldn't partially kill him, these man eating monsters would.

@Demon Slayer


Jericho tilts his head at the location and thinks of where they would need to head to get there. He hears the sound of the moaning flesh eating beasts starting to surround them. He heald Nico close and sighed, pulling his blade out once again. He swung it around and decapitated one zombie, showing the sharpness of his blade was great. He started to swing at the skulls. After a while of slashing at Zombies he sighed and lowered his head then checked on Nico to make sure he was okay.

~{ @JoJoMojo }~[/border][/bg]
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Nico opens his eyes, and looks up at Jericho, then looks around at all the bloody bodies on the floor.

"Omi-omi-omi" He mutters, and takes out his inhalers, and breathes through it. Nico's bookbag is full of inhalers just in case, one breaks, or an evil person takes his inhaler away from him, wanting him to die. Nico then puts his inhaler in his pocket,

and huffs.

@Demon Slayer

Jericho kneels down and rubs his back comfortingly. "Hey, it's okay." He said worried for his lovers brother. He looked around a few times to make sure there was no other Zombies around them. When he saw it was pretty much clear he smiled. "So, how do we get to your brother?" He asked, unsure of where the specific Walmart was.

~{ @JoJoMojo }~
Nico mumbles an okay, as he rubs his eyes, then puts his glasses back on. He coughs a bit, and closes his eyes,

trying to remember,

"I remember where it is.." He mumbles, and points North.

"Are you guys okay? Because..He doesn't talk about you at all.. I mean here and there he would mutter something, but I don't remember hearing your name in a while" Nico says, as his eye twitches.

@Demon Slayer

I See a small settlement of people at a Walmart, I walk up to knock on the door holding a bullet wound on my side.
[border = 5px solid black]

Jericho waited for him to remember the direction of where the Walmart would be. When an answer was finally given he smiles and begines to walk when he mentioned Ashton. He stops where he was but doesn't look at him. He frowns but hides it. "Y-yeh, we are okay..." he said in an uncertain voice.


Ashton hears a knock at the door and mumbles something to the group behind him. (Surprise meteor left so Ashton now has this group) He opens the door to Walmart and sees AJ, his head twitches sone and he punches him in the gut. "Where the fuck is Jericho." He said with a low growl.

~{ @JoJoMojo @Yappi }~
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Nico follows behind him,

"O-Okay.." Nico frowns. He likes Jericho, but he doesn't want to hurt his brother, so he's gonna lay off a bit, and who likes a nerd anyways?

Nico pushes up his glasses, and follows behind him closely, holding a book to his chest, looking around fearfully.

I grin before being punched in the gut, i fall to one knee. I shrug, seeing as how i cant really talk. I stand up, prepared to take another hit. ( Meteor Left!?)

Jericho gets to the parking lot before he can make out two different figures. He saw Ashton and... AJ. He let out a sad groan and grabbed Nico's hand gently, pulling them both behind an abandoned car. He didn't want to be seen by both of them at once. "It's him again..." he said in a quiet tone to Nico.

@JoJoMojo }~

Ashton saw him stand and growled once again. He grabbed AJ's neck and threw him inside. "Boys, strip him." He said as a few bandits surrounded him and started to search him for all his wepons, leaving him his clothes of course.

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Nico blushes as he looks down at his hand, then looks at Ashton and the boy,

"Oh the creep? I don't even know why you hate him so much.. He's kinda cute" Nico says, and smiles, eyeing the boys booty. Nico is such a weird geek, but a cute one.
Jericho looks at him and chuckled some. Nico was very cute to Jericho, he kept it a secret so that he wouldn't anger Ashton. "I don't like him, because he tied me up and... forced things on me." He said with a light blush and turned away. He chose not to mention that he had somewhat enjoyed it.

@JoJoMojo }~

The bandits failed to collect the boot knife and picked aj back up by the collar of his shirt. Ashton approached him and knees him in the gut, the bandits still holding him up so he wouldn't fall. "I don't care if you die, and I'd be glad to kill you if you don't speak up." He puts a knife to AJ's throat, making a small cut allowing some blood to leak out. It wasn't enough to kill him, or really even hurt him. "Where is my love."

@Yappi }~

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I nudge my head to the scar on my chest at my vocal cords. I shake my head, i start to sweat getting worried. I just got well.. i dont want to die!
"Oh..I-I'm sorry t-to hear that.." Nico says, and hugs him, then quickly pulls away, afraid something might happen.

"Sh-Should we g-go?" Nico asks, and pushes up his glasses, watching Ashton.

"Such a bitch.." Nico mutters about Ashton. He loves his brother, but he fears him A LOT because of his actions, and he's slightly a bully towards Nico, when Nico looks or is even around Jericho, or is just acting like himself..
Jericho smiled at the hug and patts his head gently, not messing up his hair. "Thank you Nico, I'm fine now." He said and looked back at Ashton who seemed to be beating up aj now. He shoved slightly and looked back at Nico with a smirk. "Oh, don't call him that." He said in a joking manner, not really caring. "So, do you want ot go see him or..." He nods twoards the city indicating that they leave and wait for another time.

Ashton growled at him once more and lowered the knife. "Take him to the office, use chains." He said glaring at aj and forcing his mouth open. "That's why they call you shark, wouldn't want you chewing your way out." He said pushing his head away and stepping back for a moment. The bandits carried the man to what used to be the managers office. They chained him to the chair and guarded the doors, waiting for Ashton to return.

When he does he rolls over in a chair and stops infront of him. "Hello! Now that you're all tied up, let's get started." He said chucking and pulling his knife out. "What all did you do to my brother?" He asked, twirling the knife.


Ashton chuckled not hearing him respond. He knew about his vocal cords being cut but he was just being an ass at this point. He broaght the knife to his gut and stuck the knife in about an inch. "Come on, you can talk to me." He said with a devilish smile.

@Yappi }~

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I smirk, i chuckle and speak in a pained, ear splitting voice "Ya know, ive been tortured so much i dont feel the pain anymore" i say before laughing "So do your worse" i say before shutting up. whenever i talk it feels like someone dropped a match down my throat and it constantly stays lit.

He chuckled finally hearing him speak. "I'm sure you have my good man, but I assure you that I have my ways." He said with a smirk. He pulled out a a syringe and a blindfold. The syringe was a chemical mixture used to speed up ones nervous system making him more sensitive to pain. ((So pretty much, to him it wouldn't hurt as much as a normal person but it would still hurt some.)) He then places the blindfold over his eyes and smiles. "The syringe will make you feel pain, and the blindfold is so you don't know when it's coming." He giggles and twists the knife that still hung in his gut.

@Yappi }~

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