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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I hear helicopters in the background "I'm sorry but it's better if I just let them bring me back" I say worried before running outside into the woods looking for the rescue team. I encounter a wild dog, it snarls at me and tackles me biting down on my arm hard. I jam my knife into its neck and throw it off...I walk to the rescue team, hoping they won't shoot me because of the bite "Heya millitary people!" I say walking to then


I walk back to the hospital, I go to the gate hoping I'll be let in.
Yappi said:
(That's the easy way out but k...)

"Why are we being Banished, what happened to helping your patients" I laugh as in disarmed "by the way I'll be keeping that revolver and black knife, there of personal value"
Yappi said:
I hear helicopters in the background "I'm sorry but it's better if I just let them bring me back" I say worried before running outside into the woods looking for the rescue team. I encounter a wild dog, it snarls at me and tackles me biting down on my arm hard. I jam my knife into its neck and throw it off...I walk to the rescue team, hoping they won't shoot me because of the bite "Heya millitary people!" I say walking to then


I walk back to the hospital, I go to the gate hoping I'll be let in.
Miya refused to leave without her knife. She stayed where she was and held her hand out. "Knife, give it." She said with a growl rubbing her fingers. "Sentimental as well, you will regret not giving it back." She threatens.

@Salex @Yappi
Yappi said:
"Clover revolver and black knife, all I ask for. You can keep the smg"
a guard tosses a bag, with food and water to last 3 days for both of them and their weapons, but their ammo was stripped

the rescue team seesa girl, it was harmony "oh thank god we fo-... SHE'S BITTEN!" a soldier shouted, the rescue team aimed their weapons at her, with nervous, the medic stood there and continues to observe her reaction and behaviour @Yappi @Mira1

"No I'm not bit, it was a feral dog. I would be getting sick by now, do the blood work!" I say nearly panicking, I unwrap the bandages showing it was snout shaped and all canines
Yappi said:
"No I'm not bit, it was a feral dog. I would be getting sick by now, do the blood work!" I say nearly panicking, I unwrap the bandages showing it was snout shaped and all canines
"LIAR! TAKE HER DOW-" a soldier said only to be cut by the medic, "she is telling zhe truth, if she vas bitten zhen she vould show symptoms vy now" the medic said, the medic comes to harmony and bandages her arm, she singaled the soldiers to take her into the chopper @Yappi

Her eye twitches but she's still Harmony "thank you medic" I climb into the chopper (I'm so sorry, detention is a bitch xD )
Miya takes her knife from the bag and bends to the ground. She carved a Fiat middle finger into the ground and flips off the hospital before turning to aj. "Shal we head off then?" She asked sheathing the knife.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.b6d5116c12a977920e9e2c77afec2514.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.b6d5116c12a977920e9e2c77afec2514.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> AJ

"I was thinking the same, though on sec" I flip off the place and grab the food "so much time in there to just kick us out, such a whaste...lets go"



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Peace woke up inside her potato fortress and rolled on the floor. "Shit, I can't get out, i'm a worm now," she said using her momentum to push herself towards a random direction, she laughed at her situation.
"I know right!" She said flailing her arms and walking in a random direction. "I have no idea where we are." She said sadly, trying to find out how to get to the settlement.


Drew looked over at peace who was rolling around on the floor in a potato sack looking thing. He giggles and gets on the floor next to her. "Now you know how I felt sis." He said and started to help unwrap her.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace smiled "Ya, how are you feeling since yesterday." She let out a squeal of pain as she felt her smile, she took a cigarette out and breathed it in "This really helps with the pain," she said letting out a sigh of relief.

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"I'm feeling better sis." Drew said as he finished helping her out of the sack. Drew sat next to her and looked at the cigarette. "You know I have something else that might..." he trailed off, remembering the last time he gave her the substance. "N-nevermind." He said and hugged her.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace patted his back "Good, anyway do not look, don't want you throwing up on me," she said cutting the smile so that it didn't heal over. Peace sighed "Ya want to play a game," she said smiling and removing the knife, she put it away.


"It's miles away and Likely broken down....we're better off staying at the church for a while, if we can find it that is"
Drew nodded and looked away. He knew what she was doing and frowned. "Why don't you want it to heal peace?" He asked curiously and turned when she was finished. He nodded at her but waited for her to answer the question.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Miya stopped where she was and shook her head. "No, I'm not going back." She said in a sad tone, looking to the ground. "Jason hates me, Keon hates me, everyone there fucking hates me." She said and sat on the ground, covering her face. "I bet Threat hates me now, I've been gone to long he probably wants me dead..."

Mira1 said:
Drew nodded and looked away. He knew what she was doing and frowned. "Why don't you want it to heal peace?" He asked curiously and turned when she was finished. He nodded at her but waited for her to answer the question.
@Shammy the Shamrock

Miya stopped where she was and shook her head. "No, I'm not going back." She said in a sad tone, looking to the ground. "Jason hates me, Keon hates me, everyone there fucking hates me." She said and sat on the ground, covering her face. "I bet Threat hates me now, I've been gone to long he probably wants me dead..."


"well...I guess where you go I'll follow, I made a promise after all. And I don't make many promises" I say with a smile
Peace looked at him "Better to keep them open then have a awful scar from my cheeks to my mouth." She said before going outside "So what do you want to play," she said going back inside and bringing a bag stuffed random objects.

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Mira stood and hugged aj. "Thank you." She said in a broken voice before making her way in the direction of the city. She didn't say anything after that, but cried softly. I'm a horrible friend, mother, person in general... she thought to herself, contemplating ending her pain.


Drew smiled slightly and made his way outside. He looked around and rubbed his eyes to the sunlight. "How about..." he thought for a minute and shrugged. "I don't know... you decide!"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace smiled "Let's play tag, except let's make it interesting. I'm giving you 10 seconds to run and if I catch you I will make you a potato again. Except I will hang you from a tree and make you sing wander," she said taking out the blanket, she giggled "One," she said putting the blanket on as a scarf.


I see Miya cry "Miya don't cry, you have nothing to be sad about. threat will be happy to see you alive, your my best friend and the one person I trust. I don't like seeing you cry" I say in a caring voice, worried about Miya
Drew's eyes widened slightly as she started counting. He took off in a full out sprint into the street, not wanting her to catch him. He giggles as he runs and finds himself hiding behind a bush. He had at least three clear spots of escape. He waited for her to show, praying he could get away.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Miya heard him talk and stopped where she was. She walked over and hugged AJ. "Thank you." She said knowing he was tying to comfort her. "But he will never love me again, I don't see how you can stand me..." She said, not letting go of him.

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