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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Jason lit a cigarette, he gave a sigh "This place isn't like home at all. Hey where ya from, never told me that," he looked over at her grip of the bag. He patted her back "Hard to trust people, can't blame ya, the world did go to shit," he said looking around the dirty house. Snow followed but put her weigh on Melina whimpering for affection, her fur still blood stained red from her attacks.


I finish the flask and throw it in my tent, somewhat buzzed. "How did you even tame a tiger?" I ask confused how it isn't eating us right now
Drew wipes his mouth and sighed. "You frighten me sometimes peace." He said, face turning green again. "NO PLEASE! NO MORE CANDY!" He said holding his gut. Even he couldn't believe those words came out of his mouth.

@Shammy the Shamrock
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]*Puts down gun* No but it was funny huh

((Does that mean I can keep my weed? No shammy! You have made me turn on the fluffy movie x3 good job))
Peace sighed "Fine no more candy for now, but just for you bro. We been out for a while, we haven't found my mom and we have eaten and threw up the last of our food. Ya want Threat or me for now," she said grabbing a jolly rancher from her pocket, she loved water melon.

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Snow followed but put her weigh on Melina

-Ivan Rheon-

Ivan and his elite members of the Flayers were walking along the highway, searching for supplies. As they were walking along the highway, they saw bear traps on the highway. Ivan and the group looked at it and stepping back. Ivan said sarcastically, "Oohh..comrades, we have friends.", Ivan commanded them to search the people who are putting bear traps in the road. There were no sign of 'people'.

"Ivan, no sign of people here, we have searched everywhere." an elite member said. "Get the bear traps, they could be useful." Ivan said. The elite members unarmed the bear traps, grab it and put it on their backpacks. One elite member had step the landmine and the landmine exploded, blowing him to pieces. They were shock. Ivan glared at the explosion and he now despise those who put traps on the roads. "To the woods!" Ivan shout at his men. They sprint to the woods in order of safety.

"Whoever did this will be burn to hell." Ivan said to his mind.

(PS: That was (@Yappi) Marcus' bear traps and landmines.)
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Drew smiled at peace and nodded. "We have truly and honestly have made no progress what so ever!" He said in a fake proud tone. He thought for a moment and smiled. "How about you! We haven't spent alot of time together, and the last time we spent a long amout of time." He chuckles slightly. "We fought and I beat the ever loving shit out of you." Rage said in a cocky tone.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](If Snow(Wolf) is a full grown adult and Snow(Tiger) is a baby....you know where i'm going with this :3)

((HOLLY SHIT! Wolf snow will be tiger snows parental figure :o :D ))

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina looked to Jason as he patted her back, her head lowering a little "Oh, uhm, Minnesota" she said quietly in answer to his question. She simply nodded at his second statement. There was a time where she trusted all survivors, but there's only so many times you can have all your stuff stolen from you before your trusting nature wavers away. As Snow approached her, she petted her fur, giggling quietly, dogs were so cute and loyal, they always cheered her up and made her feel safe.

@Shammy the Shamrock

I hear a explosion "someone ran into the mine, if it's a person the woods are covered in bear traps and Miyan spike traps. They get a foot stuck in them they will either mangle there leg pulling them out our cutting of there leg"

I get my 3 shotguns and load the 6 barrels in all of them I get into a tree and put a gillie suit on. I wait patiently
Peace growled "That was because I have been beaten, broken, and bashed. Listen unless you want us both to fight, let me get to know you." She said lifting him against a tree, she put him down realizing that he might snap back to Drew and make her the bad guy.

Jason smiled "California, but went to the west after the apocalypse, the funny thing is my whole family survived. The only problem is my wife became a cannibal and my child had become a multi personality type of feller." He said with a sigh, he looked down at Snow "She's been with me since my first week with a group. I found her scrounging for food with the rest of the wolves, I gave her some food and she's been my best pal ever since. I can lend her to you, just to call and at least have something relaxing," He whistled before sitting at a small table and using another chair to kick his feet up.

Mira1 said:
((HOLLY SHIT! Wolf snow will be tiger snows parental figure :o :D ))
(That is actually pretty terrifying to think about, a wolf teaching a tiger to kill....except when it is a baby tiger with a wolf mommy :3)
Yappi said:
I hear a explosion "someone ran into the mine, if it's a person the woods are covered in bear traps and Miyan spike traps. They get a foot stuck in them they will either mangle there leg pulling them out our cutting of there leg"
@Emperor Ploppa
Rage smirked and flipped her off. "Trust me, I would love to." He said and squared up to her. He was half her size, but was trained with speed more than powers. He could probably slow her down, but wasn't going to do anything. "But I'm not putting drew into danger." He said and snapped back. Drew looked at her with confusion as he was raised against the tree. He tilted his head and giggles. "What's that about?" He asked rubbing his head slightly as she set him down.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jasmine smiled slightly until she head the explosion. She jumped up and pulled her trench coat open. She pulls out her whip and automatic pistol. She whistles shrilly at snow and watched as the cub retreated into the tent. Jas got in a defensive position and smirked. "But, if they do get over here I'm ready." She said and cracked her neck.

@Emperor Ploppa


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina who was now kneeling on the ground as she petted Snow looked to Jason as he spoke, frowning lightly "My family didn't make it..." She said quietly. What happened to his family still sounded unfortunate though... Saying she could have a lend of Snow when she wanted made her smile, she liked Snow, so having her around if she felt anxious was a nice idea. "...So, your family...Where are they now?" She asked "Do they still travel with you?" She asked him, tilting her head a little.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jason looked at her "My wife is at the church, she isn't herself anymore. She is now a cannibal who makes people into deserts, my kid on the other hand. He is always in good spirits and no matter what the situation is he will always make you smile. My family is broken but I try to keep it together." He whistled at Snow and whispered something to the wolf, he let her go back to Melina "She's a very loyal dog, she's just for protection and something to help with your stay." The wolf barked and jumped on Melina, it gave a playful push before getting into a 'I want to play' stance.

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Peace gave a forced smile "Nothing bro, ya want anything, anything at all. We literally have all the time in the world to do shit," she said looking around and messing with a arrow, she didn't even use a bow. She threw it against a tree making a deep cut into it, she smiled at her strength.


~*Melina Herford*~

Melina nodded "Oh... But she remembers not to eat her own family right? She must at least have that part of herself?" She said looking up at him, it must be difficult to see a person you care for snap like that...at least in her opinion. Melina smiled even brighter when he said she could keep her for a while "R-Really? T-Thats very kind of you..." She said before snow pushed her, causing her to giggle "You want to play with me?" She asked snow.

@Shammy the Shamrock
(I'm not sure if the Emperor will reply, he has been here since December of last month and has 17 post :/ )
Drew for a moment. "If only the theme park was still running." he said with a sad sigh. He watched as she threw the arrow and smiled. "Show off.." he mumbled and crossed his arms. "Wow! Your good at that." He said with a childish giggle.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jason frowned "She ain't, I know for a fact. I have seen her try to bake my second in command into a cake and once me, she killed innocent civilians because she was hungry. She is fucking another cannibal and ate one of my group members leg. In this world I have learned that anyone you care about dies or becomes insane. I have lost so many people," he said with a sigh, tipping his hat over his eyes "Sorry for the rambling," he said with a groan.

Snow jumped and tackled her down, licking her face. She backed up looking up at her, she was energized and wanted to play. Snow barked into the empty house, her voice echoed through it.

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