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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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Yappi said:
"Or atleast Talk to him, someone else with a German accent is rare"
AidanCee said:
I watch the video. But it's hard. . The young girl I knew wasn't on it I was sure. It was her shell.
"This is wrong. All of it ". I say to the Doctor.

@Wasteful Bucket @AidanCee @Yappi (sorry was afk, was at comp match in csgo)
Idina turns her head to the sound of two gunshots. She begins dodging between cars and zed as she raced along, diving into an alleyway between two houses. She was near the sound and she was sure of it. She took her Glock out and looked around, having lost the 'scent'
Salex said:
"sorry my friend, it's true, cctv footage, now make yourself at home drinks are in the lobby and the medic is at the barracks"
outside the hospital

"AH TINY BABY IS BACK!!!" the heavy said as he lifted nina "CUTE BABY MISS HEAVY?" he spoke in a heavy russian-english accent @Wasteful Bucket @AidanCee @Yappi (sorry was afk, was at comp match in csgo)
"I can't. I'm handcuffed " I say with a sarcastic lilt to my voice. "Just give me the girls and we'll get out of here"

I ‭‭‭shrug off another soldier who had grabbed my arm.
AidanCee said:
"I can't. I'm handcuffed " I say with a sarcastic lilt to my voice. "Just give me the girls and we'll get out of here"
I ‭‭‭shrug off another soldier who had grabbed my arm.
"unlock him" with those words the soldiers unhandcuffed him "listen pal, i didnt pick up these girls... these girls tried to go to me, i helped them, found them homes, treated them like they are my own newphews, so if your too blind too see that your as bad as butch" he said with a strict voice @AidanCee
Salex said:
"unlock him" with those words the soldiers unhandcuffed him "listen pal, i didnt pick up these girls... these girls tried to go to me, i helped them, found them homes, treated them like they are my own newphews, so if your too blind too see that your as bad as butch" he said with a strict voice @AidanCee
I shake my hands and wriggle from the soldiers.

"You've brain washed them." I point my finger into his chest. "They're not insane. You've driven them insane, you must have done. I've seen them out of here and they're different. They're little girls. And Butch, don't you say a bad word about Butch"!
((Alright. Will assume Dice is tagging along with Tal and Nathan))

Tal, meanwhile, was putting quite a dent in the small horde, hacking off corpse heads and hoping Nathan's clean-out efforts were going well.
AidanCee said:
I shake my hands and wriggle from the soldiers.
"You've brain washed them." I point my finger into his chest. "They're not insane. You've driven them insane, you must have done. I've seen them out of here and they're different. They're little girls. And Butch, don't you say a bad word about Butch"!
"i never brainwashed them, i have proof" and after that a soldier bought a recorder, there outmitted a voice clear, loud and true nina from a radio seeking help, and a cctv footage of harmony outside the gate "i made every troop record any radio encounters" he said "and butch? he is a drunken man with a troubled past, i feel bad for him, he tried shooting my choppers down while shouting 'damn you doc'" @AidanCee
"and also, I didn't drive them insane, I try to rip them out of their insanity, make them normal 10-year-olds again... I am doctor, I stand by the Hippocratic oath, thus this civilisation called the Hippocratic stand" he said @AidanCee
Salex said:
"i never brainwashed them, i have proof" and after that a soldier bought a recorder, there outmitted a voice clear, loud and true nina from a radio seeking help, and a cctv footage of harmony outside the gate "i made every troop record any radio encounters" he said "and butch? he is a drunken man with a troubled past, i feel bad for him, he tried shooting my choppers down while shouting 'damn you doc'" @AidanCee
"What's your game" I ask. I put my hand on my sword. I didn't intent to fight. But I felt I needed protection
AidanCee said:
"What's your game" I ask. I put my hand on my sword. I didn't intent to fight. But I felt I needed protection
as he put his hand on his sword doc's guards aimed their rifles but with a wave they lowered their weapons. he then moved towards his working table and got back with a green serum "this... this is my game, my work, our future as a species... im sure you understand what that means this is" he said @AidanCee
I walk out to the barracks "is zis medic I heard about around here?" I ask while I look for him, curious to talk to him
Dice whimpers as Nathan takes thr gun and she sits there with wide eyes. After a moment she grabs him in a tight hug and begins to sob.

"I want to leave. Please. Im a monster I cant see what ive done any longer."
Salex said:
as he put his hand on his sword doc's guards aimed their rifles but with a wave they lowered their weapons. he then moved towards his working table and got back with a green serum "this... this is my game, my work, our future as a species... im sure you understand what that means this is" he said @AidanCee
"I didn't pass chemistry" I say with sarcasm again. "That looks like a Doctor Seuss contraption"

I couldn't tell how I was being so cheeky. I wouldn't have dared be like this before
Yappi said:
I walk out to the barracks "is zis medic I heard about around here?" I ask while I look for him, curious to talk to him
the medic was wearing a white bloodied coat, with a crazy grin altough he is proffesional. "yes, i am zhe medic how may i help you my young kind?" he asked with a german accent @Yappi
AidanCee said:
"I didn't pass chemistry" I say with sarcasm again. "That looks like a Doctor Seuss contraption"
I couldn't tell how I was being so cheeky. I wouldn't have dared be like this before
"judging by your personality and stubborn headedness I couldn't imagine why" he said "this is mankind's future... an antidote to the zombie virus" he said "and yes, i've tested this, sadly this only lasts for 5 days before they turn zombie again" he said @AidanCee

Alec had spent the last few weeks working on a project. He was excited now that he thought that he was finished. He ran a coal-covered hand through his matted hair and stared at the boiler.

"Alice?" He called to his sister. She was never too far, but thankfully he'd been able to convince her to read while he worked. When she didn't answer, his brow furrowed in concern. That's strange. He thought to himself. He stepped out onto the metal platform and jumped across a little gap. "Alice, is everything okay?" He asked. As he looked in towards where he left her his heart jumped a little. Where did she go?

Panicked he leapt from the platform to the ground, calling loudly for his sister as he searched.

"SHH!" Alice hissed at him. He found her on the other side of the tracks they'd been camping near. His confusion must have been obvious, as she quickly and silently offered an explanation. When he looks towards where she'd pointed he saw what had worried her. A group of jeeps drove by in the distance. Alec couldn't tell from the angle if they were heading towards them or just following the dirt road that turned off. Either way, they were too close for comfort.

"Ready to go?" Alec whispered to her. He knew it was childish to think they could here the pair over the noises an open jeep made when driving, but he still spoke softly. "I'm ready to go."

Alice gave a small smile and nodded, leaning down to pick up the book she'd thrown out the window. She knew her job, so inside she headed.

Alec knew as soon as they started the engine whoever was in the jeeps would be racing towards them, they had to get going quickly. He jumped back into the boiler room and made sure everything was set. Once he looked out the window his fears were confirmed. They were heading towards the two of them. He raced around the boiler cart and leapt to the other platform. Once inside, he hurried to get the massive train going.

They were long gone by the time whoever it was got there, on their way to... somewhere...


Only the first three carts past the engine cart are attached.

Lance wandered around, occasionally bumping into some of the zombies he'd fallen in with. They had caught wind of some food and were following the train tracks to find it.
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Salex said:
"judging by your personality and stubborn headedness I couldn't imagine why" he said "this is mankind's future... an antidote to the zombie virus" he said "and yes, i've tested this, sadly this only lasts for 5 days before they turn zombie again" he said @AidanCee
Okay so if true, this was cool... But I was still suspicious

"But what about these insanity tests. Something doesn't make sense. Why did we have to kill a man who tried to beat Nina to death? Why have we been running from your goons?"
After the initial shock began subsiding Nathan hugged her back, rocking slightly. "You aren't a monster. You aren't. Let's take what we can and go. You're no monster, Dice," he whispered, sympathy and grief crashing over him. "Tal's outside. She's waiting for us with Butch." After a little while longer, Nathan started to stand, helping pull Dice to her feet before taking the gun from the floor and bolstering it on his side.
AidanCee said:
Okay so if true, this was cool... But I was still suspicious
"But what about these insanity tests. Something doesn't make sense. Why did we have to kill a man who tried to beat Nina to death? Why have we been running from your goons?"
"it's simple really, we thought you were raiders, and nina and harmony had the blood to be able to make the cure as long as 5 days, it only lasted for 30 minutes before because i used my blood" @AidanCee
Yappi said:
"I believe we have met" I say in a german accent remembering when I faked the sucide bomb.
"ah yes, you vere zhe idziot zhat had zhe fake bomb suicide, good trick, vut i doubt that vill vork next time" he said @Yappi
Salex said:
"it's simple really, we thought you were raiders, and nina and harmony had the blood to be able to make the cure as long as 5 days, it only lasted for 30 minutes before because i used my blood" @AidanCee
I nod. Still unconvinced but I didn't want to show it.

"Sure... So you wouldn't mind me leaving right this second to tell the world, huh. Because I will"

I push two soldiers out the way and go to leave the lab to see what this doc would do. In a way, I thought, if he's harming me, he can't harm the girls.
"Ya ya, needed to do something, in any case....why were you hunting me down?" I ask curiously, I recall Nina being there target
Nina says "hi heavy! yeah i did miss you!" she hugs him "but i'm not a baby" she says with a pout

Butch is still running "AHHHHH"
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