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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Drew squeeled slightly but shook off the pain. He hurled himself up the tree and grabbed her arm. She pulled her down and had them free fall from the tree. He lands on his back, her on top of him. He looks up at her, realizing he made a mistake.

((@Shammy the Shamrock If you wish to end Drew's innocent life, you can. But! If you do, make it some what emotional to either peace or Threat :3))
Peace was ready to bite his neck, he didn't and got up "I-I can't, I have lost too many and I don't want to lose my brother." He got a bandanna and tied it around his mouth, tears ran down his cheeks "I'm a monster," he said falling to his knees.

3 trucks pull up to the street, scouts report multiple people walking in and out of a church. We have come to the conclusion that there is a large survivor group. The bandits start to get ready.
Drew turned his head away in fear as she closed in on his neck. Only to let out a sigh of relief to see him pull away. His breathing steadied as he raised himself up. "B-brother?" He asked with hope filled eyes. Before he could respond drew was hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry brother, it is not you who is the monster. Its me..." he said in a broken voice. "Rage tried to ruin this for us, but I can't let him do that..." He picks up a knife and holds it to his chest. "Brother, tell everyone that I love them" He said, jamming it in but somehow missing anything vital. He sputtered a little blood before falling against s tree.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Nona said:

~*Melina Herford*~

She guessed that made sense, the less zombies the better, in her surviving experience she only ever had to kill maybe 4 or 5 of those things, most she just ran from or hid from. Nodding lightly, she them looked at Jason as he spoke of going back to the church "O-Oh, I see" she said quietly, she was a bit torn in two places on where to go, she could stay here, but she didn't trust Joe or shadow...though meeting up with a cannibal didn't sound safe either. Mulling it over in her mind, she petted the wolf as she thought, if the cannibal took an interest in eating her she could run maybe? And at least she'd have at least one person that could save her skin from the experience if she went to the church.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jason started the walk and whistled, he looked over at the rain and smiled "I haven't seen rain in so long. I LOVE IT!!!" He said running around, and nearly falling. He saw the church in the distants but stopped seeing people walk in and out of it. He crouched "Get down, or they might spot you," he whispered loading his revolver and giving her a grenade, he rested his open hand on his katana.

Threat walked up "B-B-bro, please don't die on me, I love you bro," he said as tears ran down his face. "NO! NO! NO! THIS IS MY FAULT," she said grabbing Drew and walking in the direction of the church. She saw the men and took her bat out, ready to swing if necessary.

@Mira1 @Yappi

I hide behind the water heater until I see Threat, I sneak over to him "What happened?"


They kick in the church door, after a while they start to move crates out the church
A small trickle of blood rolls down his cheek and slowly drips to the ground. A gentle smile forms as he looks up at Peace. "I l-love you bro... and you too sis..." he said before passing out from blood loss and pain. When entering his own mind, no sign of rage is heard.


@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace growled "I almost killed Drew. I think those guys are trying to raid our home, here's your gun," she said taking the bullet out of her pocket and grabbing the gun from the dirt. She smiled "Lets take one out, we are the horsemen after all," she said stroking Drew's hair and wrapping his wound with bandages.

@Mira1 @Yappi

"You and Drew can live without your doubles but without Choas I would be so unable to exist. Choas is a literal mental part of me that I cannot exist without...but I'm happy for you if Peace and Rage are gone" I say loading my revolver and aim for the leader.
Peace looks at her "You do know I am Peace right now right? If we somehow don't make it, use your last dying thought to tell Chaos fuck her." She said before slinging Drew on her back and take her mask off, revealing the permanent smile.

@Yappi @Mira1
Drew's eyes shoot open quickly with a cough. "S-sis?" He said looking around, rubbing his dazed eyes. He found himself slung over her shoulder. "Peace, in not a bag of potatoes..." He said, till in pain from the wound. He tapped her back, hoping to be flipped back over.


@Shammy the Shamrock

"Why, I can't help Rage.... Raped us both...hell even Choas regrets it" I say before poping a cap into the leader. The bandits scatter and without leadership start to panic. They fire in random directions.

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina followed him as he stepped outside, the rain was indeed nice, quite refreshing after walking around in the hot sun for hours on end. She didn't run like Jason did, after all she had just finished off doing quite the bit if running with snow, she instead walked behind him, smiling lightly as the rain fell on her face. Her attention was then caught by Jason crouching. Wait what?! Who? Melina gave him a confused look which got even more confused when she was handed the grenade. He...didn't expect her to use this did he? Blinking a few times as she crouched down as well, she spotted what he meant as she saw the others, she kept as quiet as she could as she watched them.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Peace sighed before putting him back in her arms "I know you aren't, lets just get this done," she said grabbing an arrow and throwing it at another, she wrapped her jacket around Drew so he wouldn't get shot.

@Yappi @Mira1
Jason whistled as Snow growled, he pointed his revolver and shot at two of them. He pointed to another one as Snow ran and tackled the raider "Just keep low, if something happens to me you keep Snow." He said smiling as he ran into the fire, he was at the edge of the forest. He shot more and hid behind a tree, using it as a shield.

Drew smiled at her and rested his head on her chest. "Never let me do that again, that hurt like absolute hell." He said gripping his chest. He saw the commotion that was going on and watches with wide eyes. "You can let me down! I want to help." He said with a smiled, reaching for his knife.


@Shammy the Shamrock
None of the bandits have Auto rifles, either shotguns or rifles. The 9 left fire at Jason and Harmony


I get a grenade out of my hoodie and throw it at there truck, forcing them to scatter
Peace looked at him "You are not in the best condition to fight. As your big sis I order you not to fight," she said in a stern voice. She threw another arrow then hid behind a tree, she kept her grip tight around Drew.

@Mira1 @Yappi

I feel the wound in my stomach rupture, I think a organ got hurt. I fall over hitting my head across a rock 10 feet from peace
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