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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"Calm down lady,your gonna die without me doing anything" I say patting her back, I hand her a newspaper in her barely free hands detailing my history. (The bio)
Mario finds an injured guard and grab his handgun before he checks it out - "Thanks... it will be usefull"

Heads back towards the exit opening the door widely and running towards the forest near the prison, zombies slowly following him.

*Would Mario be able to find the workshop as he runs from zombies?

@Yappi @Mira1
Yuko said:
Mario finds an injured guard and grab his handgun before he checks it out - "Thanks... it will be usefull"
Heads back towards the exit opening the door widely and running towards the forest near the prison, zombies slowly following him.

*Would Mario be able to find the workshop as he runs from zombies?

@Yappi @Mira1
(Sure? Though if he gets hurt its your fault)
Mira threw the paper down, not even looking at it. She knew who he was, she had seen him on the news. Mira struggled in the binds, trying to get away. "Please, let me go! I have a kid on the way I don't need this." She said in a sad tone, lowering her head.

Mario enters the workshop in a rush falling on the floor breathing havely and looking outside.

You'd be able to hear some walkers.

Looks around the interior and stops his gaze on Mira - "Wha' is.. goin' on.."

Mario would be wearing dirty prison clothes with a handgun visible at his back, build muscle.

@Yappi @Mira1
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"Oh that's great, so I Don't have to do introductions... Well you see here's the thing. I won't kill you but well I don't care if your expecting the queen of England" I say before a man bust through the door "Hia!, names Joe" I say hoping Mira would shut up and let me trick him

~*Melina Herford*~

She walked along the quiet pathway with her hands tucked into her cardigan pockets, one clutching her pen knife tightly as she walked. She was near some buildings, something she'd avoid at all costs normally but her supplies were low and she had no choice but to do some raiding. Keeping alert as she walked, determined to not run into anymore people who took the more violent path of life until she heard what sounded like screams of pain. Stopping in her step, Melina took a shaky breath. Clutching the knife tighter in her hand, she contemplated whether to run or not.

the guards dragged them out towards the basement, where there is bulletproof glass covering the outside which was filled with zombies. they were in the care of the bulletproof glass and the guards took all their weapons away @Mira1 @Yappi
Mario shifts his gaze from Mira to Joe a bit scared - "M.. Mario.. but you better hurry up or we will be food for those shits that are coming".

Pushes himself up adjusting his prison suit trying to cover the handgun.

@Yappi @Mira1
Mira looked over at the man tears flowing down her face. "Please help me..." she said in a frightened tone. She was shaking at this point. Unable to come tell any of it. "Please..." she said weakly lowering her head, expecting the worst for both of them.

@Yuko @Yappi
Salex said:
the guards dragged them out towards the basement, where there is bulletproof glass covering the outside which was filled with zombies. they were in the care of the bulletproof glass and the guards took all their weapons away @Mira1 @Yappi
Miya awoke facing the glass. She saw the Zombies and almost freaked out before she noticed it was glass. She growled and looked around. "Okay, nice. Now what the hell it this?"

"We're safe in her- ok for the love of Christ" I say sarcastically "Just leave and your life with be easier than hers" Stab Mira in the stomach, trying to kill the baby.


I wake up and instantly flinch awake seeing the zombies "WHAT IN THE SAM HELL" I say until I see Miya and that its glass "oh clever bastards"
Mario makes few steps back as he see Joe stabbing Mira.

Withdraws his pistol and aims it at Joe shouting - "The fuck is wrong with you? Drop the knife!" - Mario's hands would be shaking a bit.

@Yappi @Mira1
The knife does no damage to the child.

Miya screams loudly and squirms. "Please don't!" She pleads worried for her child. Her breathing increased from the pain she was in. She cried louder and continues to struggle in the chair. "Christ just shoot him please!" She yells at Mario, expecting more pain to come from Joe.


Joe I get behind Mira and pull my pistol "hehe shooting me isn't too smart" I say cocking the hammer
Mario drops his pistol on the ground falling onto his knees and placing both of his hands on his head talking to himself "Why.. why have I been so stupid..".

Mario looks towards Joe speaking - "Why do you have to do this? Look what is outside.. do you think it is the right time to go on a crime spree? Do you think that it is better on your own? Why don't you make a team of people instead killing them?"

@Yappi @Mira1
Mira whimpers in the chair. Looking back at Joe. "Barber please! You don't have to do this..." she said weakly, still in pain from the stab in the gut. Blood trickled down her lip onto her chin.


Mario dodges the newspaper with his both hands

"Lets see how fun will be when it will be just you and these useless walkers, why don't you kill yourself if it is so fun?"

@Yappi @Mira1

"That's silly, the whole point of killing is the thrill...but if Mira truly wishes to be free since I do like her more than then the others I might let you free without killing you" I say "Anyways Mario I killed 34 people before the zombies and escaped from death row in the asylum" I say before going back to Mira and take my razor and drag in across her arm before licking the blade.


"Miya...are you feeling jittery" my eyes and head are twitching
Mira let out a quiet sigh of relief when he said that he was going to let her go. She lowered her head, hoping it would be soon. She felt something sharp slide across her arm and looked up. She didn't react to the pain, just smiled. "I've done that plenty in my day, that's not going to affect me much..."


Yappi said:
"That's silly, the whole point of killing is the thrill...but if Mira truly wishes to be free since I do like her more than then the others I might let you free without killing you" I say "Anyways Mario I killed 34 people before the zombies and escaped from death row in the asylum" I say before going back to Mira and take my razor and drag in across her arm before licking the blade.


"Miya...are you feeling jittery" my eyes and head are twitching
Miya shrugs slightly and nods. "Allways, why?" She asked tilting her head to him.

"Aww a naughty girl got we? Well don't mind me I'm just going to-" I put the razor into her arm and drag downwards. "Wups forgot that down the block kills" I turn to Mario "sure" I pistol whip Mira across the head knocking her out and dragging her into a room and lock the door, there are no widows. "Come in take a seat"


I don't respond, looking into the corner. A insane grin on my face.
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