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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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I stand up and go out into the training ground, my body still has to get used to this.... I decide to see if the place has a shooting range.
Drew pulled out his butterfly knife and started to show off by flipping, and turning it around his fingers. "Nice to meet you mister grim! Ill have you know that this knife is great for what I need it for." He said and smiled. Looking around as his eyes landed on a zombie being mauled. He frowned and looked back at Threat. "Why did he kill the zombie? It wasn't doing any harm just looking for food." He looked at Pap and tilted his head. "Whos this one?" He asked.

@White Shamrock
Nathan nodded. "Lead on," he said.

Tal looked at the siblings, then back off toward the town. "They'll be back," she insisted cheerfully. "Let's see inside that train."
Threat looked at him "I use to think the same way, but when one tries to eat your head you change. That is my dog, I call him pap....Pap you got your fur dirty, you're white that is going to be hard to get out," he said as he took out his combat knife and threw it into a tree, he grabbed it and smiled. He grabbed him by the hand and started to walk, he stopped "I forgot where the church is, shoot hmm," he said as he walked in circles.

Nina sees AJ "hey buddy!" she sound really nervous from hearing the docter

Butch says "can i have vodka now" he pouts "please!"

Dez was driving because the group left and comes across a church "HELLO!"
"Hey there kid, want to see something cool!" I ask holding a javalin I found. I've been training myself to use it.
Tal huffed and threw Butch a look. "Wait to get drunk til we're out of danger if you can," she suggested. She leaped up after Alec and Alice, eager to get at the train.
Dice unlocks a door half-obscured by overgrown ivy and pushes it open. A string of empty tin cans rattle loudly as she pushes the door open and her face betrays a curious mixture of fear and hope. She readies her bat in case any undead had been alerted. Something productive to finally get her mind off things.

The dead silent house of worship echoed the sound of clanging tins loudly and Digg was immediately upright and grabbing his shotgun. The young man was checking every possible entrance that was rigged. "Put your hands up," he demands, weapon loaded and ready. Only a few doors had cans--he had different rigs for different parts of the church. His dark eyes were narrow as he proceeds down the hall.

Dice instinctively tenses up as she hears the familiar voice, and then grins. She doesn't drop her weapon but yells into the dark hall,"'Sup, Shithead." The sound of running feet was immediate as a tall, redheaded man appears from around the corner.
Drew smiled and reached his hand out towards Pap. He pets the dog gently and smiled, then looked up at Threat. "I have no idea where it is." He said with a shrug. Watching as Threat walked in circles giggling slightly. "Also, about what you said. You know about zombies trying to eat your head. That's happened plenty to me! I now carry these around to get their mind away from mine." She says pulling out a chunk of brain from his backpack.

@White Shamrock
Threat backed up "W-wow, first never show me that again, and second PLEASE never show me that again. Hey ya want to be part of a group I am making, I need people so maybe you can be one of them." He said as he started to find the trail and follow, Pap followed as Sansy peeked his head out and swiped at the air.

Nathan stood beside Dice, eyes wide, and stared at the stranger down the hall. "...Hi," he finally said quietly.

I step back a few more feet and throw a javalin through the target. Then I get another Javalin and I hit in the same spot. "Neat huh?"
Drew giggles and shoves the brain into his backpack. "Sorry, I forgot some people have weak tummies." He said and walked with him. "Yeah sure! That sounds like fun, what group is it?" He asks tilting his head. He saw Sansy peek his head out and giggles. "Okay, who is that one now?" He asked.

@White Shamrock
Nina says "cool!"

Butch says from outside "YES BEER- OW shit DID YOU SET A TRAP WITH MY BEER"
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Threat looked at Sansy and brought him out "This is my cat, he is lazy so he usually sleeps in my coat. I'm am building a group called the 'Four Horsemen' here ya get this," he tucked the cat away and grabbed a sticker, he wrote 'Famine' on it. He put it on Drew's shirt and smiled "You're my Famine, or hunger if it makes it easier, lets continue," he said dragging him along.

Digg was tall, a little over 6' and had bright red hair that was obviously dyed. He had multiple facial piercings and did not look like someone you should mess with. He had to stoop down to give his little sister a big hug. He eyed the man suspiciously while hugging her and then his attention shifted. It was obvious where Dice got her rebellious trait from.

"Daisy Maria McAlistair where the hell have you been!?" Digg began to yell, worry etched into his face,"I have been holed up in this God forsaken hole for how long? And you just get here now? And who is that?" He points to Nathan.

"That's Nathan, he's cool. Where's mom and dad?" Dice presses, and Digg goes quiet."Digg?"

The young man shakes his head and gestures for the two to come in.
(Though it may take a while because she is in the millitary base...but she will reach the church eventually)
Drew smiled at the cat and waved at it, not wanting to touch it. "Four horsemen! Sweet!" He said happily and looked at the sticker that was given to him. "Famine hu?" He started, mispronouncing the name. "Sweet! I'm guessing you are probably death right, because of your last name. Who is War, and Conquest?" He asked, proud he had remembered the names.

@White Shamrock
Threat tilted his head "Never heard of conquest, I was thinking of plaque. How do you know this stuff, my close friend Lexi War, but I don't know about the other. My dad is the original leader but they left so I want to start a new group," he spun his bat and tipped Jason's cowboy hat, he whistled looking up at the sky.

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