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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Drew whined slightly and held onto her. He wanted to fight, but decided against it. He rested his head once again on her chest and sighed. Wanting to fight but knew he would be put down quickly because of him being in the condition he was in.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Near @Yappi
Peace saw Harmony's body and put Drew down "SHIT!" She said pulling Harmony and placing her on the tree, she threw another arrow and ran to one of them stabbing the raiders chest. She ran back and looked at the two "I can't believe i'm having to fight for you two, what's wrong Harmony." She asked concerned as she made sure no one was around her.

@Mira1 @Yappi

"Organ, internal bleeding, cut ripped open" I say gasping for air. I nearly pass out "Just get me inside, the bandits surrendered"
Drew did his best to comfort harmony while they waited to go to the church. He shot a glare at peace and shook his head. "Sis, I offered to help you." He said with a cheekey smile. Drew looked back at Harmony and smiled. "You will be okay, I promise." He said, worried for the girl


@Shammy the Shamrock

"If I survive this, I'll tell you about what happened between Choas and Rage...both of you..." I say before passing out
Peace threw Drew over her shoulder and put Harmony in her arms "The things I do for this group," she said with a grumble before going into the church. She placed Drew into Jason's bed and Harmony into her bed. She let out a sigh before hitting the wall, her clothes bloodstained.

@Mira1 @Yappi

I slowly wake up from Peace hitting the wall "Peace...i think I'm not bleeding. Let me try to give you closure"
Drew flairs his arms. "Damnit peace I can walk!" He mumbled as he was carries into the church. Drew sits up on the bed and sighs, then looks at peace. "Sis, calm down please." He said with a frowns. "I dont want you doing what you did last time..."


@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace tied the blankets around Drew so he looked like a microwaved potato "Tell me what happened, I need to know," she said patting his head "My little potato bro!!!" She said laughing keeping his arms inside so he couldn't struggle.

@Yappi @Mira1
Drew glares at peace, obviously annoyed. He wasn't able to get out so he let out a sight. "Yes, Harmony please tell us!" He said happily leaning on peace. "I'm interested!" He said, knowing it was his own alter ego that caused it.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"About Choas and Rage... Well Rage took advantage of the fact that I was tied up. Choas tried to call him on his bluff and he was originally going to torture us but because I was naked and tied up he raped us. He had sex with us and I only know half of it..Choas is blocking the rest from my memory"
Peace twitched "H-HE DID WHAT!!!" she said through closed teeth, she felt like hitting Drew but refused the urge. She went over to a open bed and turned, covering herself with a blanket. She hit her head against a wall before sliding onto a pillow.

@Yappi @Mira1
Drew's eyes widened at the story. His face turned bright red. "S-so tour saying I... I mean rage... had.. and..." Drew felt weak at what he had heard. He saw Peace yell and felt his lip tremble. He turned away and cried slightly, feeling terrible at what he had done. Wishing in his mind he could have stopped it.


@Shammy the Shamrock

"Like I said I only saw Half of It so for all I know I could be a mother" I say confused "only Choas knows"
Drew stopped breathing for a moment. Her, another! That would make him the father. He panicked on the inside and curls up. "T-thats would make me the father..." he said sadly from the potato sack he was still in. He felt absolutely horrible at this point.


@Shammy the Shamrock
"I DOESN'T MATTER, Chaos apparently can't accept me, and acts like a vegetable around me. If she's happy she finally got a baby then fine," she said growling, she picked Drew up and held him close. She looked down at him but placed him on the same bed as Harmony, Peace took a cigarette she had taken when they were out and lit it. She placed her bandanna over but flipped it revealing a skeleton jaw, she tipped her out and walked upstairs sitting on a pew.

@Mira1 @Yappi

"Peace wait" she yells "There is no baby, he pulled out last second." I say almost as if relieved "I'm so sorry" I say tears rolling down my eyes
Peace glared "When do you care about what I said, you haven't cared about me from the start. I have been risking life and limb for you and what do I get, nothing." She said letting out a puff a smoke, she refused to cry, she wouldn't anymore. "The new Peace is boring, those were Chaos's words, and you left me for dead," Peace said pointing at her, she coughed when breathing in the smoke.

@Yappi @Mira1
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"We make mistakes, I made one there and I regret everything about it. I care for you, I can't possibly justify what I said and well.... If you can't forgive me i understand" I say sad
((gtg early fucking internet being shit like usually, be back later or tomorrow...))
Peace growled "I don't know, you have hurt the one thing that I loved about you. I loved you for the things you said, you were what drove me to be better. You hated me after I said I had change," she gripped the cigarette, her head hurt from the puffs but she didn't let that stop her from keeping the cigarette in her mouth.

@Yappi @Mira1

"My mind was clouded by stupidity and selfishness, I didn't hate you...Far from it. Change is good and if I cant see that then there's something wrong" I say sincerely
Peace sighed before going on the bed and grabbing her "I love you so much," she said holding her. The cigarette was in her hands and she gave a soft sob. Tears went down her face as she smiled from underneath her bandanna.

Amy studied them from a different bed, writing down something in her journal before looking up again.

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