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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Nathan shook his head. "Two kids with a train and their pet zombie, I guess," he told Dice. "Let's go find charcoal. We're going to get out of this town. Unless you want to hit the church still," he added quickly, looking at her.
I did not expect this question "to be honest I don't know, the probably did somewhere but in the end didn't or vice versa"
Nina then says something "wait i just remembered something about this" she shows the scar
Nina says "my mom didn't do it alone it was a doctor but not the one here i think his last name was Rulo" then a buzz on a radio that Nina held said

"hello is anyone there my name is Desmon Rulo and i think i need to find a girl named Nina i owe her something"

Butch says "ok what are we gonna do with doc 2.0"
"Well we can't go out of the hospital" I say suprised at the coincidence "If he is a Doctor then he might be able to help me!" I say exited
"I want to go to the church, if it's coal you need I'm pretty sure it was heated by coal--an old building, yeah. There could be survivors, too!" She was insistant on the church.
(btw if you want Nina to see the scars that's up to yo because she has cuts and burns across a good portion of her body,it's why she wears the hoodie)
Tal shot Butch a brief, grateful smile. "Thanks," she said cheerfully.

Nathan nodded slowly. "Let's go ahead and hit the church then," he told Dice. "We don't have to tell the others I don't think. We're going to get that coal. Lead on."
Dice smiles gratefully and leads him onwards."The church is really safe, I know how toget there from Mr Ki's... Home," she falters, that unfathomable sadness back in her eyes.

"Nathan, have you ever killed anyone? A human--one you loved?" Her voice was soft as she spome.
Nathan opened his mouth to speak but couldn't think of any words to say. He just shook his head and looked at Dice. "I can't say I have. I'm glad for it," he finally managed quietly.
Dice nods."Thats good. Do you want anything to eat or drink? I have snacks--Whats it like being drunk?" Dice had a bad habit of abruptly changing topics when a new thought comes to mind.
"Being drunk...?" Nathan tilted his head. "Not... Terribly productive. You can't stand upright or think straight. You do things you wouldn't do otherwise because it makes you stop considering the consequences. People say they do it to forget the pain of the past. It makes it worse when you come back. Makes the heartache for everyone else worse." He paused. "In moderation, though, a bit of a drink is relaxing. Red wine is even healthy — just a bit of it."
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