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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Melina Herford*~

"Ah, right..." She frowned, feeling bad that he had to do all that himself. It seemed he really did have no help at all if his second in command hated him and the others were either dead, missing or insane and it wasn't like Melina herself could help, she wasn't much of a fighter, nor was she authoritative, her brain was what kept her going thus far, that and the fact she didn't expect for him to think she could help anyways, after all she was a newbie so he probably didn't trust her 100% anyways. So honestly, she didn't know what advice to give or how to help...

@Shammy the Shamrock


Jason sighed "I need air, this situation can't be taken in my status." He got up, took his guitar and sat on the porch lighting a cigarette, he punched the ground "I fucked up Keon, I can't fix this situation like you, ya happy." He said talking to the sky, Jason fell to the ground, playing his guitar again, helping him clear his mind.

@Nona @Yappi
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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina nodded at Jason's words as he left for outside, she decided not to follow and stayed inside. Deciding this because she thought maybe he'd need some time alone to clear his mind without her bothering him, that and it would be best if at least someone kept an eye on the dog boy here, who was now curled up next to her anyways. "Maybe we can fix you eventually, y'know?" She said softly to Shark as she watched him.

@Shammy the Shamrock



~*Melina Herford*~

Melina blinked, noticing him flinch "Well, alright, maybe fix isn't the best word to use... Make you feel like you again, I guess?" Attempting to put it in a better way. She continued to speak with him as if he were acting human somewhat, she wasn't going to give him dog commands, that would dehumanise him further in her opinion.


Jason got up and went into the woods, Nikki followed. He whistled as he looked around the woods. The quiet help til it was broken by a voice.

Nikki smiled "Hey there Jason, how are ya doing." She said twirling her cleaver "I have had it up to here with you, stopping my cooking. You tried to ruin a nice cake, pity it was going to be for you." She said pointing the cleaver at his head, a grin on her face.

Jason pointed the katana under her chin "Me too, ya want to kill me then do it with honor," he said as they went ten paces. Jason held his weapon close to his chest as Nikki put it behind her back. When they got to ten they faced each other and ran forward pointing there weapons at each other.


I wake up and go Get the recorder , I lay down Next to her. I have the recorder in my mouth, I place it down and skip ahead several hours.


-bungled skipping nois

Yappi said:
I tilt my head downwards in submission, grinning slightly. I've lost so much blood I don't feel much pain.
Mira1 said:
I smile at him and stab the knife into his shoulder while using my other hand to pet his head. "That's what I like to see." I say happily and kiss his forehead. "My little pet!"

Miya sighed slightly and looked up at him as she ran. "Okay Zorro, im not a horse." She said playfully and giggles. "You know that's not a nice thing to imply to a woman right? Calling me a horse? Shame..." she said in fake disappointment.
Yappi said:
At this point I'm just silently taking the pain, only cringing. My breathing is stuttered "Yes master" I say nearly broken
Mira1 said:
Miya giggles watching him climb down. "It's okay buddy, I was only joking you didn't have to climb down." She said and watched as he ran around trying to find drew. miya followed close behind and looked around with him. She heard him yell something then overheard peace. Miya walked over and hugged her. "It's not your fault Peace, it's okay we will find him." She said in a comforting tone, letting go and looking around. "He's probably further in the city.
@Shammy the Shamrock

Drew honks a car horn. "Weee! Vroom vroom!" He said pretending to drive a car.

I rip the knife out of his shoulder. "You will obey my every command, right AJ?" I stay stabbing the knife into his other shoulder.

Mira1 said:
Miya listens to her questions and looks away for a second. She shakes her head no, but knew that she would have if he asked. She looks at her and smiled seeing the penthouse. "Fine!" She said playfully and poked Peace. She walks to the door and knocked.
@Shammy the Shamrock

I hear the door and smiled. "Nice teeth how about shark?" I say uniting him. "Now shark, go answer the door. Do not speak of me." I say and quickly run to gather my mask, trenchcoat, and top hat.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina watched him as he went to get the recorder, did he want her to listen to the rest of it? Maybe there was something he wanted them to hear on it other than the screams, so she'd endure the screams and listen if it helped. When he lay down and played the tape, he fast forwarded past the screaming so she didn't have to hear. Tilting her head as she listened, she furrowed her brows a little. "....so you listen to everything he says now?"



I talk, something I haven't done in a while "I am his pet, I don't listen I obey" I say before passing the recorder to her and closing my lips tight. I lay back down, scratching my head before trying to nap.

~*Melina Herford*~

She stared at him as he spoke "So you can still speak..." She said quietly before he tried to nap again. Taking the recorder from him, she examined it for a bit before deciding to see what else was on it, her hand now pressing the play button once more.


Jason walked inside carrying Nikki on his back, he threw her to the ground. They were both bloody "She ain't dead, but I think I am. Nikki put up one hell of a fight and ruined my costume." He said falling on the pew opposite to them, passing out from blood loss.

Nikki rose up, she felt her scars and smiled "Hello love, you still hungry," she said, not getting up because of her weak state. She lied down where she had been thrown "FUCK YOU JASON!" She said giving weak long breaths, she lifted her hands but they fell back to the ground.

@Yappi @Nona

The recorder stops and there is no record left


I walk over to Nikkie smelling blood, I lick my teeth wanting something to eat

~*Melina Herford*~

Realising there's nothing else on the tape, she leaves the recorded to one side, sighing gently before Jason came back in all bloodied up with Nikki on his back. Causing her to immediately hop to her feet "W-What th-" she stopped herself from speaking and instead shook her head and then ran downstairs grabbing anything and everything she could find that could help patch the two up including her own supplies, stuffing them all in her bag before running back upstairs, tripping on the last step and falling over, grazing her knees and marking the side of her face. Ugh, now was not the time for her clumsiness to kick in. She mentally scolded herself as she scrambled to her feet and emptied the medical supplies onto a pew as well as grabbing the water from her bag too to clean at the wounds. Taking a breath, first, she then went on stitch up and dress whatever wounds needed tending to to stop the bleeding on them both, putting the fact that Nikki tried to eat her behind herself for now as she helped her. She moved between the two of them, trying to fix up both of them simultaneously. Which was a lot easier said than done. This was the first time that she'd have to use her medical skills on multiple people and so urgently.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Jason sighed "Sorry for making you have to do this. This shit decided to fight me, and by cowboy law I can't pass that up," he said ignoring his wounds, and laughing. He lifted himself up a bit, using his elbow for support.

Nikki growled "FUCK YOU! You've been messing with my meals for far to fucking long," she looked at AJ and stoked his head "Good boy, why you acting like this." She looked back and flipped Jason off, even though it pained her, Jason did the same with the same result.

@Nona @Yappi

~*Melina Herford*~

"You aren't making me" she said shaking her head "I'm not good at helping you with much else, like fight off intruders and stuff... its the least I can do to help out..." She said as she continued patching them both up. She obviously didn't agree with Nikki's....eating habits? Was that the right word? Especially since she was nearly added to her cafés menu. But she didn't comment on it, Nikki was part of the group, so if she needed medical treatment, Melina would help out as best she could. She just sighed as the two fought and frowned at them both as the flipped each other off.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Jason glared "I ain't fighting anymore, I don't need to deal with your bullshit. Thanks for the help Melina," he said resting back down. He crossed his arms and took deep breaths

Nikki was starting to imagine the idea of death "If I die, let my son continue my business," she said in a weak voice, lifting her arm up.

Jason looked back "YOU FUCKING WISH THREAT WOULD BE A CANNIBAL! I AIN'T LETTING MY KID DO THAT," He said before taking another deep breath and going back down.

@Nona @Yappi

~*Melina Herford*~

"Y-You're welcome..." She said her voice stammering ever so slightly as she felt a bit uncomfortable listening to their argument. If they didn't need medical attention, she would have already left by now to let them argue without an outsider like her listening to their personal issues. But of course, she couldn't leave them right now, especially since Nikki was beginning to seem really weak now, she continued working on, flinching a little when Jason yelled.

@Shammy the Shamrock



I get Melina by walking over to here and going to a floor board, I pulled it open. It had grade antibiotics, and morphin. I grab a bottle of morphin with my mouth and place it next to Nikkie
Jason saw her expression "S-sorry it ain't your problems, I shouldn't yell at a time like this." He said tipping his hat over his eyes, he took out his katana and squeezed the handle, using it as a stress toy.

Nikki growled "Ya, ya, ya that's what you been saying." She looked at the morphine and patted his head "Good boy!" She said grabbing the bottle and taking one, she lied back still stroking his head.

@Nona @Yappi

My leg kicks out as she rubs my head, I sit next to her curled up in my sleep. Hoping she gets better.
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