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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I see the tiger and I about pull the trigger until it shows no sign of mauling me "uhh good tiger?" I crawl to the back of the tent
Peace sat near a tree and put Drew down. She grabbed some candy and gave it to him, she shoved a musketeer in her mouth and sighed, still thinking about the demon barber of fleet street.

Seeing her tiger had not need shot as expected, she carefully made her way over to the tent. Her shadow cast upon the tent, making her look much taller then she was. Jasmine lifted the flaps of the tent as her tiger retreated behind her. "Yes, that is very true. She is a good tiger." She said in a cold tone. She pointed to the ground. "May I sit?"


Drew looked over at peace and smiled. Still unaware that it was not her brother in control. "Thanks Threat." He said in a quiet voice as he ate a twix. He gave her a childish smile and crossed his legs.

@Shammy the Shamrock

~*Melina Herford*~

Melina tensed up as he began walking forward, all panic stations in her mind going off before he spoke and simply pushed the gun down. The young girl puffed out her cheeks which were coloured with a light pink from embarrassment as her inexperience was pointed out, yeah, she was fooling no one...but he said he wouldn't hurt her, which calmed her mind somewhat, his appearance still intimidated her though. But she was calmed enough to make her tuck her gun away again anyways. "Melina Herford" she uttered quietly. Looking to her hands as he spoke she only then looked at the state of them "O-Oh, yeah...I-I uhm, fell earlier...Its not as painful as it looks..." She said quietly, playing down that and any other injuries she sustained from her fall as she tried to pull some of the splinters from her hand, wincing a little as she did so.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"Sure..." I lay down bleeding from multiple bullet wounds "anyone with the name Jas or Jasmine shoot them on fucking sight, there murderers and cannibals" I see it's a little too early "Anyways there's stew and tea out in the 2 pots out there if you want any"
Peace smiled "It's Peace, sorry you didn't know." She said taking a lollipop and leaning on the tree, putting her full weight on it. She put her hands on her chest and looked up at the sky.


Jason sighed before grabbing her hand, he plucked out as many as he could, keeping a tight grip. When he finished he took out a lollipop "I found a little candy store in the middle of the city. Since you didn't try to kick me in my balls you get this," he said placing it in her hand. He looked around before giving a shrill whistle as a giant wolf walked over towards him.

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Jas tilts her head slightly and chuckles sitting down infront of him. "Well I hardly call myself a cannibal, but I can agree with murderer. After all, we've all killed someone by now." She said and looked behind her. "I may have some tea actually." She said but soon returned her focus to him. "Oh yes, the name is Jasmine by the way, this is snow." She said petting her tiger. Her voice was still cold, showing hardly any sign of emotion.


Drew 's eyes widened slightly. He smiled a little and tilted his head. "You called me brother before?" He asked, wondering why peace had suddenly showed niceness to him. He was glad that peace didn't try and betray him back with the barber. "Did you... mean it?" He asked with some hope in his voice.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Peace sighed "Threat made me a promise, I protect you I can stay. I am now your guardian as for if I meant it yes, if you're Threat's you're mine." She threw the stick in the air and went in for more candy "I HAVEN'T HAD THIS SHIT IN A WHILE!!!" She said smiling and shoving her face into the bag.


"True... I'm no stranger to murder but still, eating someone is sick" I say in a pained tone "well it's outside get as many cups as you like"


"Doc we've been down here for atleast a day now....you can trust us"

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~*Melina Herford*~

Melina blinked a few times as she looked at the lollipop that was placed in her hand...really? Did she look that young that he was giving her candy like someone would do to a child if they were good at the doctors? She was 19...No matter, she didn't take much offence really since it was the first kind act anyone had done for her in a long while. "T-Thank you" she said quietly, It was nice to see that not everyone in the whole world was now a psychopath or something and that some kindness was left, even if it was in the form of a very tall skeleton man. She eyed him curiously as he whistled, holding the lollipop in her hand as she watched him whistle. Seeing the wolf on its way she couldn't help but smile, she always loved dogs, regardless of their size or temperament. "Is he yours?" She asked curiously as she took a step towards it.

Drew smiled warmly at peace and hugged her while her face was in the candy. "Thank you!" He said happily and giggles. He grabs abother piece of candy that fell and ate it.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jasmine nodded politely and stood. "Yes, it is. Which is why I would never do it." She said walking outside. She found a cup and poured her some tea. She stayed out, expecting him to join her. She kept her trench coat on, hiding her wepons from him. Snow layed beside her and slept silently.


I stand up with a pained grunt and sit on a crate outside. I lay out my 3 shotguns (2 sawed offs and a hunting 2 barrel) and clean them. "I'm sorry about all of this, got jumped by some bandits and got riddled"
She takes short sips of the tea before setting down an empty cup. She shrugs slightly and waved her hand to him. "Don't worry about it." She said and caught eye of his wounds. "Do you need patching up?" She asked, tilting her head.

Jason smiled and patted the wolfs head "Given to me by a most likely dead friend, her name is snow. The only thing that can match my size," he said before looking down at her. He took out his gun and started to walk "You can either come to the church with me, or stay out here and pray that Miya doesn't find you." He said jokingly before whistling and spinning the gun, Snow followed him making a soft growl.


Peace frowned "Please don't go all lovely dovey on your big sister. I'm tempted for us to just eat it and hope there is another candy store, I can already feel my teeth burning," she said laughing and taking another handful.

Mira1 said:
She takes short sips of the tea before setting down an empty cup. She shrugs slightly and waved her hand to him. "Don't worry about it." She said and caught eye of his wounds. "Do you need patching up?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Well I would like that..I kinda sprinted out of there when a cannibal tried to eat me" I grab a bottle of whisky and some gauze from the crate. "Do you know any medical knowledge..." I ask hoping she won't botch it up
Drew rolled his eyes and chuckles. "Whatever sis!" He said and watched as she pulled out another handful of candy. He shrugged slightly and sighed. "Even I can't eat that much candy... oh who am I kidding let me at it!" He said and grabbed himself a hand full.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jasmine walked over to him and took the whiskey and gauze from him. She shook her head. "Nope, winging it." She said in what she thought was a sarcastic tone, but to him would sound serious. Not long after, he was professionally patched up and ready to go.

Peace smiled and dropped the rest of the candy on the ground "FIRST ONE TO EAT IT ALL WINS!!!" She said already shoving candy in her mouth trying to beat Drew.


"Well fuck...more than I know I guess"I cringe but I find the 2 bullet wounds patches "thanks lass"
Drew squeeled happily and follows after her. Eating as fast as he could. He giggles slightly as he ate, but soon started to feel sick. He didn't let that stop him, and continues to eat the candy. His face seemed to start to turn green.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Jasmine stood and returned to her spot. "It was nothing, really." She said and looked to the ground. She pours herself some more tea and sighed, taking a sip.

Peace stole the last piece and got up "I WIN YA-" she was cut off by a growling in her stomach. She covered her mouth "I regret eating the candy with the wrappers," she said, her face green. She ran behind the tree and threw up, she sat on the ground as she did.

Drew ran to a tree opposite of his and did the same. Falling to the ground, coughing anf continuing to empty his gut of candy and candy wrappers. "That as a bad idea.

." He said weakly.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Miya looks at him and shakes her head. "He is seriously going to pay." She said signing quietly. Flipping off the entire room, making sure he could see if their were cameras.


"He's probably smooching I '5 PH.D.'s' to sleep.... Do no harm my ass, he's such a great doctor Yet he lacks the skill to 'help' two patients" I say as she flips off the room "I normally don't like alchohol but I'm bored" I take out a small flask and offer some to Miya
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