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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina giggled softly as her hair was ruffled, soon fixing it back into place a bit unsuccessfully but she didn't mind too much, only so much care went into appearances when you're always on the move. That said, it didn't mean she was really untidy. She watched curiously Jason curiously as she also sat on the pew, her legs swaying gently as her feet just about touched the ground. Listening to the song...he actually was pretty good for someone who was completely intoxicated, not to mention it was a long time since she heard music, so it was refreshing to hear some. She smiled at him "Its nice to here some music" she said smiling happily.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason smiled "Ya, I haven't played in a long while, well sinc-, let's change the subject. Have you ever played before, called her Judith," he said placing the black guitar on the pew. "My Horsemen use to play as well....except we had a guitar, banjo, violin, and accordion which aren't a good combination it music." He said with a laugh, he felt himself getting over the alcohol.


~*Melina Herford*~

"Sadly no" she shook her head "but I do play piano. I always wanted to learn guitar though..." she said as she looked at the guitar he left down. "Judith, huh...my piano didn't have a name" she said laughing lightly before he mentioned his...horsemen? That sounded like an odd combinstion and band name indeed. Looking up at him curiously she tilted her head gently "...Were they like your band or something?" She asked.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason shrugged "We were best friends, met in music class at a young age. I was Jason Muenir, Nikki Farmin, Amy Wart, and Edward Plaq. We later became Death, Famine, War and Plaque. We weren't in a band we just liked to play music separately, when this shit started we went west, the reason why i'm a cowboy." He said tipping his hat, he smiled and gave her the guitar "Maybe you can learn, we literally have all the time in the world," he said leaning back on the pew, putting his hands behind his head.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina nodded, understanding the explanation before she stared at the guitar that was given to her and was now placed on her lap. "Now?...I suppose we do but..." She looked the guitar over one more time before looking over at Jason "...I really have no idea how to play even slightly and I'd rather not burst your eardrums with my attempts right now" she said laughing sheepishly "I will try some time though, maybe when no ones here to listen to his terrible it would be..." She said as her laughing died down.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jason smiled "My singing voice use to sound like a knife scratching against a chalk board." He heard scratching at the door "I bet its Snow, she does know to bar-" He looked down seeing AJ on all fours "Never mind, it's just AJ." He tilted his head "Why are you acting like a dog buddy," he said extending his hand.

@Yappi @Nona
Jason picked him up "S-H-A-R-K, Shark. What the fuck, what happened to ya pal," he said taking him inside. He saw the back of the collar and dropped him "JACK! The fucking Jack the Ripper wannabe did this to you." He said before hitting his katana to the side "I'M GOING TO KILL THAT BITCH!" He said in a cold voice, he stabbed the sword in the center of the room and sat back on the pew, rubbing his forehead.

@Yappi @Nona

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina smiled "I can't imagine that, isn't singing one of those things you just kinda have the ability for naturally?" She said curiously. Soon after she attempted to strum the guitar with whatever little knowledge she had. Visibly cringing at the noise, it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, but it was bad. She looked at the door as there was scratching noises at it. Leaving the guitar to one side as it wasn't a dog scratching at the door at all, what on earth? She stared at him, looking confused...was he drunk? No, why was he wearing a collar? "What happened?" She asked, though she had a feeling he couldn't answer. "...can he be fixed?" She asked, noticing how angry Jason was.

@Shammy the Shamrock


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Jason growled "This has been happening to him way to often. I guess he got tortured again, his name is Shark now," he said examining his friend. "GRAA! Every fucking time I get a friend back, I lose them," he said grabbing his head, he looked over at AJ "Jack the FUCKING Ripper, did this shit, his name is on the back," he said slamming his foot hard on the ground, immediately regretting it letting out a grunt of pain.

@Yappi @Nona

I sit there curled, shaking at his grunts and yells. I look at Melinina for a second before laying back down
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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina bit her lip as she looked between the two, there was no good side to this at all. Sighing softly with a sad look on her face she listened to what Jason was saying kneeling down on the floor next to this 'shark', examining the collar. So that weird guy from earlier did this... She knew he was not good news at all and had a feeling he'd be back somehow... "Do you think he did this as a message or something?" She asked looking to Jason as he slammed his foot "C-Careful, you shot it, remember?" She said in relation to his foot. "I know you're angry about this, which makes a lot of sense to be, but anger won't fix AJ, people think better with a level head, you should take a breath" she said to him, though she wasn't sure if her words would get through, some people don't listen when they are angry after all...

@Shammy the Shamrock


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Jason sighed "You're right, this is the third time something like this has happen to him. I just need to stay calm," he took a deep breath. "He may have been left as a warning, to show he means business. I want to see something, go get some food and water from downstairs," he went over to Shark and picked him up. "Are you aggressive big guy," he asked lifting under his arms and swaying him back and forth.

@Nona @Yappi

I sit there motionless in sleep, a recorder falls out of my pocket. It has multiple entry's with the torture with Jack and what he did. It also has things about Harmony as she was the original owner.

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina slowly stood up and dusted herself off as he spoke, at least he was taking the advice and calming down. She nodded when he asked her to get food and water. Turning in the direction of the stairs she went down them, looking around until she spotted some water and food. He didn't say anything specific so she just grabbed the first food she had found and then made her way upstairs again.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Jason grabbed the recorder, he seemed confused as to why he would have it. He put it on the pew and grabbed the food and water. He placed the food near Shark and got a bowl, doing the same. He sat on the pew and studied the recorder "I found something, it's a recorder. Why the fuck would he-" he clicked the play button to see what would happen.

@Yappi @Nona

"Found this in a shop, happy being sane again" click "Going to get revenge on that Jack asshole" click "I'm not your fucking pet " "ohh but you will be, I'll have you on a leash and you will follow my every command.... Or I could gut you like a pig" the recorder goes on for hours with AJ screaming. (I'm not a psychic read the rest a few pages back)

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina sat on the pew as well, staring at the recorder and furrowing her brows a little as it started to play. As the tape went on her face turned to and expression of horror. She continued to listen, even though her brain really didn't want to, in case there was a message hidden in there, occasionally looking to AJ and frowning as she listened to what her had to go through, growing more uncomfortable with every scream...

@Shammy the Shamrock


Jason turned it off "How about we don't listen to the sounds of hell." He said laughing before looking at AJ, he whistled seeing if he may follow. Jason sighed "I have been having a rough few weeks, this shit is going into it. Why does this happen, the moment I become a fucking leader this shit happens!" He said before taking a deep breath and counting, he placed the record on the pew.

@Nona @Yappi

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina let a small sigh of relief after he turned off the recorder "Sounds like a good idea alright...Must have been horrifying..." She said the last bit in a lower tone with a frown as she looked at AJ for a moment before Jason spoke again. "Well being a leader is a heck of a lot of responsibility after all..." She said softly as she adjusted her glasses on her face "But just because you're the leader doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for help when you need it you know? You shouldn't have to take on all those problems onto your back alone..." She said looking over at him "Isn't there anyone here you trust enough to help you with dealing with these kinds of situations?"

@Shammy the Shamrock


Jason pointed to AJ "He was my best friend before becoming insane, the other was Mira but she ain't around. I never trusted Keon, respected but never trust. Skylyn maybe but she died in my arms, Amy was my second in command but she hates me, Nikki would probably keep him as a dog." He said placing a hand on his forehead, he whistled again to AJ and gestured towards them.

@Nona @Yappi
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