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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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[QUOTE="White Shamrock](Threat: CONQUEST! BOOM MAGIC!)

(Harmony: yay I'm a conquest....lets conquest all the things)
Tal turned to see Butch and laughed for several moments, shaking her head before going to help him out. "Ready, now?" She asked before cutting the rope with an axe.

Nathan paused, backing up a bit and nodding to Dice's brother. For a moment, it flashed through his mind that he wondered what went through Digg's head when he looked at Nathan the way he had.
Butch says "Jokes on the trap i got the beer! HAHA" he drinks it "darn it's not the kind i like"
(Threat: Now we need to find 4 really big dogs to ride.....Pappy *Pappy runs* darn (:'())
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Drew smiled and crossed his arms. "Welllll, before the dead came back to live their second life my mom kept blabbing on about the rapture, and the four horsemen and stuff." He said and shrugged. "She was crazy, my dad was pacifist and I was more on his side of things." He explained and looked up at the stars. "He was also a boxer. I wanted to be just like him! I'm the best at it too!" He said proudly.

@White Shamrock

(Drew: We could always ride ponies!)
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"Ay, Dumbass, go fuck off for a bit I need to have a talk with Nathan," Digg gives Dice a shove and the younger girl flips him off. It was obvious how much she idolized him, even as she shot him a glare as she walked slowly backwards.

"I'm gonna find you porn!" She calls after him, before the sound of her footsteps fade off. It was nice to see Dice acting normal again.

Digg turns on Nathan and shoves a finger in his chest."Keep your hands off my little sister, 'aight? I don't care if it's the end of the world because if you hurt her I. Will. End. You," he snarls, before leaning back with a slight downwards twist to his mouth."M'I clear?"
(Drew: Some more info I didn't mention! Conquest is also depicted as righteous, and Pestilence (Plague))

(EDIT: And evil... And Prosperity...
:P )
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Tal chuckled. "I thought you lot would drink any of the stuff," she said. "I can't stand the smell."

Nathan backed up as soon as Digg set upon him, eyes wide. "I wouldn't—" he began, stopping again. "No, wait. I don't think you get it. I'm not — no. Oh, no. I couldn't hurt her. I never would," he insisted. "I can't imagine any reason to. I swear to you."
Threat smiled "My dad was said to be crazy when he told my mom about the zombies. She wanted him to leave and so he went west, he became a name that still terrifies people to this day. I ran out...my mom did to, she is now a cannibal who likes to cook legs, I don't like her much, my other mom is a murder, but at least she cares about me," he said as he saw the church and gave a sigh.

Digg narrows his dark eyes, reading Nathan. Before he finally nods and cracks a smirk."Cool, I didn't peg you as the type anyways. I'd be more worried with you around her anyway, that kid's got a wicked fuckin' swing on her, eh?" He spoke rather strange, as if he had a mild speech impediment, all of the words with uh sounds had more ih sounds to them. Possibly because of his mouth piercings. He pats Nathan on the shoulder."What's Daisy been getting up to? Kickin' ass I bet? She pretends to be a hardass all the time, I mean she calls herself Dice because she thinks Daisy makes her sound like a hippie." He laughs at this. Digg was a strange guy. A very dangerous, strange guy.
Drew shrugged and giggles childishly. "Everyone is crazy now I guess hu? You have two moms! Lucky I only have one, and she likes to eat brains." He says and looks to the ground. "At least she used to, until someone took her from her second life..." He sighed sadly and looked up at the church. "You guys, accept pacifists right? I wont be like, picked on will I?" He asks, worried on what the others will think of him.

@White Shamrock

(Drew: But if your death, then you should be pale. Because I am the role of famine I would be black. But its up to you mister your the boss!)
Nathan shrugged. "She's trying to be strong," he assured Digg. He frowned. "But... She's not good at hiding it when she isn't okay, you know. She needed you all right about now." He was without a doubt intimidated by the young man. Nathan wasn't short by any stretch; rather he was fairly tall. He wasn't built very strongly, though; he was nicknamed "Q-Tip" for a reason.

I sit next to Jason "I wish we found you later, you have never seen the 3 Johnson brothers kick ass before" I say in a joking tone

@White Shamrock
Threat smiled and patted his head "You are a horsemen now so if anyone wants to hurt you, they'll answer to me. Since you are the first, I want to make you my second in command." He said with a smile as he guided him towards the church, he took out his knife and gave a slight giggle "Let death know who wants to hurt you and see them fall," peace said giving a wicked smile.


Jason sighed "Ya, ya see what the grim do back west. Compared to us you are merely rookies," he said with a yawn as he twirled his gun.

(I don't know whether to wear a star wars shirt tomorrow for revenge of the fifth, or a sombrero for Cinco de Mayo)
Dez knocks on the door and says "this place abandoned!" @White Shamrock

Butch says "Tal! this ones different its a bear trap!"
Drew smiled up at Threat and nodded at him. "Thank you Threat, I will remember that! And, I wont let you down sir!" He said happily, giving a crappy salute. He walked to towards the church quietly with him. He looked up at Threat and tilted his head at the wicked grin. "That's.... New" He said and shrugged. He blew it off and stayed with threat who he had already trusted.

@White Shamrock

Miya jumped up and looked around frantically. She didn't see anyone at the settlement and started to get worried. She quickly ran out and towards the church. Taking the back way inside. She looked around quickly. "AJ you here?" She asked stepping out into the pews, not knowng where exactly he was.

@Anyonee at the church
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