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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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AidanCee said:
I nod. Still unconvinced but I didn't want to show it.
"Sure... So you wouldn't mind me leaving right this second to tell the world, huh. Because I will"

I push two soldiers out the way and go to leave the lab to see what this doc would do. In a way, I thought, if he's harming me, he can't harm the girls.
"WAIT!!! GUARDS STOP HIM" the doc shouted, 10 guards then used their brute strenght and held his arms, his chest and his legs making him unable to move "now you listen here you dumbass, you tell the world then panic will arise as of why i didnt launch this, i didnt launch this because its imperfect, a chance of it can make it die, and it will explode if impacted too hard, so instead of being so selfish and thinking about yourself, think about the others" the doc said @AidanCee
Yappi said:
"Ya ya, needed to do something, in any case....why were you hunting me down?" I ask curiously, I recall Nina being there target
[QUOTE="Wasteful Bucket]Nina says "hi heavy! yeah i did miss you!" she hugs him "but i'm not a baby" she says with a pout
Butch is still running "AHHHHH"

"ve vere under orders vrom zhe doctor, not me doctor vut zhe main doctor, he needed it to make zhe antidote, i helped him develop it as vell, a cure for zhe vorld " the medic said

"HAHA! YOU ARE FUNNY BABY, HEAVY LIKES YOU!" the heavy said cheerfully @Wasteful Bucket
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Salex said:
"WAIT!!! GUARDS STOP HIM" the doc shouted, 10 guards then used their brute strenght and held his arms, his chest and his legs making him unable to move "now you listen here you dumbass, you tell the world then panic will arise as of why i didnt launch this, i didnt launch this because its imperfect, a chance of it can make it die, and it will explode if impacted too hard, so instead of being so selfish and thinking about yourself, think about the others" the doc said @AidanCee
Officially I panicked at this point. I didn't know where I'd take it next. I hadn't planned this far ahead. Now I had soldiers holding my every limb.

"Let. Me. Go" I say as calmly as possible. That's all I could say. And I tried to wriggle to get free.
Tal huffed and grabbed Butch by the arm. "Help me fight them, you incompetent camo-covered beer bottle!" She snapped over the sound of zombies, spinning around and sticking a blade into the back of another corpse's head.
AidanCee said:
Officially I panicked at this point. I didn't know where I'd take it next. I hadn't planned this far ahead. Now I had soldiers holding my every limb.
"Let. Me. Go" I say as calmly as possible. That's all I could say. And I tried to wriggle to get free.
"no... im sorry, i was going to accept you, i even gave you classified information, i trusted you... lock him in the jail" he said, the soldiers then handcuffed him with their guns on his head and led him to a cage with 4 inch metal bars @AidanCee
Nina giggles "thanks heavy" she jumps down and goes to the training place and started to stab with her new Knife

Butch only burped

(can some soilders see Nina and think she is to young for the knife and try to take it @Salex)
"Ahh see, I like you medic. Ze ist a gut man" I say taking off my coat, I always wore it because I had weapons stores in it and well other reasons.... "Anyways I heard you have my brother here, AJ is his name"
Salex said:
"no... im sorry, i was going to accept you, i even gave you classified information, i trusted you... lock him in the jail" he said, the soldiers then handcuffed him with their guns on his head and led him to a cage with 4 inch metal bars @AidanCee
Mother always said I was reckless. That was it. Reckless.

That's what got me in this fine mess. Just I KNEW something was wrong. And I was a moral person, too moral. This doctor must think I'm just a dumbass now. I tried to be strong it came across as smarmy. And now I was being dragged to a cage. Like an animal.

Apart from a few whimpers I stayed silent on the way. My façade was beginning to crack. The scared boy inside me was slowly coming out.
Tal groaned. "I thought you were a soldier, Butch! Act like it!" She shoved a gun on him, then turned and threw a hawk into another corpse skull, running to retrieve it. Another was on her then. She, kneeling on the ground, pulled the hawk out and swung it at the zombie, hacking into one arm but not hitting the head.
[QUOTE="Wasteful Bucket]Nina giggles "thanks heavy" she jumps down and goes to the training place and started to stab with her new Knife
Butch only burped

(can some soilders see Nina and think she is to young for the knife and try to take it @Wasteful Bucket

Ah! A horde! Lance thought to himself. He stumbled across the tracks, careful not to fall like the idiot beside him did. Really... is walking so hard? It seemed there were humans here... one of them looked like easy pickings and smelt like he'd been marinated... Lance briefly paused as he flashed back to his fathers gourmet home cooked meals- whiskey steaks and lemon chicken were his and his sisters favourites. He shook his head and moved forward again ignoring the brief memory.

He groaned as he shuffled forwards towards a dark haired girl with a tomahawk. There were several zombies who threatened to get there first, unfortunately.

Meanwhile, a loud screeching sound could be heard from the tracks.
Nina says "hey heavy want to see a trick" she turned around and threw the Knife up and kicked it and it hits the crotch of the dummy "oww that would hurt if that him someone with the man privaite
Yappi said:
"Ahh see, I like you medic. Ze ist a gut man" I say taking off my coat, I always wore it because I had weapons stores in it and well other reasons.... "Anyways I heard you have my brother here, AJ is his name"
"ah yes, ve experimented vith him, made him faster, stronger, taller, bulkier, he could now even be described as an irish captain america, vut he is alright, he is just tired vrom zhe transformation" the medic said @Wasteful Bucket
I was wearing a T-shirt "I trust you medic, don't break zat

Trust" my arms were covered in gunshot wounds,burns,cuts and were scarred up "don't worry 'most' of these weren't self inflected" my chest and legs were also covered in the scars that the medic could not see.
Nina Laughs and says "thanks Heavy you are really nice... why are you nice to me?"

butch is shooting zombies and sees a guy walk up to Tal with a less drunk attidude"look out! Tal"
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Tal struck the zombie in the head after a short struggle with a roar. She looked up as Butch alerted her, glad to see his mental state improving. She spun around to deal with the next one coming.
Dice was heartbroken, when Nathan helps her up she grabs the parcel off of the floor. Her name was written in shaky writing on the paper covering it. She tucks the box into her bag and starts scrubbing at her face. A terrifying emptines was beginning to fill her. "I want to go."
Yappi said:
I was wearing a T-shirt "I trust you medic, don't break zat
Trust" my arms were covered in gunshot wounds,burns,cuts and were scarred up "don't worry 'most' of these weren't self inflected" my chest and legs were also covered in the scars that the medic could not see.
[QUOTE="Wasteful Bucket]
Nina Laughs and says "thanks Heavy you are really nice... why are you nice to me?"
butch is shooting zombies and sees a guy walk up to Tal with a less drunk attidude"look out! Tal"

"say little girl, your vounds need medical attention, let me bandage zhat" he said while bandaging her wound

"... well no one ask before, but heavy used to have friend, she was small and cute, like you, you remind me of her, i lost her when zombie took her, i saw her in building roof with no eyes and teeth with blood and rotting skin, i had to end her suffering, so heavy took gun and it went 'bang' to her head... you remind me of her" he said letting out a little sob, altough he was a huge overweighted man he still had a heart @Wasteful Bucket
Nina looked at heavy and says "i know how that feels but worse i was almost a main dish"
Nathan nodded, taking what was left and heading for the door. He didn't know what else to do to comfort Dice — in all the time that had passed he hadn't dealt with this.

Tal turned sharply, spotting a dark-haired guy with very blue eyes. She spun and dispatched another zombie before looking at him again, eyeing him suspiciously. "Is he a corpse...?" She called to Butch.
He says not drunk at all "i don't know but all i know is that he is looking at YOU"

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