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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Peace looked at her other knife, the blood still on it "Threat is dead, I am alive. I will kill that bastard, I have no brother, my mom has left me, and everyone I thought I could trust is gone." She saw the rain, she whistled as her pets came "Watch Drew," she said as Pap and Sansy went over to Drew whimpering. Peace sat in a tree and whistled to herself "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen nobody knows my sorrow," she said to herself carving into the tree.

@Mira1 @Yappi
Drew is in tears, gearing at his hair. He slammed his head against the wall again. "You ruin my life, you turn my sister crazy, I'll never see my brother again... it's all your fault!" He screamed, slamming his head into the church wall, knocking himself out. He had not clue that Harmony, Sansy, and Pap were there.


@Shammy the Shamrock

Before he knocks himself out I grab his shoulders and slap him "GET A FUCKIN HOLD OF YOURSELF" I say not caring that I cursed "It's not your fault and if peace wants to be a whiny bitch about it that's her problem got it?"
Peace smiled "I'm the type of gal who will never settle down. I'm never in one place I roam from town to town." She spun her knife and climbed higher getting a better view of everything. Her cheeks hurt from what she had done, she looked at the blood and slid down the trunk, using a puddle to whip the blood off.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Peace smiled "I'm the type of gal who will never settle down. I'm never in one place I roam from town to town." She spun her knife and climbed higher getting a better view of everything. Her cheeks hurt from what she had done, she looked at the blood and slid down the trunk, using a puddle to whip the blood off.

(If you think you can't trust Choas I don't know what she was expecting knowing she was like a cat in heat and Drew/Hate was right there. Can't accept that shit happens...)

I wander into the woods from the city , I hear the soft voice of a child singing. I sit down and lay on my back, I go to sleep and snore loud enough for Peace to hear.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Peace smiled "I'm the type of gal who will never settle down. I'm never in one place I roam from town to town." She spun her knife and climbed higher getting a better view of everything. Her cheeks hurt from what she had done, she looked at the blood and slid down the trunk, using a puddle to whip the blood off.

Peace find the new person and slams her leg into his chest "Hello fucker, fancy meeting you at my home," she said crawling up a tree and sitting on a branch. She drew something in her hand with the knife, whistling the tune this time.

Yappi said:
Before he knocks himself out I grab his shoulders and slap him "GET A FUCKIN HOLD OF YOURSELF" I say not caring that I cursed "It's not your fault and if peace wants to be a whiny bitch about it that's her problem got it?"
Drew looks at her, he was trembling. Tears flowing down his face. He leans in closer to her and reats his forehead on her shoulder. She hands her a knife. "Please... just kill me." He said in a broken voice. "Nothing in my life matters anymore... I need to die... just kill me."

"Stop being a bitch for starters, shit happens and your still young. I accepted the same exact thing with peace and you will with Threat. So for the love of Christ accept that things will happen and will go to shit and your life will be easier." I say wanting to slap his shit in.
Drew looked up at her and smiled weakly. "I-its okay then?" He said in a calmed voice. "I just let her walk away, leaving my brother with a permanent FUCKING SCAR." He growls and pushed harmony away. "I'm going to confront her the only way I know how!" He said and walked off, mixed with emotions. "OH PEACE! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU SIS?" he yelled out as he approached the forest he was in. Rage built up inside, wanting to take over. Drew refused and kept strong.


@Shammy the Shamrock

I hear a yell "God not more of you little shits" I say in my semi sleep


"Ok but I swear to Christ, any you fuckers die it's not on me"

(Anyone want there char dead?)
She saw Drew and slowly went behind him, she grabbed him by the neck "Hello bro how are ya," she said laughing putting a knife to his back. She twitched and studied him, the permanent smile hid her other emotions

@Mira1 @Yappi
Yappi said:
I hear a yell "God not more of you little shits" I say in my semi sleep


"Ok but I swear to Christ, any you fuckers die it's not on me"

(Anyone want there char dead?)
((I might kill drew :D ))

~*Melina Herford*~

She guessed that made sense, the less zombies the better, in her surviving experience she only ever had to kill maybe 4 or 5 of those things, most she just ran from or hid from. Nodding lightly, she them looked at Jason as he spoke of going back to the church "O-Oh, I see" she said quietly, she was a bit torn in two places on where to go, she could stay here, but she didn't trust Joe or shadow...though meeting up with a cannibal didn't sound safe either. Mulling it over in her mind, she petted the wolf as she thought, if the cannibal took an interest in eating her she could run maybe? And at least she'd have at least one person that could save her skin from the experience if she went to the church.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Drew giggles childishly. "Sis! There you are, would you mind moving that knife?" He asked in an innocent voice. "I just want to talk to you, no need to threaten the life of Na 8 year old defenseless kid." He said with another, nervous giggle.

@Shammy the Shamrock

((If I do kill off drew @Yappi I will probably have it be peace. [if shammy wanted to] but still contemplating on his death))
Peace frowned and put the knife away "You have 10 minutes," she said pulling at her new mouth. She used her jacket to wipe away new blood, she gave a chuckle at the pain.

"Plenty of time!" He said and clapped his hands together. "First I must say..." He grabs the hand holding the knife and twists it hard. "You won't be needing that." He pushed her against a tree and smiled.

@Shammy the Shamrock
(But we need slasher because he always knew how to stir the pot, make the rp intreasting. I have a idea, I'll make a bandit raid :D )
Peace smiled "And you won't be needing this," she said biting his arm hard and sliding away from the tree. She growled before climbing up another tree, lying on the branch.

Yappi said:
(But we need slasher because he always knew how to stir the pot, make the rp intreasting. I have a idea, I'll make a bandit raid :D )
((Wait till we are done fighting!))
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